
Under the circumstances of knowing that nothing can be done, committing martyrdom is undoubtedly the best choice for the first immortal in the human race.

Even though he knew he had no chance of winning, he still chose to start the final trial....

Isn't this martyrdom?

To put it more directly, it is to die.

"Are you sure you want to start the final trial?"

While asking softly, Tiandao Qinglong was also puzzled. He wondered why the number one immortal of the human race made such a choice?

"This is my choice and will not change."

In response, the first immortal of the human race looked into the deepest part of the chaos.

"I haven’t seen him for ten thousand years. I also want to see how far he has come?"


During the silence, both the Azure Dragon of Heaven and the Purple Dragon of Void knew who 'he' was referring to?

This deity is ancient and unrivaled in the present.

Today, no one knows how far he has reached.

Even the Heavenly Blue Dragon, the Void Purple Dragon and the Lord of the Blood Sea don't know.

The moment he escaped from the depths of chaos, he had severed the connection between him and his clone.

He can sense all kinds of clones.

But it is difficult for the clone to peek into his existence.

However, one thing is for sure.

That is the true body, and now it is probably more terrifying than anyone imagined.

You know, he has set foot in the ninth level of Tianmen in less than ten thousand years.

Now, another ten thousand years have passed.

He keeps settling and accumulating...

Who knows how far he has reached.

And now...

"You should retreat. Although you are powerful, you have just set foot on the ninth level of Tianmen, and you are not my opponent yet."

While speaking softly, the number one immortal of the human race looked at the three figures who appeared in front of him at some unknown time and laughed.

I have to say that his three major identities are all terrifying.

Give it some more time. , these clones alone may be able to compete with him.

Especially the current Lord of the Blood Sea. Although he is powerful, he is afraid that he will be unable to do anything.

The Blood God's Great Technique is no joke.

If the Lord of the Blood Sea really uses the Blood God's Great Technique, He has cultivated to the state of great achievement and refined 480 million Blood God Sons. Not to mention that he is only half a step into eternity. Even a true Eternal Venerable will still find it difficult....’

The Lord of the Void and the Azure Dragon of Heaven also have their own mysteries, which are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"This person's luck is terrible, beyond imagination."

While sighing in his heart, the number one immortal of the human race saw the Lord of the Void, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, and the Azure Dragon of Heaven each taking a step forward.

Along with it, a shocking aura rose into the sky.


Like a dragon roaring, the shadow of a ten thousand-foot-long green dragon was already galloping in the chaos.

The other two figures also manifested boundless visions.

"One-on-one, it’s really not as good as waiting for me...You are eternal after all. Even if you are down and out now, you are not something we can compare with."

"However, three against one, we are worthy of waiting...."

"Please do one."

While speaking softly, the leader Qinglong Venerable also stepped out in one step.

Qinglong can be regarded as the first clone on the surface.

Now, as he said this, the other two clones also took a step forward and followed. Behind Tiandao Qinglong

"Is that so?..."

With a chuckle, the first immortal of the human race did not refuse.

So be it.

Let’s do one with these three people first.

If he couldn't even defeat the clone, how could he challenge that one? so...


Raising his right hand, the smile on the face of the First Immortal of the Human Race became even stronger.

"Then I won't be polite."

Looking at each other, the three clones also showed solemn expressions.

Ordinary half-step eternity, they are really worthy of it.

But this one is different, he is an existence that has stepped into eternity.

Even if he is down now, it is far beyond half-step eternity.

It is called It's not an exaggeration to call it 'pseudo-eternal'.

So, it's tricky, very tricky.

However, as if they thought of something, the three of them suddenly showed a fiery look.

Until now, they have never really made a move.

Now, it is a battle worth looking forward to...


Amidst the sudden dragon roar, the Void Purple Dragon actually took the initiative.

With a teleport, he charged up his right fist, and in an instant he was in front of the first immortal of the human race.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering sound, a huge purple beam of light shot out from his right fist.

It was a pillar of light mixed with the power of the void and great power.

It looks like an ordinary punch.

In fact, it is a double whammy.

If you really think this is a spiritual light beam, take action to block it.

That infinite power will probably destroy everything immediately.


Amid the sudden loud noise, as the Lord of the Void narrowed his eyes, there was actually a black and white shadow of a Yin-Yang fish, blocking the way of the first immortal of the human race.


Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, endless strength and spiritual power poured out in all directions.

"Yin Yang fish diagram..."

In the soft murmur, Qinglong, who communicates with the underworld, also recognized this terrifying magical power.

A terrifying supernatural power born from the laws of yin and yang.

All things originate from Yin and Yang and return to Yin and Yang.

It can absorb all attacks and enhance its own defense.

Visible to the naked eye, the yin-yang fish diagram continues to become larger and larger.

Moreover, it becomes more and more solid.

Looking from a distance, it is shocking.

And just when Tiandao Qinglong recognized this magical power, the Void Purple Dragon and the Lord of the Blood Sea, who were connected to him, also knew it for the first time.

"It's really scary."

With a chuckle, I don't know when the Lord of the Blood Sea, who was sitting cross-legged on the bloody lotus platform, also formed a seal with his hands.

"This is the holy law of fighting."

With a loud shout,


Just hearing a loud noise, chaos shook.

Along with it, a bloody figure shot out from the body of the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood.

He was like a nine-day god and demon, fighting against the heaven and the earth.

The moment he burst out, his world-shattering fighting spirit shook the chaos.

This is the holy law of fighting.

It has an offensive power that exceeds the limits of the human body! A new self transformed from the original body, flew away, and transformed into a fighting god fetus!

The attack power of this divine fetus is unparalleled in the world. If the power of the ninth level of Tianmen is used, it can kill immortals and gods, destroy all opponents, and now,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, there was actually the Dou Zhan Divine Embryo, which transformed into tens of thousands, displayed thousands of magical powers, and all attacked the first immortal of the human race.

With the palm that covers the sky, it can destroy everything, and with a shocking finger, it can crush chaos....

Infinite magical powers...But they all attacked the Yin Yang Fish Picture.

This is the pride of the three clones.

You said it was able to absorb all attacks and strengthen itself.

Then let you absorb the three clones, with infinite spiritual power, countless magical powers, and boundless attacks.

Let's see who can't bear it first.

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