The purple dragon in the void has arrived.

It arrived in an unimaginable manner.

Look down on everything, look down on everything.

Taking one step out, the void shook.

Vaguely, countless people saw it...In the distance, there is a figure, stepping on the sky.

It was a tall and burly figure.

Her long hair, which seems to be purple but not purple, seems to be black but not black, is blowing in the wind.

The dragon's horns are raised high, as if they are about to tear the world apart.

A pair of eyes, deep and cold, seeming to hide endless edge.

This is the body of Yu Ziyu’s purple dragon in the void.

After a long time, he became even more powerful.

Even his temperament is like that of a god or demon, not angry but powerful

"Let’s meet the Lord of the Void"

"We will pay our respects to the Lord of the Void."

In the chorus of greetings, countless powerful people were prostrate. Even the Supreme Lord of the Void, the Concubine of the Void and the Purple Scythe of the Void couldn't help but prostrate themselves on the ground. The Lord of the Void, the

Supreme of the Void.

Irreplaceable, even more so. Unique.

And now, slowly raising his eyes, Yu Ziyu is also looking down at the world. His cold eyes, without any emotion, make countless strong people's chests tighten.

The more powerful the life form, the more violent it trembles.

Only Only when you are powerful can you truly feel the terror and terror of this living being.

"The void should be honored."

While speaking softly, the Lord of the Void's voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the world.

However, before countless void life forms cheered, the Lord of the Void slowly raised his eyes and looked towards the distance. The illusory fire started.

This is the fire of civilization.

However, soon after, it will absorb the boundless destiny of the void, turn the void into reality, and descend into reality.

"I, the Lord of the Void, the Bearer of the Void...The bearer of the void..."

"Now, in the name of void, I will definitely carry the entire void and carry the vast earth of void on my back...."


Speaking one after another, the words of the Lord of the Void resounded through the void like an oath.

Along with it, countless purple lightnings crisscrossed the sky.

Vaguely, a faint purple eye can be seen emerging from the clouds.

This is the Eye of the Void, the manifestation of the heavenly consciousness of the Void.

And now, it has arrived.

But, compared to before, it seemed to have lost its emotions.

And this is also true.

Its spiritual intelligence has long been swallowed up by the Tiandao Azure Dragon and has become the nourishment of the Tiandao Azure Dragon.

This is also the reason why Tiandao Qinglong has grown so fast.

And its power was stripped away by the Lord of the Void.

Therefore, the appearance of the Eye of the Void means more that the true body of the Lord of the Void has descended between heaven and earth.


Amid the sudden roar, in the distance, under the horrified gazes of countless people, there was a huge figure deep in the sky, slowly swimming and shuttled.

That is the true form of the Lord of the Void.

A real dragon big enough to encircle the world.

But now, it is wandering outside the void, and its head is slowly reaching down....

But it covered half of the sky of the Void Empire.

The purple dragon head is like a mask upside down in the sky of the Void Empire.

Huge and vast


Amidst the sudden dragon roar, the void shook.

But it was this real dragon that could surround the world that slowly opened its mouth.

There was a flash of fire locked in his throat.

Immediately afterwards,


Just hearing a ground-breaking roar, the bright dragon's breath was like an infinite beam of light tearing apart the world, heading straight for the distant fire of illusory civilization.

"Please, the fire of civilization comes."

With a loud shout, more and more vast power surged out from the body of the void body, turning into a purple beam of light that went straight to the sky and the earth.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

Amidst the continuous roar, the whole world shook.

Visible to the naked eye, the immeasurable light pillar actually fell into the fire of illusory civilization, disappearing silently but constantly.

However, if you pay attention at this time, you will definitely be able to see the fire of illusory civilization, burning more and more fiercely, as if it is going to burn up the sky.

"I'll wait for the new firewood..."

"Just to ignite the fire of civilization."

During the soft narration, countless void life forms felt something in their hearts and raised their eyes at the same time.

Especially Ziyan, the sky concubine, even transformed into her true body.

"Please, the fire of civilization comes."

While shouting in unison, the Concubine of the Void Sky and Zi Lian surged with spiritual power, injecting all their energy into the Fire of the Void.


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, endless purple flames were ignited.

It continues to spread.

Moreover, these illusory purple flames seemed to burn out an entire world, but actually spread to a small half of the void in just a few breaths.

But, it's not terrible.

What is really scary is that the speed of its spread is still accelerating. void... bone world...Elf the abyss...

In one world after another, illusory fires of civilization are ignited.

It seems to be burning all over the sky.

Declare your existence to all worlds...

And at the same time, all the worlds were shaken

"The day has finally come...civilization resurgence..."

"The first civilization-level force..."

"Void has finally become an evil dragon...."

Sighing repeatedly, countless old monsters also planned to go into seclusion and never come out again.

Next, there will be a world of emptiness.

As long as Kong Kong does not seek death, then Kong Kong will definitely be respected in the world.

If in other eras, there were ways to counter the rise of a civilizational force.

After all, the other forces are not weak either.

But it’s not possible in this era, the void is rising too fast, too fast...

As a result, the remaining forces have not yet developed to the level of civilization. in this way...

Honoring oneself in vain is inevitable...

And at the same time, in the deepest part of the Demon Court,

"The void ignites the fire of civilization..."

With a chuckle, the golden monkey also showed envy.

The ignition of the fire of civilization also indicates that the void has entered a new journey.

Next, the Void Clan’s geniuses continued.

Strong ones will keep popping up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

What a blessing this is

"The void ignites the fire of civilization, which also means that the final finishing touches must be made."

Suddenly speaking, Niu Mo was also thoughtful.

"So be it, all realms will eventually be unified and become my master’s inheritance for all eternity."

Amid the soft murmur, a gleam of light flashed deep in the golden monkey's eyes.

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