At this time, after simply arranging things in the void, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked not far away...

There, Zi Lian was already waiting for him


Amid the soft call, the hazy purple halo spread, covering the shadows of Jiang Zilian and Yu Ziyu.

"Now, are you going to step out from behind the scenes now?"

Asked, Zi Lian was also full of expectations.

"Walking out doesn't count."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"You can think of it as half-stepping out. If you need me to take action, I will take action."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also asked:

"What is the situation with the Gods today?"

The Gods are a very powerful race in Xingkong, but in recent years, Void has been eyeing them.

It has launched invasions again and again.

During this period, Yu Ziyu even used the hands of the purple dragon to destroy the Gods. barriers...

But now, Yu Ziyu is not sure about the situation of the Protoss.

"Reporting back to the master, the current situation of the Protoss is not generally good. So far, the Protoss has two main gods, Sleeping, and countless high-level gods who died in the battle...."

"If you think about it, it won’t take a hundred years for us, the void, to level the gods...."...

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows.

From this point of view, the God Clan is really miserable.

But, yes.

What they faced was nothingness.

Today's Void Clan is no less powerful than the Demon Court and the Dragon Clan to some extent.

As for the Demon Court, what level of power is the Dragon Clan?

Overlord level strength.

Its strong ones emerge in endlessly.

Even if it is a master, there are more than ten people.

It can be said unceremoniously that in today's era, forces such as the Dragon Clan and the Demon Court have an ever-powerful momentum.

But now, this Void Clan is not weaker than them.

Even more weird than them.

In this way, it is conceivable why the Gods are retreating steadily.

It is said that many people from the God Clan, carrying fire, retreated to the outer reaches of the universe, plotting a new place for survival.

And now...

After roughly understanding the situation of the God Clan, Yu Ziyu also directly ordered:

"Individual gods can be guided and fall into the void...Especially the Lord of Time...She is very likely to fall into the void and become a god of the void..."

"Do this thing by yourself, don’t let anyone else know"...

Listening quietly, Zi Lian also accepted the order.

However, at this time, as if something had occurred to him, Zi Lian reminded him:

"Master, the news of your appearance in the void is likely to spread among all the races in the starry sky...."

"After all, there is no airtight wall in the world"...

Hearing Zi Lian's reminder, Yu Ziyu didn't take it seriously.

He didn't care about that.

When he came, he was ready for everything.

In other words, setting foot in the ninth level of Tianmen made him feel confident.

Now, even if all the imperial soldiers from all clans are sacrificed, they can't do anything to him.

The only thing that can threaten him is the legendary imperial soldiers.

Such as chaos clock, etc.

But the problem is, the Chaos Clock is biased towards him.

Even calling him 'his protector' is not an exaggeration.

So, how could Yu Ziyu be worried.

At this time, if there are imperial soldiers no less powerful than the Chaos Bell, attacking him, I am afraid that the Chaos Bell will be the first to take action and protect him.

"In the final analysis, strength determines everything..."

"At the beginning, because of my lack of strength, I took every step and was cautious."

"And now, I have completely grown up..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also felt that the mountain that was weighing on her heart seemed to disappear, and there was an indescribable sense of relief.

And all this is brought about by strength.

Others may have forgotten the power of Tianmen Ninth Level because it has been so long.

But he deeply understood...The ninth level of Tianmen is so terrifying.

Wandering in the starry sky, the projection is thousands of miles away.

It is even more 'not to be spoken lightly'’...

Wherever the laws are, they are the places where the powerful men from the ninth level of Tianmen come.

In this way, it is also conceivable how terrifying the Tianmen Ninth Level is....

But now, slowly withdrawing the projection, Yu Ziyu also bid farewell to the void.

Next, he just waited.

Waiting for all the races in the starry sky to discover his veil little by little.

And then, a little, a little reveal.

And at the moment of complete revelation, that is the day when all races and even the abyss will be destroyed...

"The restart of the era depends on you"

"And what I have to do is to shape the most glorious image in the next era, whether it will be the creator of the world on the bright side, or whether it will continue to hide behind the scenes and harvest silently."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu was also thinking.

Now he has begun to think about the next 'era'.

As for now...Thunder and lightning have dried up, and the sea has turned into dust....

Everything is lost in time...

And shortly after that,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Amidst the continuous piercing of the sky, there are countless powerful people surging in the depths of the void.

One after another, these powerful men have powerful and terrifying auras.

But now, their faces showed unprecedented excitement.

It has to be said that there is such power in the deepest part of the void, which really shocked them.

At this moment, confidence surges...

An indescribable confidence also filled my heart

"The era of vanity that belongs to us is coming...Hahaha..."

With a long roar, a strong man from the void couldn't help but get excited.

And not far away,

"So what about the abyss, what about all the races?...They will all crawl at the feet of our void."

There was another laugh, and countless strong men in the void gathered together to cheer up.

However, at this time, no one noticed that a very petite figure smiled evilly and disappeared quietly into the void. In.

That is the Void Clown.

A single-digit sequence in the top ten of the Void.

Half-step master, very powerful.

And now, he will go to the stars to cause trouble.

Upholding the will of the great Lord of the Void...

However, compared to other strong men in the void, he may be more than just excited.

More madness.

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