"Never be in a hurry..."

"Be prepared for hundreds of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years..."

"However, this doesn’t seem to last long..."

Even as he spoke softly, Chaos True Spirit didn't care.

Hundreds of thousands of years, to her, was just a matter of sleeping.

It's really not that long.

However, she did not expect that even if Yu Ziyu's previous life and the acceleration of time were taken into account, it would only last ten thousand years.

And hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years are so long to him.

With a wry smile, Yu Ziyu also took the initiative to ask:

"How long did it take for the youngest Eternal Master to attain enlightenment?"

"This question is meaningless..."

In response, Chaos Bell Zhenling also said bluntly:

"The time for eternal enlightenment has nothing to do with the length. The final thing is accumulation and combat power."

"Some people have traveled to eternity for tens of thousands of years, and their talents are unparalleled, but their combat power is not as good as that of ordinary eternity."

"There are people who have been preaching for millions of years, and once they can compete with ancient times and eternity,..."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also knew that the Chaos Bell Zhenling was comforting him.

He was anxious.

Really anxious.

Although, every day, he seems to be making progress.

But eternity is beyond his reach.

Nowadays, there are more signs


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also suppressed his thoughts.

However, at this time, as if he thought of something, Chaos Bell Zhenling also reminded:

"In a while, your second daughter will be born..."


With a response, Yu Ziyu also knew who the Chaos Bell Zhenling was talking about.

He and the Tongtian Shenmu's daughter.

He had already chosen the name - Yu Mengyao.

A very nice name.

However, it is a pity that Yu Ziyu is not distracted now, and may wait. Not until her birth

"I will make amends for myself in the future."

While narrating softly, Yu Ziyu also went to the deepest part of the fairyland and began to research and learn....

Yes, learn.

No exaggeration.

When there is no way forward, it is inevitable to draw analogies.

And he plans to study various things and continuously improve his knowledge.

With an evolutionary point, Yu Ziyu learns many things very quickly.

Even he himself is extremely terrifying.

If you really want to learn, one thought is better than a hundred years of study for ordinary people.

The superposition of the two is terrifying.

Just like, alchemy is divided into nine levels.

The strongest among all races is only a seventh-grade alchemist.

For example, the alchemy immortal in the deepest part of his vitality world is a good alchemy master and has been making alchemy for him.

And if Yu Ziyu wanted to, he could become a fifth-level alchemist in one breath.

If he studied hard for several days, he might even be able to reach the sixth level.

In this way, you can imagine how terrible Yu Ziyu's learning ability is.

And this also means giving Yu Ziyu time...He can master many skills in a short period of time.

This is another capital of Yu Ziyu.

A very powerful capital

"Many Half-Step Eternals, after being unable to break through, began to learn other things. Gradually, Half-Step Eternals became close to omnipotent monsters."

"Refining elixirs, making talismans, everything..."

While murmuring softly, Chaos Bell Zhenling's eyes couldn't stop flashing.

This is Yu Ziyu's current situation.

He has embarked on the path that many half-steps have taken forever.

It's just that unlike other half-step eternal experts, Yu Ziyu's learning ability is too terrible.

So much so that he would need to specialize in any skill for too long.

Although you can't specialize to the extreme, you can do it as a gambler.

Moreover, there is another point: it is not that he cannot specialize to the extreme.

It just depends on whether he is willing or not.

Just like anatomy, he has been doing dissections for thousands, even tens of thousands of years, and finally reached the ultimate level of anatomy and gained insight into some of the mysteries of the body.

"This guy will become more and more terrifying."

While speaking softly, Chaos Bell Zhenling did not hide the admiration deep in her eyes.

Some are half-eternal, obsessed with power.

Some are half-eternal, obsessed with dominance.

Some are half-eternal, obsessed with dominance. In cultivation.

But Yu Ziyu is different. Although he is obsessed with cultivation, he is improving himself all the time.

In all aspects.

When one aspect reaches the limit, he will decisively choose another aspect.

Just like Now, his physical body had just completed its transformation, and he immediately transferred to the Throne of Law.

When he had some enlightenment in the Throne of Law, he invested his soul again.

The constant evolution seemed to have no end, just like a monster.

And This is Yu Ziyu.

In this era, he is the most terrifying genius.

No, he can no longer be called a genius.

He has grown up to be a staggering giant. He has dominated the world for eternity....

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know what Chaos Bell Zhenling was thinking.

Now he has pounced on his soul.

He will spend some time studying it.

If there is no progress, he will choose something else immediately.

Like, delving into the physical body again.

However, the physical body has reached the state of eternity.

Equivalent to the eternal body.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to make progress in a short period of time.

The rest is left to time to transform.

Therefore, he should have to worry about his physical body for a short period of time.

As for the law, more masters are needed.

For this, we also need the stars.

Only if the Void Purple Scythe, Golden Ant and others continuously capture the Lord and let him study the Law of Separation, will he be able to go further. so...

"Refining alchemy, making talismans, anything related to cultivation, I will dabble in it..."

"If you don’t have any talent, just rely on evolution points to deduce the fastest until you master this skill."

"In this way, I can accumulate knowledge in the fastest way"

"Until it fully grows up."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu is also looking forward to it.

Looking forward to his further growth.

However, I have to say that now he is also developing towards an old monster.

Old monster is not a derogatory term.

For Yu Ziyu, it is more means 'unfathomable'’,‘inestimable'.

This is the old monster.

And Yu Ziyu can be regarded as an old monster now.

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