In the mysterious dimensional rift, everything is nothingness.

Even if he dominates, he will not be able to find an end without special means.

And deep in this dimensional rift, a red true dragon keeps wandering in the depths of the dimension.

She is tireless.

I don’t know, tired...

Just know, keep moving forward. until a certain moment...As if sensing something, she slowly raised her eyes, a flash of excitement and complexity flashed deep in her eyes.

"Has he made a breakthrough?..."

In the midst of sighing from the heart, the Dragon King's dreamy consciousness also awakened in his body.

She noticed her elder brother's breakthrough.

Very scary.

At a young age, we set foot on eternity.

Standing at the pinnacle of evolution.

Such an existence, looking at countless epochs, can be regarded as unique.

However, his consciousness sank again, and Dragon King Mengmeng did not choose to leave.

Her mission is to guard the dimension.

She is the gatekeeper.

Throughout life, there is only protection.

Unless, one day, there is a new successor......

Time passed slowly, and several years passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, the Dragon King's dream wandered as always.

But the next moment, she was stunned.

At the far end, two figures came together.

A figure, wearing a golden robe, has a resolute and handsome face.

This is Kunpengzi.

The unparalleled genius of the Kunpeng clan.

He is also the second generation demon master of Demon Court.

And beside...

An unimaginable figure stood quietly.

He is indescribable.

But at the first sight of him, everything seemed to be deprived.

And this was just a distraction for Yu Ziyu.

But the oppressive force is more terrifying than the ordinary half-step eternity.

"Long time no see, little sister."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

Everything was a foregone conclusion.

He set foot on eternity as he wished....

Many things can be let go.

For example, the little sister he cares about most is Meng Meng...

A wave of his right hand...


There was only a loud noise, like a shattering sound, and countless long-standing memories emerged from the depths of my mind.

In order to prevent Meng Meng from suffering, Yu Ziyu hid many of her memories.

But's all over

"Big brother...Second brother..."

In a daze, Dragon King Mengmeng couldn't help but lose his voice....

And not long after, the figure swayed...

A beautiful figure wearing a red dress walked out of the haze.

Long time no see, Dragon King Meng Meng lost a bit of his majesty.

A little more soft...

However, this does not affect her heroic appearance.

At the beginning, she was ranked among the top ten in the Hundred Flowers List.

She is the most beautiful woman in the sky.

Today, she is still firmly in the top ten.

And this is the Dragon King...dream

"I stepped into eternity..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu looked at Meng Meng with particularly complicated eyes.

He was sorry for Mew.

Dreamy regards him as his eldest brother.

No, it's not just as simple as the eldest brother.

That hazy love, that hazy emotion, Yu Ziyu understands it.

But as for him, for the great cause, for...

Finally chose calculation...

Although, a lot of what he did was for the good of Dream.

I don’t hope that one day, the two brothers and sisters will meet each other in battle.

But...A calculation is a calculation after all.

Nothing can be changed.

But now...

A thought came to my mind.

A table, three chairs, a wine bottle, and some side dishes.

The three of them were also drinking together in the deepest part of the dimension....


Amidst the heartfelt congratulations, Kun Pengzi looked at the figure not far away with disbelief.

But what was more, he was indescribable surprise and excitement.


This is living eternity.

Rare in the era, the true pinnacle of cultivation.

With one thought, heaven and earth will perish.

With one movement, everything disappears.

It's terrifying beyond imagination

"You should also work hard."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also drank with Kun Pengzi.

However, at this time, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"You, a race of chaos, live in the sea of ​​chaos. If you can, you can move your race to where my body is rooted."

"There, with my protection, your family will have no worries"...

Listening quietly, Kun Pengzi also looked excited.

"Here, the younger brother replaces the older brother of the Kunpeng clan."

Bowing deeply, Kun Pengzi also knew that their family's choice was right. It was really right.

One statue will protect the family forever.

It is enough to allow the race to last for tens of thousands of years without declining.

What's more important is that...Because of their entanglement with eternity, their family's luck will soar, and they will surely become more prosperous in the future.

This is the Kunpeng clan, the proudest and most correct choice....

Time passed slowly, and several days passed in the blink of an eye.

Yu Ziyu chatted a lot with Dragon Emperor and Kun Pengzi.

However, not long after, Kun Pengzi took the first step and chose to resign.

Left alone, Dragon King Huanmeng sat quietly in front of Yu Ziyu.

In the quiet depths of the dimension, everything is nothingness...

There are only two people in the world of Nuo Da. they look at each other...What greeted him was the girl Xiafei's cheeks, her eyes becoming more and more complex.

If there is any, it has not been said yet.

But I dare not say it anymore.

There was just deathly silence.

Until, a certain moment...The Dream Dragon King kept sipping wine, drunkenness welling up in his heart...

Gui is the master...

Especially since she was still the dimensional master of the sixth level of Tianmen, she shouldn't have been drunk.

But she couldn't stand Qiong Yao's Immortal Brew, let alone her. She gave up the protection of her spiritual power and the blessing of the law....

She wanted to get drunk.

Therefore, drunkenness

"Big know..."

"Very early, long I...."

"But I don't dare...I am the emperor of the Dragon Clan. My existence is to lead the Dragon Clan to prosperity...."

"And the Demon Court you commanded once threatened the status of our dragon clan...."


As he continued to talk, it seemed that he was unwilling to say anything, and the Dragon King's dreamy eyes became more and more blurred.

She knew about Yu Xue's existence.

I heard it from my second brother.

She also knew that Yu Ziyu was the second daughter.

I also know that Yu Ziyu has many admirers.

But she still wanted to say...

She is a latecomer, but her feelings for Yu Ziyu are not inferior to others...

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