After all, the Abyss Magic Grass is the most terrifying weapon of war in the Abyss.

"Let me cultivate a void spiritual creature similar to the abyss magic grass..."

For a moment, Yu Ziyu also fell silent.

This cannot be achieved overnight.

Moreover, the Abyss Magic Grass seems simple, but in the eyes of beings like Yu Ziyu, it actually has an extremely terrifying place.

That's energy transformation.

It almost takes the energy conversion feature to the extreme.

And what does this mean?

"Any power, when used to its extreme, is terrifying, and the Abyss Magic Grass is one of the best."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu planned to use the evolutionary points to start deducing.

He couldn't cultivate it in a short time.

But he could use the evolutionary points to deduce it in the shortest time.

After the method was deduced, he would teach it to Void.

In this way, with the power of the Void Realm, it is estimated that this spiritual creature comparable to the abyss magic grass can be cultivated in a short time.

With this in mind, Yu Ziyu also simply said goodbye to everyone and chose to retreat....

Time passed slowly, and more than ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past ten years, the world seems to be calm, but in fact it is turbulent.

The repeated changes in the Demon Court have made countless forces uneasy.

The Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, and even the Buddhas.

The current Demon Court can be said to be attracting the attention of all worlds.

However, when many forces paid attention to the Demon Court, they did not realize that some worlds had disappeared quietly.

For example, the world of Night Demon...

For example, the world of colorful jade...

These worlds that are not famous, but have a certain degree of combat power, have quietly welcomed the hunters of the void.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, it is the strong men of the Night Demon World who are resisting bravely.

"Has the news not spread yet? How many years, how many years."

Looking up to the sky and roaring, a sixth-level giant of the Night Demon World was unwilling to give in. For more than ten years, the entire Night Demon World has been plunged into endless battles.

If it weren't for the suspicion of raising troops in the void, I am afraid that it would have been ten years ago. The entire night demon world has been destroyed.

There is no way, the void is too powerful.

This is a terrifying world that even the abyss is afraid of.

In such a world, the invasion of a small night demon world is naturally not something they can resist.

Therefore, It is necessary to ask for help.

But as of today, there is no news from the entire night demon world.

How can people not be desperate like this?...

At this time, if you look at the Night Demon World, you will definitely see that 70% of the world has fallen, and countless void creatures are active on the continent, sky, and ocean.

As for the remaining 30% of the world, there is no rush.

There, countless strong men of the Night Demon clan were already in a group.

If you want to destroy it, you can do it in one day.

But there are not many such opportunities for military training.

Therefore, with the tacit approval of the commander-in-chief, this place also became a place for military training.

Not only the Night Demon world, but also other invaded worlds.

To support war with war, one very important point is troop training.

Only by constantly training can we become stronger.

Of course, it's more than that.

In addition to the necessary training, Void is also leading the Night Demon clan to fall.

To this day, there are no less than a hundred sixth-order giants from the Night Demon clan who have fallen into the void.

There are even three half-step masters.

And this is just a small night demon world.

If the Void can occupy more worlds, then the fallen powerhouses will definitely be beyond imagination.

With this thought in mind, the Void Phoenix was also a little excited.

"All the night demons who have fallen into the void will be served by me with delicious food and drink. These are my uncle’s soldiers...."

With a loud laugh, the phoenix dressed like a noble also ordered many of his subordinates

"Yes, my lord."

In all the responses, everyone knew...This will be Lord Phoenix's first world.

The first captive world.

And this is also the reason why many void masters strive to invade.

According to the void doctrine.

Any world that the Void Lord invades, or even the first world it captures, can be privatized and become its own territory....

Therefore, the Void Phoenix is ​​extremely good for the world of Night Demons and the Night Demon clan.

After all, this will be his world in the future.

It's like a back garden.

Not allowed to be destroyed.

As for the Night Demon clan?...The powerful one will naturally become a member of his undead army.

The weak are slaves.

The law of the void - survival of the fittest.

This is necessary...

But at this moment, what no one knew was that in the depths of a mysterious big world, there was an ancient sacred tree that covered the sky and the sun, supporting the ninth heaven.

Countless branches are constantly swaying like a divine chain.

The roots of the tree are like dragons, looking up to the sky and neighing.

And all around it, there is the bright Milky Way, surrounding it...

This is Yu Ziyu’s true nature.

And now...

"The moment when the little flower of the void blooms, it is also the moment when the void comes."

While narrating softly, countless purple school flowers bloomed around Yu Ziyu.

These small purple flowers are very beautiful.

They have five petals, each with different petals.

There is also a purple halo that is constantly flowing.

However, these little flowers blooming around Yu Ziyu are all illusory.

This is just a mysterious little flower theoretically deduced by Yu Ziyu.

Like the Abyss Magic Grass, it can convert most energy into the power of the void...

If the little flower in the void continues to bloom, then the entire world will gradually turn into a corner of the void.

However, it is worth mentioning that although the Void Flower is terrifying, it will consume the power of the world.

Simply put, the blooming of every little flower in the void is a manifestation of the will of the world.

It would be okay if the void succeeded in occupying this world...Even if the little flower of the void blooms all over the world, it will eventually return to the void.

But if Void fails to occupy it, or even fails, then Void will suffer heavy losses.

A real hit.

It's not a serious injury from void creatures.

Rather, it is a severe blow to the world and even the will of the world.

At that time, the resources of the void and even spiritual objects will be greatly reduced.

Or even disappear.

This is the price for the little flower in the void to bloom.

Failure or failure

"I don’t want to see the little flowers in the void withering..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu handed over all the cultivation and planting methods of the Void Flower to Tongtian Purple Dragon.

Time was limited, and in a hurry, Yu Ziyu could only deduce this little flower in the void.

If given time, he should be able to perfect it.

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