left the void...Yu Ziyu did not wander around the stars like in the past.

Instead, he chose to sit cross-legged on an unknown planet. he is waiting...

Waiting for some of his disciples to arrive.

Yes, disciple.

For example, now in a certain star region of Demon Court


Amid the soft murmurs, Yu Ziyu's eldest disciple, Sarah, the Queen of the Zerg, also felt Yu Ziyu's call.

No hesitation, no need to hesitate.

As the leader of the Zerg tribe, she abandoned the Zerg tribe and became the most brilliant light all by herself, heading towards a certain star field.

She is the master of the spiritual system.

He is a master of spirit.

There is no fixed body, the power relies on the spirit and can be extended endlessly.

The so-called telekinesis, interfering with reality, is very simple to her.

Moreover, unlike ordinary spiritual masters, Sarah, the Queen of the Zerg, has the blessing of the Zerg, and her spiritual power far exceeds that of other spiritual masters of the same type.

One person is a clan.

Although, the racial strength may be high or low.

But it can’t stand up to hundreds of millions of Zerg.

And this also makes the Queen of the Zerg, who is only on the third level of Tianmen, extremely powerful in combat.

But now, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was a touch of excitement.

Sarah was also full of joy and expectation.

She is obviously the master, but now she is like a little girl...Such joy.

Just because her master was calling him.

Her omnipotent, powerful and suffocating master.

It's not just her... Bo Xun who is in retreat in a star field...There is also a phoenix girl with eyes flashing with rainbow light, as bright as gems....

They all turned into a rainbow light at the first time and rushed towards the unknown star field....

And at the same time,


In the roar that seemed to come from ancient times, a white-robed figure holding a spear turned around and turned into an ancient ferocious bird that blocked the sky and sun, and rushed towards the unknown star field.

This is Kunpeng.

A legendary creature.

Known as 'the most powerful clan that dominates the superior races'.

Peng is so big that the heaven and earth cannot be measured.

Kun is so big...It is even more difficult for the immeasurable ocean to accommodate.

This clan was originally a clan that was riding in chaos, but now it is attached to the Demon Court and has become the guardian beast of the Demon Court.

And now, Yu Ziyu’s fourth disciple is the most powerful genius from the Kunpeng clan....He also rushed to the star field where Yu Ziyu was....

It's just not just them

"Oops, master finally remembered his disciple."

Amidst the very aggrieved voice, a girl with white clothes and white hair, who was as beautiful as a celestial being, also pouted. Her face was full of resentment.

She is the demon god of the Abyss clan!! She can modify memory and control everything.

The body, It's the Abyss Demon Spider, and she belongs to the same family as the Queen of the Abyss.

Moreover, she is the biological sister of the Queen of the Abyss.

But...Somehow, she actually became a disciple of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Now, he is in charge of the dragnet.

As for her master, he has become a hands-off shopkeeper and has not been involved in the dragnet for thousands of years.

If it hadn't been for the last breakthrough, Bai would have suspected that her master had gone into seclusion.


With a sigh, Bai could not hide her excitement.

With every jump, she seemed to be teleporting, crossing space and heading straight to the unknown star field.

"Master Ming Wang, I leave the dragnet to you, I don’t care about it anymore."

Waving his hand, Bai was as happy as a child.


After a moment of silence, King Ming of the Peacock clan also shook his head helplessly.

How come this guy doesn't seem to have grown up after all these years?

But that's the one.

There is no one in the world who can make a girl who is like a goddess smile.

"The eternal lord of time and space..."

Amidst the soft murmurs, the eyes of King Peacock Ming from far away couldn't stop flickering.

With the name of 'eternity', one can imagine how terrifying this person is.

And he truly lives up to his name...

At this time, on the nameless planet, Lan stood quietly next to Yu Ziyu.

As the wings behind him spread out, white feathers flew across the sky and earth, turning into bright light rain, illuminating the whole world....


Suddenly sighing, Lan also looked in the direction not far away.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

In bursts of light, one outstanding figure after another appeared quietly in front of Yu Ziyu.

The master, everything is the master.

Even the second disciple Bo Xun has stepped into the Dominion...

What is even more shocking is that...Huang Nushi didn't know when she set foot on the fourth level of Tianmen. taboo

"Disciple pays homage to Master..."

"Disciple pays homage to Master..."

"Disciple pays homage to Master..."..

Amid the chorus of greetings, the figures who had already set foot on the throne were all prostrate on the ground.

Eyes burning.

However, Yu Ziyu did not respond to these.

He is like an ancient monk, with his eyes closed and sitting quietly cross-legged.

Everything has nothing to do with him.

There is just an increasingly subtle atmosphere.

In response, Yu Ziyu's four disciples did not choose to get up.

Instead, they all prostrate themselves on the ground.

Master didn't say anything, and they just couldn't kneel down....

Time passed slowly, and days passed in the blink of an eye.

Until, with ripples, a girl with long white hair, like a celestial being, appeared between heaven and earth.


Amidst the excited voices, the girl from far away seemed to have discovered something and rushed towards Yu Ziyu.

He even shouted:

"Master, you are precious to me forever. You can come to me with just one thought. How could you drive me so far away?"

As he said that, Bai's face couldn't help showing a look of resentment.

However, at the next moment, as if he had discovered something, Bai was also startled and looked not far away.

There, four handsome men Beauty, crawl quietly...I can’t afford to kneel down for a long time

"Forehead...You are..."

In some astonishment, the white brows also raised:

"By the way, it seems that you are also Master's disciples...In that case, you are my senior sisters and senior brothers, hahaha..."

Amid the laughter that sounded like silver bells, a look of understanding appeared on Bai's face.

She vaguely understood why the master summoned her here.

This is 'recognition of relatives!! '

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