And this is why the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss values ​​Xiao Bai so much.

It's just that attention should be paid to it.

Xiao Bai obviously didn't dare to be interested in the so-called Princess of the Abyss.

Pouring his lips and smiling softly, Xiaobai also said bluntly:

"I'm not going...I want to be with my sisters..."


Amidst some astonishment, the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss was shocked.

Because, at this moment, he was shocked to discover...Next to Xiaobai, a figure appeared at some point.

This figure was surrounded by fairy mist.

Hidden face.

But there are three thousand light groups around.

There seems to be an ancient country in every light group.

There are countless races worshiping...

However, it's more than that...


As dragons and phoenixes chirped together, countless shadows intertwined around her, making her look like a fairy from the Nine Heavens.

And this is the sacred tree that reaches the sky.

She returned after thousands of years, even more so than before...

Although she is only at the third level of Tianmen, her aura is not even half weaker than that of the Ancient Demon King....


While murmuring softly, Tongtian Shenmu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the ferocious and burly figure not far away.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, the Tongtian Divine Tree also looked not far away....

There, the dragon clan, the phoenix clan, the underworld...One force after another has gathered.

The strong ones all looked at her with solemn faces....

There seems to be an indescribable fear

"long time no see..."

There was no warmth in the cold voice, but it made people shocked.

In a daze, it felt as if all life had been taken away


Sighing suddenly, Jibing Phoenix took the initiative to respond:

"In the past, I was the one waiting for you, sorry for you..."

"No...It's not that you're sorry for me..."

While speaking softly, Tongtian Shenmu smiled.

This smile makes all the flowers pale, this smile makes the starry sky dim...

At this time, the faint voice of the Sky-reaching Divine Tree echoed in the starry sky:

"This is fate...The fate of my family..."

Having said this, Tongtian Shenmu also raised his eyes, looked at Wanzu, and continued:

"However, since it is fate, we have to face it... and make some reckoning...."

"If I lose, everything will disappear..."

"I win, become a saint and become an ancestor..."

At the simple voice, the powerful men of all races couldn't help but tremble.

Just because, the determination in these words made people feel cold all over.

It seems like a vow and a promise.

And this is the determination of the Tongtian Shenmu.

Settle the cause and effect with all races, not for personal grudges.

Just for enlightenment

"Don't be ashamed of your words...."

With a cold snort, the Evil Dragon of Outer Law also said coldly:

"Just because you and I are waiting for the settlement, you are not qualified yet..."

In the cold voice, Waifa Evil Dragon had no intention of giving Tongtian Shenmu any face. not just him...

There are also other strong people jumping out

"In the past, you went straight to Tianting and tried to steal the secrets of heaven. We were just doing justice for heaven."

There was another loud shout, and a strong man who didn't know where came out, also came out to find a sense of presence.

"Oops...Cause and effect can't be that complicated. Isn't it just a fight? Come on, let's have a good fight and see if I can kill you....."

With a smile, Bai Hu also jumped out from the side.

Although, it is the core of Demon Court.

He is also one of the few generals under Yu Ziyu.

But Bai Hu didn't know the relationship between Tongtian Shenmu and Yu Ziyu.

What he didn't even know was that Tongtian Shenmu had become his 'Master Mother'.

If he knew this, given him ten courages, he would not dare to mock the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree like this.

And about this...

The Tongtian Shenmu also raised his eyes slightly and took a look at the white tiger.

The depths of his eyes were full of amusement.

Is this the white tiger?

It was as he said, absolutely daring.

At this time, Bai Hu seemed to have noticed the gaze of the Tongtian Shenmu, and Bai Hu walked out and hummed:

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen such a handsome person like me?"

"Ancient Demon King, I'm still weak, but you little bitch...Hum hum..."

Narrating one after another, Bai Hu also showed his quirks vividly.

And this is the white tiger.

Bully the weak and fear the strong.

When it’s time to be cowardly, absolutely be cowardly.

But when he is needed, he will never be afraid at all.

A very extreme guy.

And now, listening to Bai Hu's cynicism, Tongtian Shenmu also opened his mouth, what did he want to say?

But before she could speak, a figure walked out from beside her.

This is a beautiful figure with nine-colored hair.

Her appearance eclipsed the whole world.

The indescribable fragrance spread across the starry sky.

Vaguely, you can see flowers blooming in the starry sky.


But the appearance of such a figure...But it made Bai Hu's eyes freeze.

The pupils kept shrinking.

Colorful Divine Flower - In an instant, the Demon Court hides a deep existence.

Follow the master for a long time...

It is also the second sister of their Demon Court who is recognized as being very mysterious.

And now, why is the second sister here?

With his eyes widened, Bai Hu also had a bad premonition in his heart.

Wait, no way...

His heart was screaming, and Bai Hu also had a vague premonition of something.

At this time, after taking a very interesting look, the colorful divine flower also smiled and said:

"Mistress, don’t be familiar with this guy..."


While nodding slightly, Tongtian Shenmu also knew that the colorful divine flowers were reminding her not to pay attention to Bai Hu's words.

Of course, at this time, what Tongtian Shenmu didn't know was that the colorful divine flowers, with this"mistress", completely turned Bai Hu away. He was shocked.

In a daze, Bai Hu's legs went weak. It's so pitiful that he really didn't know the relationship between the Tongtian Sacred Tree and its owner.

So, this...

But now, the second sister actually calls the Tongtian Shenmu 'Mother'.

To be able to call Second Sister like this, even the devil knows what it means.

So, this is the one that belongs to the master...

It's really the master's....

His eyes kept widening, and Bai Hu also noticed the playful look deep in the eyes of a beautiful figure in the distance.

And she pointed at the starry sky...

As if to say: 'The master is watching...’

"Venerable White Tiger, what's wrong with you?"

"Venerable White Tiger..."

With repeated exclamations, countless strong men discovered that Bai Hu's legs were weak, and large beads of sweat overflowed from his forehead.

As a master, it is simply unimaginable to shed beads of sweat.

But now...

"It's over, it's over...I am dead..."

With a cry of sadness in his heart, Bai Hu also waved his hand, pretending to be calm and said:

"it's okay no problem...This divine tree that reaches the sky has great supernatural powers. I didn’t expect that he would hurt me invisibly...."

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