Demon Court,

I have to say that heaven and earth really love this force.

Even the Lord of Divine Eyes, such a shocking lord, walked out.

You must know that there is a big difference between being an innate dominator with the Divine Eyes on your back and an ordinary dominator.

To put it bluntly, the Lord of Divine Eyes is one to ten at the same level.

I remember back in the day, the owner of the Magic Eye moved the stars and shook the era.

To this day, it is still sung.

And the magical eyes are better than the divine eyes of life and death....

It seems to be down a notch.

The Divine Eyes of Life and Death, leading directly to life and death.

Able to see the boundary between life and death...It is the indescribably terrifying divine eye in the legend.

And now, the owner of this divine eye is the Demon Court Phoenix Concubine....

No wonder, the starry sky is shaking.

However, what they don't know is that it's not just Huang Fei Shi and Demon Court, there are many, many hidden masters.

One after another, they were hiding in the darkness, waiting for opportunities to move.

Waiting for the call of the greatest being in the Demon Court...


Amidst the soft calls, a girl wearing a robe stood quietly on top of a very huge battleship.

At this time, if you look at the battleship, you will definitely be able to see a huge, centipede-like existence tied to the battleship.

Countless energy beams surround it...

There are also countless shackles that lock its feet.

And this is the ruler of the abyss, Baizu.

However, at this time, his strength was weak.

The vitality has been greatly depleted.

In this way, it is difficult for him to show his divine power again.

And this, not to mention, the girl who stands quietly and has been guarding

"Huang Fei...Just wait for me, wait for me, sooner or later I will tear you apart"

"Just wait for me..."

Like a roar from ancient times, Baizu also looked ferocious.

This damn biao...He actually cut off dozens of his feet.

You know, the reason why he calls himself"Hundred-footed" is because he does have hundreds of feet.

And every foot carries his immense power.

But now...

But now, hundreds of years of practice have been destroyed.

How could this not drive Baizu crazy?

But, don’t wait for more roars from Baizu


A sudden tiger roar came from the sky.

Along with it, a white tiger covering the sky and the sun hit his body like a meteor.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With the terrifying roar, the battleship seemed unable to bear the weight of these two giant beasts.

But at this time, the white tiger put a claw on Baizu's head and said with a ferocious smile:

"If you dare to scold my precious niece again, I will tear you apart...."

Yes, niece.

From Bai Hu's point of view, Concubine Huang was his biological niece.

Usually in the Demon Court, they love each other lovingly.

But this guy is good.

It was a series of insults


With a cold snort, Baizu decisively closed her mouth.

Just because this guy Bai Hu can indeed do such a thing.

The name of the fierce god is not for nothing....

And just when Demon Court escorted Baizu back to the solar system in a mighty manner, the abyss was also shaken.

After all, it is no small matter for a master to be captured alive.

"Demon Court, you really go too far to deceive others, huh?..."

"Now how to do? Should we send out an army to rescue?..."


During the continuous narration, several abyss masters were excited.

However, what they didn't notice at this time was that the corners of the Abyss Dark Dragon's eyes couldn't stop twitching.

Why doesn't this Demon Court play its cards according to common sense?

Didn't I agree to kill him directly?

How come they were captured alive?...

You know, killing directly and capturing alive are two different things.

If you kill him directly, there is nothing you can do even in the abyss.

But to capture him alive is to trample the face of the abyss underground.

As a result, the many masters of the abyss will definitely not give up. so...

While looking at each other, they also decisively looked at a beautiful figure not far away....


There was a moment of silence, and the Queen of the Abyss, Elise, also rarely chose silence.

It was hard for her to express her opinion on this matter.

However, it seems that Demon Court wants to start a big war

"If Yaoting really wants to, then let him do whatever he wants."

While murmuring softly, the Queen of the Abyss did not reject it.

Originally, she just obeyed Yu's instructions and cooperated with the Demon Court.

But now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

However, she still needs to go to Yu to confirm this matter..

This guy is so mysterious that even she can’t figure out his thoughts.

However, one thing is for sure...

That is the master of the dragnet, and Yu must be planning something.

He is not just plotting against Demon Court.

He is even plotting to plunge them into the abyss.

This guy is the most terrifying existence in the starry sky...

But at this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know this.

Now he is immersed in transformation

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Terrifying roars surged in the depths of chaos.

Yu Ziyu also transformed into a sacred tree that covered the sky and the sun....

His countless willow branches are like divine chains, pulling out all kinds of laws.

His tree roots are like a real dragon, raising its head to the sky and neighing, shaking the chaos.

However, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see a sacred tree no smaller than him, standing quietly in the chaos.

From a distance, the two trees look like two people, leaning on each other.

And in fact, it is indeed the case.

His consciousness became more and more blurred, but Yu Ziyu's body moved based on his hidden instinct.

Vaguely, one could vaguely see that his countless willow branches were winding around this sacred tree like tentacles.

And this sacred tree is the legendary tree that reaches the sky.

Tongtian Jianmu has the name of"Tongtian", which can reach the sky.

It is said that the best way to achieve enlightenment is to sit cross-legged within a hundred feet of her.

Now, Yu Ziyu is making a breakthrough.

It was also because of this mysterious attraction that he groped towards her.

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