"what is that"

"Oh My God..."

"Tree, how could there be a tree?..."

He exclaimed repeatedly, and the whole void was shaken by it.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the void, countless powerful people woke up. they noticed...

I noticed the unimaginable terrifying fluctuations

"This is?"

The pupils shrank suddenly, and the World Tree rooted in the cracks in the void was also shocked.

Immediately, he raised his eyes and looked into the deepest part of the void.

Faintly, there was a sacred tree floating in the deepest part of the void.

The wicker branches of this sacred tree are like sacred chains.

The roots are like the real dragon....Constantly lingering around the entire giant tree.

There are countless halos rising around me...

And this, surprisingly...


In the very hoarse voice, World Tree's tearful eyes were also a little hazy.

Tree Ancestor, he is the most respected existence.

He is also his true master.

In the past, thanks to Shuzu's enlightenment, he had freedom.

Then, under the guidance of the ancestor of the tree, he joined the void and became the famous king of the void.

And now, Master Shuzu has finally arrived....

I was very excited, but what was more complicated was indescribable. Yggdrasil also stood up slowly.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by a very terrifying roar, the void shook, and a figure tens of thousands of feet tall walked towards the deepest part of the void.

And at the same time,

"Owner...Are you going to have a showdown?..."

Among the sudden murmurs, a petite figure curled up the corners of his mouth slightly.

This is Purple Scythe. as always...He was still so cold.

Carrying six transparent wings like cicada wings.

The cold figure makes people dare not look directly.

And now, he also moved violently


He only heard a sound of breaking through the sky and ripples in the void, but he tore the void apart in an instant and rushed towards the deepest part of the void....

However, at this time, compared to these few who had already understood everything, more powerful people were at a loss.

"Tree? Why are there trees?"

Somewhat puzzled, the immortal bird of the void clan was also a little stunned.

And, it was more than that.

Even though he was hundreds of millions of light years away, he could still feel the terror of this sacred tree.

The ubiquitous sense of oppression, It made him suffocate.

However, this is not the most terrifying thing.

What is truly terrifying is that this sacred tree actually comes from the same source as Master Zilong.

This is a bit incredible.

"Could it be that?"

I guessed that this was the first time for this Void Phoenix to come....

At this moment, the Tongtian Purple Dragon was located.

The vast shadow of the sacred tree appeared between heaven and earth.

And just above the crown of this sacred tree, a figure in a green shirt had already stood quietly.

He looked down into the void...

Just like a god looking down at the world, he can already understand everything at a glance

"Click, click..."

There were roars one after another, but the void consciousness noticed Yu Ziyu's amazing Qi, and suddenly came


During the sudden roar, the empty sky actually split open.

Visible to the naked eye, a purple eye suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

This purple eye is so ruthless.

So cold.

Just like the eyes of heaven in the starry sky, it is breathtaking.

But at this moment, this eye looked at Yu Ziyu with a rare look of horror.

Even, there is a touch of disbelief

"How can this be?"

Amidst the shock in her heart, Void Will noticed an unimaginable horror.

That is, this unknown sacred tree turned out to be so similar to the purple dragon she valued most.

In a daze, they came out together. One source.

And at this moment,


Amidst the sudden dragon roar, the purple dragon in the void suddenly began to surge. a little, a little...

He actually circled up from the phantom body of this sacred tree.

Accompanied by this, an earth-shattering breath tore through the entire void.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

As powerful as the void, it began to tremble.

And that purple thunder light became even more dazzling.

Just, at this moment...The sky-reaching purple dragon hovering from the shadow of the sacred tree suddenly poked its head out from the tree crown and coldly snorted:

"Why don't you retreat?"

The violent shout was like thunder, and the thunder light in the entire void trembled.

And the cold dragon eyes of the purple dragon in the sky were staring at the eyes of heaven in the void. It seemed that What does it say silently?


The increasingly terrifying sound of thunder echoed in the void.

The void seemed to be angered, and unimaginable oppression suddenly came out.

Along with it, endless purple electric light surges


Suddenly sighing, an illusory figure also appeared from behind the sky-reaching purple dragon.

That is also a dragon.

Carrying five-colored divine wings, his body is as huge as the purple dragon that reaches the sky.

And now, she is also hovering around the body of the sacred tree.

The sky-reaching purple dragon is on the left, and she is on the right.

One on the left and one on the right, two dragons screamed, above the tree crown, quietly staring into the eyes of heaven.

"Retreat, you are no match for him."

As if to advise, Concubine Void Sky's voice also echoed between heaven and earth.

"You are just a partial consciousness of the void...Without you, the void will not escape its control..."

"But if you disobey his will, you will surely perish...."

"You, by now, should understand what kind of existence you are facing"...

As the words were spoken one after another, Concubine Void couldn't help but feel a little horrified.

Has this guy finally reached this point?

The nine heavens of Tianmen are like gods and demons.

Just standing quietly makes Void awe and horrified.

And this is not scary.

What is really terrifying is that even the consciousness as powerful as the void dare not take action at this time.

Yes, I dare not.

As a kind of consciousness of heaven, she has already noticed Yu Ziyu's terrifying nature.


There was no response, just the same cold gaze as always.

However, not long after that, the dark clouds gathering in the void slowly dispersed, revealing the clear sky before.

"Remember, don’t interfere in everything I do..."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu raised his eyes and calmly said something that made the entire void fall into silence.

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