On the seventh level of Tianmen, he will accept many disciples as disciples.

This is the promise Yu Ziyu gave them.

Only then can they call themselves 'Eternal Disciples'.

Walking between heaven and earth.

As for now, it's not that Yu Ziyu doesn't want to.

But their destiny cannot bear it.

Not long after, Yu Ziyu also took a walk in the starry sky with all his disciples.

It's better to say it's a walk than to be free.

Let them experience more of the world.

The starry sky is too vast, even for the ruler.

In many places, they have never even heard of it.

But now, under the leadership of Yu Ziyu, they walked through one by one.

At this time, few people knew...The road Yu Ziyu walked was filled with hazy light.

That's Daohen.

An eternal statue will leave traces wherever it goes.

The Dao Mark is mysterious, revealing some of the Taoist meaning of the Eternal Venerable.

This meaning alone is an extremely precious and great opportunity for the Lord of the Starry Sky.

Therefore, the road where Yu Ziyu and his disciples are now will also have a very respectful name in the future - Starry Sky Ancient Road.

According to legend, the ancient time and space are the avenues of eternal enlightenment, the paths left along the way.......

At this time, Yu Ziyu, who was walking in the starry sky, also felt something in his heart.

"Starry Sky Ancient Road..."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu also saw the 'future'.

In the future, countless people will worship you.

There is also an ancient country, protected by a large family...

This is a little bit of the future.

Yu Ziyu, who touches time, can see a little bit from time to time.

Of course, this future fragment is not absolute.

As Yu Ziyu said, the future will change.

Like countless tributaries of a river, no one knows which tributaries it will lead to.

Even Yu Ziyu is not sure now.

Just because, among the tributaries of fate, there is an existence called 'variable'.

There are many 'variables' of this kind, really many.

In the eyes of the first immortal of the human race, Yu Ziyu was the 'variable'.

But now, in Yu Ziyu's eyes, there are many variables in the starry sky.

Like the Dragon Clan, there are thousands of variables

"I can understand many people's lives at a glance...Their life, old age, illness and death were all clear to me the moment I saw them."

"The variables are different. At first glance, I see chaos, full of infinite possibilities."

"Of course, for level six giants and above, there are even more variables...."

"With a certain level of cultivation, the future is unpredictable, and no one can predict how far he will go."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu was also speechless.

Variables are reasonable when they exist.

If there were no variables, it would be boring.

Everything can be seen at a glance.

Just like a program.

How boring it would be.

This is also a lot of great power. , the reason why they all selectively ignore 'variables'. For them, variables are the existence of fun.

The unknown is worth looking forward to.

However, among so many powerful people, only the Primordial Dao Ancestor cannot tolerate the existence of variables.

He The way is the way of heaven...

It is in harmony with the way of heaven.

It advocates that everything should be under the control of heaven.

Therefore, throughout the countless eras of prehistoric times, it should be the same as in the past.

In fact, even development is getting slower and slower.

And the big reason for this is because the Primordial Dao Ancestor suppressed all variables

"The legendary stone..."

"And the God of War from the Three-Eyed Clan should be a variable for the Primordial Dao Ancestor."

"Therefore, the stubborn stone turned into a Buddhist power and practiced Buddhism throughout his life."

"The one from the Three-Eyed Clan also has a public position and is known as the 'God of War of the Three Realms', but in reality he is bound by heaven......."

As he murmured in his heart, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but think of some legends from the ancient times.

Although, this is just a legend.

But it still has a certain degree of credibility.

In Yu Ziyu's view, the stubborn stone and the three eyes were variables.

They have endless possibilities.

Originally, there was a hope to win eternity.

But no matter what, they were born in the prehistoric times, in the era of the prehistoric Taoist ancestors....

But the prehistoric Taoist ancestor could not tolerate variables.

So, it was arranged from the moment they were born.

Even, use the great calamity to plan them.

Somewhat sad.

It’s also a bit deplorable.

And now, Yu Ziyu is able to do the same thing as the prehistoric Taoist ancestor.

That is to erase all variables and restore order to the starry sky.

Keep everything under control.

But Yu Ziyu didn’t want to...

He didn't want the starry sky to lose its vitality.

Loss of life.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu can tolerate all variables...

"Let's go."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also took many disciples to another place to travel.

But before leaving, Yu Ziyu walked a little bit not far away


Amid the sudden roar, the rhyme of the Tao permeated the air.

There, he left a realization.

An insight into the 'Law of Time'.

If you have a destined person, you may be able to rely on this insight, step on the path of time, and become one of the few strongest people in the starry sky. not only that...

While walking, Yu Ziyu also appropriately left behind some other relatively simple inheritances.

These inheritances are useless to him, but they are good for some people.

"I hope that some of you are destined to become my disciples."

Sighing from the heart, Yu Ziyu also continued to walk in the starry sky....

Time passed slowly, and hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye.

Yu Ziyu has finished his journey.

Truly returned to chaos

"How does it feel?"

A sudden voice sounded from behind, but it made the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curl up slightly.

"You and I are with you all the way, what do you say?"

"It should be okay, I see you really miss it."

In response softly, Chaos Bell Zhenling also walked out as usual and continued:

"So, are you at ease now?"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"My heart is at peace..."

"Next, just accompany them occasionally...And planning a great time..."... prehistoric times...Very scary.

However, now, he is in darkness, and the wilderness is in the light, not to mention that he has set foot in eternity....

In this way, it is not an exaggeration for him to say that he is"planning for great times".

At least, if the prehistoric side knew that the so-called 'extraterritorial evil demon' actually walked out of a 'saint'.

Moreover, he is also a saint who carries time and space on his back.

I'm afraid I'll have trouble sleeping and eating.

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