"Have you become a god?..."

In a daze, Lan asked a strange question.

God, this is the honorific title given to the Eternal Lord by the angel family.

This god is not a god.

Not even gods.

God is God.

Omnipotent, yet unable to do something.

Beyond human understanding, supreme.

Therefore, Lan was startled when he looked at the thirty-six wings on Yu Ziyu's back.

"You should have noticed it."

In the soft response, Yu Ziyu also showed a smile on his face.

There are countless strong people in the world, but there is only one Eternal.

Until now, many people don't know who Eternal is?

Where he comes from, and where he comes from.

This For them, it is too far away.

Just like the world of ordinary people, if the emperor changes, will it affect the lives of ordinary people?

Of course not.

But this emperor can kill millions of people with just one thought....

And this is the case with Yu Ziyu.

Nowadays, only many forces under Yu Ziyu and even some of his friends know that the first Eternal Venerable in the Starry Sky is the first-generation Demon King with amazing talent in Demon Court!!!

But now, Lan looked at it blankly, but it was...stunned.

As her gaze lingered, her eyes flickered, showing uneasiness and even nervousness. until...


With a sigh, an illusory figure of a child slowly emerged.

He carries sixteen wings on his back, and his face is childish, but he is the legendary imperial soldier's sacred sixteen wings.

"Subordinate, Sixteen Wings, I have seen the great Lord of Time and Space..."

While speaking softly, Emperor Bingyi also knelt down slowly in front of Lan.

This is the surrender from the imperial soldiers.

This is what really made Lan's eyes widen.

Just because of this moment, the light all over the sky continues to dissipate...Amidst the flying golden feathers, a strange yet familiar figure was revealed.

His statue still stands in the Demon Court.

The angel clan also regarded him as their emperor.

Even if the years pass by, he will remain forever.

Just because he is the first demon emperor of Demon Court...

Yes, the first generation Demon Emperor.

In a daze, Lan couldn't help but lose consciousness.

Is the fifth Seraph actually the first generation Demon Emperor?

A little lost, but more at a loss

"From now on, always be by my side and be my right winger."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also raised his hand, caressed Lan's cheek, and reminded:

"Fallen angel Lucifer is my left wing, you are my right wing..."

"Right is up, left is down, I need your wings..."...

Listening quietly, Lan couldn't help but be shocked.

Then, without hesitation or need to hesitate, she knelt down and knelt on the ground.

"Lan, I have met the great Lord of Time and Space"


While nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The left and right angels are the angel family, the highest angel after God.

They are the archangels in the true sense. They not only need to be at the top of their cultivation, but also need to be among the legends Only with the approval of God can such a"title" be granted.

And now, Yu Ziyu has named"Lan" as the right wing, which shows that he loves Lan.

As he said, whenever someone calls, he will definitely respond.....

In response to Lan's thoughts, Yu Ziyu is also a rare person walking in the angel star field.

It's different from before.

Today's angel clan is very prosperous.

As one of the royal families of Demon Court, the treatment of the Angel Clan is pretty good in all aspects.

Not only has the territory expanded several times, but there is also an endless supply of powerful people.

Until now, the entire angel family has five rulers alone.

All of them have amazing fighting prowess.

And Lan is the most powerful person in the angel clan.

Carrying speed, she can travel against the flow of time, and her combat power is terrifying.

Normally, it would be difficult for a master to do anything to her.

There is a saying that goes well,


It's really incomprehensible to be as fast as Lan.

It's just a pity that Lan's speed is not enough for Yu Ziyu.

Just like now, thousands of meters away...

"bring it on."

Sitting high on the throne, Yu Ziyu also waved to the blond woman in the distance.


Nodding, Lan also spread his wings.


As the white feathers flew, her entire body turned into a dazzling stream of light, flying towards Yu Ziyu at extremely fast speed.

Speed ​​breaks through again and again...

The neighing became louder and louder, and afterimages appeared intermittently.....There is actually a river emerging in the void, a long river of time...

This is a vision, a real vision, and now Lan seems to be traveling against the long river of time.

At this moment, the world seemed to have stopped.

Everything is solidified!!! until...

"This is?"

Amidst the sudden exclamation, Lan discovered that the figure he was far away from was getting farther and farther away.

It seemed that he couldn't chase him.

"Is this the legendary unlimited technique?"

Her heart was horrified, and Lan's eyes widened.

Recently, she had nothing to do and asked Yu Ziyu for advice.

And Yu Ziyu did not refuse.

Since Lan's speed is enough to reverse the flow of time

, let's challenge the unlimited spell.

"The technique with no lower limit is the ultimate in space and can be extended infinitely. No matter how fast you are, I can also extend the space until it is endless."

"Therefore, when your speed of advancement cannot keep up with the speed of my space expansion, you will become farther and farther away from me."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also waved his sleeves.


In the sudden roar, Lan discovered that the world was constantly changing.

It's like going backwards, from the angel planet, to the angel star field, to the end of the universe...

In just a few breaths, she had reached the edge of the universe - the sea of ​​chaos and mist.

Behind it is an endless sea of ​​chaotic fog. in front of me...A figure sat quietly on the throne, but this figure was in the Angel Star Territory.

Just a few steps away, truly the ends of the earth

"Is this the eternal divine power?"

As she screamed in disbelief, Lan also widened her eyes.

She knew that eternity was terrifying.

But she didn't expect that it would be so terrifying.

In front of eternity, she was like a child, with no power to resist, right?

No. , it’s not that they don’t have the power to resist.

It’s that they don’t even have the chance to resist.

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