"This is?"

With his eyes widened, the ancestor of the Dragon Bird Clan not far from this star field was also confused.

How is it possible?

How is this possible?

How could she still appear in the world?

Wasn't she dead back then?

You know, At that time, Longque Ancestor was also watching not far away.

Although at that time, he was only a fifth-level demigod and was not qualified to participate in the war.

But he saw with his own eyes that this man was killed by all races.

But now...

"Oh My God..."

With an exclamation, Longque Ancestor, who was already half a master, was also confused.

The sacred tree that passed away in the past has returned again.

If this news spreads, all races will be shocked.

However, at this moment, Longque Ancestor also knew that this news would definitely spread.

Because this vision is so amazing

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Just hearing one roar after another, the sacred tree that led straight to the nine heavens actually split into nine parts and shot towards the nine corners of the star field.

Looking from a distance, in that star field, there is actually a tree that reaches the sky in the southeast, northwest, and each has its roots in it. at the same time,


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, countless green lights shot up into the sky.

Yes, soaring into the sky.

A full star field of green light rose into the sky.

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, Longque Ancestor still felt the unimaginable vitality and vitality.

"what is that?"

There was another exclamation, and the more distant star field also noticed this shocking green light.

In a daze, they all saw ten sacred trees rising from the ground in the star field.

And this, It is the magical power of the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree - Realm.

Using the nine second-generation building trees as a guide, it turns a star field into a world...

A ten-directional light array rises.

Not only can it greatly increase the aura concentration of this star field, but it can also become a barrier to the world and firmly protect this star field....

But now, the realm rises, and the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree also lightly scolds:

"Three Thousand Secret Realms...open..."

The moment he finished speaking, the three thousand light groups that appeared around him actually swelled in the wind and kept getting bigger. at the same time...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with extremely terrifying roars, countless giant tree-like monsters walked out of these light groups.

This is the tree people clan.

They have always been rooted in the tree world.

And now, under the leadership of Tongtian Shenmu, they came to the starry sky


There was a sudden loud noise, but it was a sixth-order sacred tree taking root on a planet.

Visible to the naked eye, his countless roots wrap around this planet like a giant python.

Countless tree roots are constantly traveling through the surface of the earth.

The earth is tearing apart and the planet is collapsing, but it is this giant tree that is absorbing the nutrients of the planet.

And on the other side,


Amidst the sudden dragon roar, a blood dragon emerged from the light group and headed straight for a planet.

This is the Dragon Blood Sacred Tree.

A half-step master.

Now, he plans to occupy a planet...

"Those are?"

"what i saw..."...

One exclamation after another...Outside the realm, countless creatures saw the life coming out of this light group.

It looks like a giant tree, a sacred tree.

But it is more than a hundred times more terrifying than the giant tree, the sacred tree.

Each one exudes an unimaginable aura.

In particular, the long bloody dragon and the big tree with roots like giant pythons have an indescribable appearance.

These...What exactly is......

And just when the Tongtian Shenmu opened the secret passage and guided the tree people to descend, the entire starry sky was truly shaken.

"What? Is there a sacred tree appearing in the corner of the star field? Is it suspected that the Tongtian Divine Tree has returned?"

The sudden news spread very quickly.

In just a short while, it spread throughout the starry sky.

Of course, this is a communication array.

It is a very consuming communication method.

But now, I can't care about so much.

The most important thing is Yes, tell all races that the Tongtian Divine Tree has returned, and it is entrenched in a star field.

"You mean, the Tongtian Shenmu has returned."

There was a sudden cry of concentration, and in the depths of the Dragon Clan, many Dragon Emperors also looked at each other.

In unison, they all raised their eyes and looked at the end of the starry sky.

No wonder, they all felt such strong vitality.

Unexpectedly, it was actually The Tongtian Divine Tree has returned.

They are indeed surprised by the return of the Tongtian Divine Tree.

However, they are dragons and are existences at the top of the food chain.

Even if they are surprised, they will not panic.

No matter how strong the Tongtian Divine Tree is, it is only one person.

In the past, they were able to kill her, so now, they can also suppress her.

However, what should be discussed still needs to be discussed


After a while of silence, many Dragon Kings also started a short discussion.

But, not long after this


Among the sudden dragon roars, there were the Outer Law Evil Dragon, the Thousand Forbidden Demon Dragon, and many other Dragon Kings, all rushing towards the end of the starry sky.

However, at this time, they were not the only ones


A very eerie neighing sounded as if it was coming from Jiuyou.

Looking for the sound, it turned out to be a phoenix as white as snow.

When she spreads her wings, the ice and snow fall silently.

A small half of the star field was filled with a layer of snow.

This is the ancient master of the Phoenix Clan—the Extreme Ice Phoenix.

Very powerful.

And now, she is also rushing towards the direction of the Tongtian Sacred Tree...

However, at this moment, not only the dragon and phoenix races, but also the abyss was shaken.

"Unexpectedly, the Tongtian Shenmu was not dead."

Amidst some astonishment, many abyss masters are also a little surprised.

In the past, the Tongtian Divine Tree, which was killed by all races, is not dead.

That would be great fun.

If nothing else, the Tongtian Divine Tree will definitely not let go of all races. so...Looking at each other and smiling, many abyss masters could not help but understand

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend...If possible, we should get ahead of all other races and invite the Tongtian Shenmu to join us...."


Nodding, the other abyss masters also echoed:

"Now there is a world tree in the void, and we have a divine tree reaching the sky in the abyss, which is just right"

"Hahaha, when did you lower yourself to compare with the void?"

"No, the void is still extremely terrifying now, especially the Lord of the Void...Moreover, you should also have heard that there seems to be a big movement in the void recently, but it has been kept secret, and it is estimated that something big has happened."

During the continuous discussion, these abyss masters couldn't help but talk about the changes in the void.

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