"People are in harmony..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at the golden figure not far away.

If he could really unite his mind and soul, then he might really have the power to fight that person.

You know, today's Chaos Clock is no better than before.

The current Chaos Clock has already taken that step on its own.

It can be regarded as a half-step of transcendence.

Calling it the 'First Divine Weapon of Chaos' is not an exaggeration.

Such an existence, coupled with someone like Yu Ziyu who is a master of time and space, its combat power is terrifying, probably beyond imagination.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

But now...

Rooted in the depths of chaos, and entering into a slow transformation, Yu Ziyu also turned his mind and went to the Nine Realms of Heaven.

There were already many people there, waiting for him...

The world of vitality is the world with the richest vitality among the nine realms.

A single breath by ordinary people can probably extend their lives by several years.

Such rich vitality makes the whole world lush and green, becoming more and more vast.

Just, now,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, the entire living world is shaking.

Visible to the naked eye, the edge of the vital world is expanding crazily as if there is no end.

Push further and further.

The Nine Realms is the big world nurtured by the Nine Realms of Yu Ziyu, the great god who can reach the sky.

Now, Yu Ziyu has set foot in eternity, and the Nine Realms have also undergone further transformation.

Nowadays, the Nine Realms are more than just the big world.

If given time to multiply, the Nine Realms would probably turn into nine large worlds like fairyland.

And that's the real horror.

Not only the great world of vitality, but also the other eight realms are constantly expanding.

However, this does not affect the life in the depths of the Nine Realms.

Visible to the naked eye, a light shield like glass rose up in the Nine Realms at some point.

This light shield protects everything, and also protects all living beings in the nine realms.

Even if the nine realms of heaven and earth change, these nine realms will not change.

And now...


A sudden roar exploded from the sky and the earth, shocking all living beings in the world of vitality.

"This is?"

"Is this a bell?"

"Wait, that can't be it."

Amidst repeated exclamations, countless people discovered that a bell appeared between heaven and earth.

A golden giant bell.

And the moment this giant bell appeared, the hearts of all living beings trembled, and even their souls were shaken. Started to tremble.

However, this is not scary.

What is really scary is that a figure actually appears in front of this golden bell....

A figure whose face cannot be seen clearly

"This is?"


"My God, the master has arrived."

Amidst the continuous exclamations, Jiuwei and Ling'er were excited.

Even the many sacred trees were trembling.

They felt it. They felt the great terror coming from the depths of their blood.

Unimaginable pressure emerged in the world..

Visible to the naked eye, this piece of heaven and earth seems to be unable to bear his presence, and is constantly cracking.

The sky seems to be cracked, like a spider web, going in all directions


With a soft drink, as if the words were spoken, the world was shaken.

Then it returned to calm.

This is Yu Ziyu using his own strength to maintain the stability of the world.

However, I have to say that the current Yu Ziyu is very scary.

Alone. It was a thought that the world seemed unable to bear.

It was so terrifying that it was simply suffocating.

And now...

Slowly raising his eyes, Yu Ziyu also looked at the people on the palace square not far away.

Nine tails, the sacred tree reaching the sky, Ling'er...

No, more than that...

With a wave of his right hand,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

One after another, space-time vortexes appeared between heaven and earth.

And at the same time, a whirlpool like a black hole appeared in many places in the starry sky....

"What's this?"

Amidst some astonishment, a middle-aged man with gray hair looked at the whirlpool not far away in shock.

He is Qing Fan.

We haven't seen him for tens of thousands of years, and he is already at the peak of the sixth level.

Although he has gray hair, Full of energy.

But now, he was stunned.

A vortex appeared in front of him silently.

However, the next moment, as if he realized something, his expression suddenly changed


"Really a master."

With a very excited voice, Qingfan jumped directly into the whirlpool without even a moment's hesitation.

But it wasn't just Qingfan.

The golden ant was still in seclusion in the distance, and the purple sickle sitting on the top of the void.

And the sleeping emperor crocodile...

One strong person after another entered the vortex immediately. even...

"Is this an invitation from the Eternal Lord?..."

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and the Lord of Samsara, who was traveling in the depths of chaos, stepped directly into the vortex without hesitation.

The Eternal Lord.

From ancient times to the present, there are only a few in an era.

If you want to kill such a being, just one thought is enough.

And now, the Eternal Lord invites him.

It's his pleasure.

This is a rare opportunity in his life.

However, not only him,


With a sigh, the daughter of destiny, the third princess of the human divine dynasty, hesitated.

She didn't know how to face this person.

Her mood was complicated and she was hesitant.

But, at this time,

"What are you hesitating about?"

Said softly, like a whisper in his ears, an illusory figure actually appeared in front of him

"Who are you?"

Her eyes widened, and the third princess was also stunned.

A familiar face, a familiar tone.

Isn't this the confidant who has followed her for thousands of years?

Isn't it also the love of her life?

"I was transformed into a wisp of his thoughts, and it is not difficult to resurrect me."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's thought was to raise his right hand.

"Let's go and see him"

"The first eternity in the starry sky is also the strongest eternity in ancient and modern times. I look forward to meeting you."...

Listening to the voice of this grandma selling melons and boasting about herself, the third princess couldn't help but smile.

She smiled, a rare smile.

However, she did not refuse the extended right hand.

If it were him, the third princess would only say 'yes'’

"Ontology says, everything is false, he is me, I am him"

"Sometimes, it's just that you don't want to accept his existence."...

While speaking softly, Xuying also advised.

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