Great supernatural powers, yes, great supernatural powers.

This would be an extremely terrifying magical power.

As for why it is a great supernatural power, it is naturally because it is a perfect method.

Even heaven and earth will remember it

"However, the details of the space-time sword formation still need to be deduced."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at the purple meaning deep in his soul.

His golden finger - the incomplete corner of the jade butterfly.

With this golden finger, Yu Ziyu can completely use the evolutionary point to change time and space. The sword formation has been deduced to an extreme.

This is where Yu Ziyu's confidence lies.

He has not only given birth to the most powerful auxiliary supernatural powers such as the Nine Realms of Heaven. He must also combine his own laws to deduce the most powerful offensive power that is unique to him. supernatural power

"There are countless magical powers in the world, but my Space-Time Sword Formation must be among the top three."

"It's enough to compete with the great supernatural power to transform the three pure things."

"The sword array evolves into a world, summoning infinite starlight...The enemy is immortal, the starlight is not only there, but it is also sealed, bound, etc...."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at the Chaos Bell Zhenling not far away.

"Not long ago, I told you about the Space-Time Sword Formation. How do you feel about it?"


While speaking softly, Chaos Bell Zhenling said bluntly:

"However, it is estimated that only you can master this great magical power, and it is absolutely impossible for future generations to master it."

"The threshold is so high that it is even more terrifying than having the power to transform the three pure beings with one breath."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was also silent.


Not to mention other things, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation of the ten major formations alone is not something that ordinary strong people can find.

Moreover, this great magical power requires even more burdens. The laws of time and space.

Even, you need to have unique insights into formations.

Good guy...

The threshold for a small, great magical power is as high as stepping into eternity.

No wonder, Chaos Bell Zhenling said that this is a great magical power that only Yu Ziyu can cultivate.

"However, this also means that this will become my exclusive magical power..."

"Moreover, its power..."

Smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

It should be scary.

After all, it's very exciting to catch someone and then blast them with endless starlight.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu heard the Chaos Bell Zhenling and reminded:

"After all, your great magical power only exists in theory. It is not an ordinary difficulty to truly create it."

"That's true."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also admitted.

However, unfortunately, what Chaos Bell Zhenling didn't know was that Yu Ziyu had the fragment of the jade butterfly of creation.

This is his biggest secret.

Although, it doesn't matter if people know it now.

But Yu Ziyu still He likes to keep a secret.

Just like now, many powerful people know that he has set foot in eternity, but they don’t know that he has become the master of the Chaos Clock.

"Even if I step into eternity, the low-keyness in my bones will not change."

While sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu also plans to find time to completely refine the fragments of the jade butterfly into his soul.

In this way, it will not only greatly increase the strength of his soul, but also greatly enhance his understanding.

It can also In a true sense, let the fragments of the created jade butterfly be part of him.

At that time, this fragment of the created jade butterfly would truly belong to him.

Not only that,

Yu Ziyu also planned to use the fragments of the created jade butterfly to deceive future generations. The prehistoric Taoist has one hand.

The prehistoric Taoist is in charge of most of the creation of Jade Butterfly.

He has comprehended the three thousand avenues....

After such a long time, his understanding of countless laws has reached a level that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Not to mention, creating a jade butterfly can also deduce various magical powers and even great magical powers.

So Yu Ziyu prepared for the worst.

That is the Primordial Taoist, and it is very likely that he has mastered all the laws except the ten supreme laws.

It is more likely that he has comprehended all magical powers except the top ones.

He can understand all wonderful methods.

He can understand all methods clearly.

As for why it is impossible for him to master all the supreme laws.

This is impossible.

If he had mastered all the supreme laws, he would have already transcended.

Moreover, there is another point, the ten supreme laws, which have been passed down to this day.

Each generation is controlled by only one person.

If one person holds it and carries it, it means that it is impossible for others to touch it.

However, Yu Ziyu is now burdened with two supreme laws. How can the prehistoric Taoist master master them? so...

"With the creation of jade butterflies and such a long time, the prehistoric Taoist ancestor may really be like the way of heaven, omnipotent..."

"But without true detachment, he is destined to have flaws

"And I just need to find it."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu has regarded the Primordial Dao Ancestor as an 'imaginary enemy' and is targeting him as much as possible.

Now, he is still groping.

With such an imaginary enemy as the Primordial Dao Ancestor, his growth can also be accelerated.

Not to mention anything else. , the Space-Time Sword Formation alone was tailor-made by Yu Ziyu for the Ancestor of the Ancient World.

Otherwise, Yu Ziyu’s current methods alone are enough to overwhelm the rest of eternity, so how could he possibly need to create more terrifying magical powers as much as possible?.

In the final analysis, only when there is pressure can there be motivation.

And Yu Ziyu is a person with a sense of crisis.

Stepping into eternity did not make him relax his vigilance.

On the contrary, it made him even more frightened.

Even his gaze looking outside the realm of chaos was... It's a little more complicated.

Although he can't see the prehistoric Taoist ancestors, he can feel that there is an unprecedented enemy waiting for him.

"The power of the Great Ancestor is beyond my imagination"

"However, I also have an advantage. I buried the years of this era, hiding myself and even this era."

"It is impossible for the current prehistoric Taoist ancestors to know about me. I still have a long time to develop slowly."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also felt the horror of time and space.

If it were replaced by other supreme laws, it is estimated that only fate can hide from the world and avoid the perception of the ancient Taoist ancestors?

As for reincarnation, infinite, to be honest, although these supreme laws are terrifying , but if they are carried on their backs and rely on them to set foot in eternity, they will definitely not be able to hide it from the eyes of the Taoist ancestors.

And at that time, what is waiting for them is likely to be the catastrophe of the era that will usher in advance.

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