Above the snowfield, scarlet blood has dyed the ground red, and the rich smell of blood fills the air.

"Moo, moo..."

With a mournful cry, several tall musk oxen flew out like kites with broken strings.

This group of mutant musk oxen is not weak.

As one of the few overlords in the snowy plains, hundreds of musk oxen gathered together, and on average they all reached level seven or eight.

There are two more who seem to have leaders who have achieved extraordinary things.

Such a terrifying group, not to mention the mutated snow leopard before, even if the other overlord of the snow field, the ice bear, was encountered alone, they would still be frightened.

However, at this time, a horrifying scene appeared.

The black, tidal-like mutant musk oxen herd was actually washed away by seven or eight mutant beasts.

"Gravity field."

There was a loud roar, like thunder.

Dozens of musk oxen within the attack range of the bull demon had no time to react. They already felt their bodies sink.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Amidst the continuous roars, the ground was cracked.

Looking carefully, one by one, the mutant musk oxen have their limbs sunk into the ground.

However, at this moment, the horns that looked like crescent moons flashed with a halo of light. moment,

‘Ci La only heard a very clear sound. A ninth-level musk ox was as fragile as paper. In an instant, it was split into two, causing the sky to be filled with blood.

Don't wait until the blood fades


The north wind was howling, and the blood had solidified into ice in the air, glowing with a strange glint.

On the other side, the armored wild boar led the golden monkey straight to the rear of the mutated musk ox herd.

Along the way, dozens of mutated musk oxen were knocked away.

"Click, click..."

The sounds of cracking bones and severed limbs were clearly audible.

But at this moment,


A very terrifying cry suddenly sounded deep in the mutant musk oxen group.


Grinning, the golden monkey clicked a corner on the back of the armored wild boar.

‘With a"bang" sound, the golden monkey turned several very gorgeous somersaults in the air, and the golden monkey landed firmly on the back of a mutated musk ox.

However, this is not the time to care about these minor characters.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the terrifying figure that was slowly approaching among the mutant musk oxen, which was covered with thick hair and looked like a tank. The golden monkey also tightened the long stick in his hand.

For a moment, he ran wildly

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Each kick landed on the mutated musk ox's back accurately, and then it flew up again.

By the time he stepped on a dozen mutated musk oxen, he was so fast that he pulled out the afterimage.

However, at this moment

"With a loud bang, the back of a very tall mutated musk ox suddenly sank, revealing deep footprints that seemed to have stepped deep into the bones.

But at this moment, a golden monkey, Already holding a long stick and flying high into the sky

"Die to me."

With a loud shout, spiritual power surged.

In a moment, the golden monkey holding a stick in both hands came from Jiutian and smashed hard at the mutated musk ox with a terrifying aura.


Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, wind and waves rose one after another, and a strong shock wave blew the hairs of countless mutated musk oxen around.

At this time, looking up to the center of the battlefield, one could see A very tall mutated musk ox actually dragged dozens of meters of traces on the ground. It was as deep as a ravine....

And this very tall mutated musk ox has an even more sunken forehead....

Only, the long stick in the hand of a golden monkey not far away trembled and made a sound like"joy".....

"This guy, Golden Monkey, is getting more and more terrifying in strength."

From a distance, the Bull Demon took a deep look at the golden monkey, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Among so many mutant beasts, the monkey with golden hair was the one he couldn't see through the most.

Unlike other mutant beasts, the golden monkey Monkey is more inclined to skill. He dominates with his 'martial arts'.

At this point, there is no other way to measure his strength except a life and death fight.

However, as a family member and a friend, how can the Bull Demon do this? What about a life-and-death fight with a golden monkey?

However, nowadays, it is not bad to watch from a distance. At least, one blow forced the mutated musk ox with a spiritual power value of 70,000 to 80,000 back dozens of meters, leaving serious injuries. Such strength is already amazing.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Niu Mo suddenly looked not far away


A barrel-thick silver-white lightning suddenly pierced the sky and fell straight towards the snow leopard being chased by a group of mutated musk oxen.

Fast, fast. Too fast to react, the snow leopard who was still watching the show went directly to the side. It was hit hard, and part of its hair was burnt black.

But at this moment, what made the mutated snow leopard's pores shrink was that a sharp claw shot out from the silvery white lightning.


A low growl, filled with fear.

The snow leopard stepped lightly and was tens of meters away in an instant.

But no matter how fast it is, how can it go faster? What about the flat-headed brother who has already mentioned the speed?

‘There was a stabbing sound, bringing out a stream of blood.

If you look carefully, one of Xue Bai's forelimbs already has a deep visible bone scar.

"He couldn't escape."

Smiling, the Bull Demon has also seen the end of Snow Leopard.

He is best at speed, but his forelimb was injured, and it was such a serious injury.

It is strange that he can escape.

Moreover, Brother Flathead used the power of thunder , the burst speed is not much inferior to him.

In this way, you can imagine the next situation for Snow Leopard.

Either a fatal blow, or a one-sided suppression, until other mutant beasts free up, and then slowly deal with him....

Fighting is always bloody, let alone such a large-scale killing.

In just half a day, hundreds of figures had fallen.

There are mutated musk oxen, giant cyan wolves, and huge wild boars.

However, there is no way around it.

Facing a herd of hundreds of mutant musk oxen, although the strong ones such as the Bull Demon were terrifying, those who followed them like the green wolf and the mutant wild boar were not nearly as powerful after all.

If you are not careful, you will be torn apart by the horns of the mutated musk ox...

However, thankfully, with the protection of strong men such as Niu Mo, not many companions have died in the battle yet.

Most of them just fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Of course, compared to them, the mutated musk ox had a hard time.

Especially when the two behemoths Kuizhou Dragon and Mammoth joined the battlefield, they caused a one-sided massacre.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of mutated musk oxen were knocked away by the two behemoths, and the entire herd of mutated musk oxen were scattered by them, and the real harvest began.

"It's almost over."

Looking at the dozens of mutated musk oxen that were still trying their best to resist on the battlefield, the Bull Demon no longer held back.

"Trampled by the earth."

Lifting the forelimbs high, as the spiritual power surged, countless purple spiritual powers were condensed on the Bull Demon's iron hoofs.

After a moment, the iron hoofs fell.

""Boom!" There was a loud noise, the earth shook, and layers of soil waves turned up.

Hundreds of meters, kilometers, the entire battlefield was full of people and horses, and even the two extraordinary musk oxen who were still trying their best to resist were all careless. Falling down.

But before they could do anything, the golden monkey and the armored wild boar had already attacked one after another.


With a whisper, the long stick in the golden monkey's hand was imprinted on the forehead of an extraordinary musk ox.

On the other side, the most ferocious fangs of the armored wild boar also pierced the belly of an extraordinary musk ox.

In a moment, He pulled out his fangs and brought out blood all over the place.

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