"Step, step, step..."

One after another, it was Yu Ziyu and the Tongtian Shenmu, walking on the boundless giant tree....

There are two of them, one on the left and one on the right. like a couple...

It seems very ordinary.

There is even a touch of rare warmth.

But just such a pair of figures made the whole chaos eclipse.

Yes, it makes chaos pale.

Just because, just when this male figure was walking slowly...The boundless chaos seemed to vibrate bit by bit with his footsteps.

And this shaking sound became more and more terrifying.

In the beginning, it was just a radius of 10,000 meters.

But the next second, it was a hundred thousand meters in radius

"Step, step..."

As one step after another fell, the chaos in the surrounding area began to shake.

In a daze, the footsteps of this figure did not fall on the giant tree, but fell in the boundless chaos.

No, not only that...

And at this time, if there is a master here, he can't help but be horrified.

Just because, from their point of view, there was a figure standing out while walking.The body continues to enlarge.

One step, another step, and in the blink of an eye it is already thousands of feet away, walking slowly in the chaos...

And this is Yu Ziyu now.

Tianmen Nine Heavens, one step, one day of chasm...

Now he seems to be walking on the body of a tree, but he is actually walking in the realm of the ninth heaven of Tianmen.

Walking through boundless chaos...

We are walking on the road to Heaven’s Gate in the true sense.

And this is also the reason why the Tongtian Sacred Tree accompanies you all the way.

"Good experience, this will help you in the future."

As he whispered instructions, Yu Ziyu also tightened his little hand on the Tongtian Shenmu.

Without his care ,...

The sacred tree reaching the sky may turn into ashes in an instant.

And all this is because when he was walking on this road, he was under unimaginable pressure....

It's as if billions of mountains are pressing down.

Terrible pressure, suffocating.

It is even more shocking.

However, this is normal for Yu Ziyu now.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a ‘fresh breeze blowing on your face’

"Tianmen has nine levels of heaven, one level is better than the other..."

"And now..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes....

Vaguely, he saw a white jade staircase leading straight to the nine heavens.

And just above the nine heavens, an indescribably magnificent gate stood quietly.

That is, Tianmen.

The door to the hearts of the world.

It is also the door to the hearts of all living beings.

Those who push open the gate of heaven will realize the eternal road.

And now, he is under the gate of heaven......

However, at this time, if you look carefully, you will definitely be able to see shadows standing quietly one after another under the Tianmen.

Some shadows, with black hair and wearing coats...

His face was extremely calm.

But the innate domineering attitude is secretly astonishing.

Some shadows, white hair fluffy...A pair of eyes were also extremely cloudy.

But even Yu Ziyu couldn't help but narrow his eyes due to the ray of light that appeared from time to time.

This is the passing figure.

It is also an existence that once set foot on the ninth level of Tianmen.

Their talents and talents are enough to be remembered for years to come.

And this is the meaning they left under Tianmen.

It can also be said to be traces.

For future generations to admire.

However, it is worth mentioning that the existence of Taoism under Tianmen is not comparable to that of ordinary Tianmen Nine Heavens.

Even if these guys did not set foot on eternity later,

I am afraid they have set foot on half of eternity, and in the long era, they will be called the supreme beings.

"that one is..."

Suddenly, with his eyes focused, Yu Ziyu also noticed a figure.

He is dressed in white as snow, and his grace is fluttering.

He obviously has a very young appearance, but his hair is snow-white.

And just such a figure made him feel a familiar aura.

Yes, familiar.

If he guessed correctly, this guy was the number one person in the Taoist sect in the previous era, and the number one immortal in the human race.

This one is the real eternity...

Therefore, the traces he left behind are the most dazzling.

Of course, this does not exclude the fact that this guy is the closest to this era.

Not even dead.

However, it is not just this figure.

There were also many shadows, which made Yu Ziyu narrow his eyes slightly.

Each of these figures is extraordinary.

Even Yu Ziyu's face showed a dignified look.

"It's really scary that someone is burdened with such a law of fate...Understand everything, transcend the world..."

Sighing softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes also fell on a spider as black as ink.

Not only are there humanoid figures, but there are also various monsters and mythical beasts.

Among them, this spider is the most terrifying.

Just sitting quietly, there are countless threads intertwining around the body.

There is also an indescribable truth emerging.

And that is fate.

Another supreme law.

Moreover, it is an extremely mysterious and terrifying supreme law.

However, for some reason, this spider whose fate is intertwined has never appeared in every era.

Even the name has not been handed down.

"Could it be said that this guy erased all traces of his existence through fate?"

Amidst some astonished voices, Yu Ziyu also made some guesses.

After all, being able to set foot on the ninth level of Tianmen is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Not to mention that this person is also burdened with the supreme law - fate, intertwined with the principles of fate..

It is most strange that there is such an existence and no news has been passed on to later generations.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but raise this suspicion.

So...Why does this spider take the initiative to erase its own traces?

What is it to hide?

Or, to escape from something?

There are some doubts, but more of them are puzzled.

However, now, it seems that it is not the time to care about this.

Slowly raise your eyes...Looking at the majestic gate not far away that looked like white jade, Yu Ziyu also let go of the small hand of the sacred tree.

Next, it's his own business.

Push open this giant door and leave your own Taoism behind...

For future generations to admire. only...A little...

"If I had left all my Taoism behind...Some descendants will set foot on the ninth level of Tianmen...Come here...I'm afraid you will know most of my secrets."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu was also hesitating to leave some meaning.

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