Canghai, Cangtian.

But he is him no longer


During a period of silence, Tongtian Shenmu looked at the young man's eyes, and he was also a little lost.

The appearance is the same as before.

But the oppression coming from the depths of the soul and bloodline made people tremble both physically and mentally.

That is the deep-seated awe of the strong.

As a sacred tree reaching the sky, she reaches the sky to listen.

Even now, without the blessing of heaven, she still knows more than ordinary people.

Therefore, she deeply understood what level the young man in front of her had reached.

Like a god or a devil...

Even the two of them are no longer in the same world, but in time and space.

From the perspective of the Tongtian Divine Tree, Yu Ziyu carries nine realms on his back, surrounded by stars, and there is a long river of time, rolling back in the sky.

A touch of blood between the eyebrows, opening and closing, shining for eternity...

He is like the Creator of everything.

It is also like the great existence that stands at the top of the era

"How long has it been since you reached this point?"

While sighing softly, Tongtian Shenmu discovered that the hazy nine-color radiance illuminated her body.

It was this hazy nine-color radiance that protected her body and prevented her existence from being destroyed by the will of heaven. , even all races notice

"Time, to me, has no meaning."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu smiled.



There was only a roar, and a vast river wrapped around the sacred tree and Yu Ziyu's body.

And at the next moment, the scenes around the Tongtian Shenmu and Yu Ziyu were constantly changing.

It's like returning to the ancient times, and it's like reaching the end of the era.

It's only been a few breaths, but it seems like a long life has passed

"this is time..."

While sighing softly, Yu Ziyu also snapped her fingers.


In an instant, everything was still.

Even the surging sea of ​​chaotic fog was frozen at this moment.

"Do you think time is meaningful to me?..."

Amid the soft questioning, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

"It really doesn't make sense."

In the voice coming from the bottom of his heart, Tongtian Shenmu's eyes were also full of color. Has this guy actually come to this point?

How long has it been ?...

His heart was horrified, but Tongtian Jianmu felt a cold feeling coming from his right hand.

Looking around, Yu Ziyu's white hands had caught her at some point.

"Get a grip."

In the faint voice, Yu Ziyu and Tongtian Shenmu also interlocked their fingers.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu did not notice a rare blush flashing on Tongtian Shenmu's cheeks.

Yu Ziyu did not notice.

No, it is more accurate. He said that he didn't care. It 's normal to be shy. But now is not the time to be shy. Just because, Yu Ziyu plans to return to the Nine Realms with the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree. Reshape her body

"While you were away, I trained the second generation Jianmu with your bloodline..."

"Nine second-generation trees, all half-step masters...Now, they are already attacking the realm of domination..."

"Wait until they become masters...I use the tree hearts of the nine of them as the basis to shape your body..."

"And at that time, you will have a body with the most terrifying potential in the world...."...

Listening quietly, Tongtian Shenmu was also startled.


"Do you plan to cultivate your own body?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also tightened her right hand on the divine tree.

It was cold, but very comfortable.

And now,


With a roar, a nine-color vortex emerged in the chaos.

And Yu Ziyu also took the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree and walked in slowly.

The next moment, what came into view were the vast nine worlds.

They are like nebulae, entrenched in the vision of Yu Ziyu and the Tongtian Shenmu.

Nine nebulae, quietly circling...

This is the 'deepest part of the Nine Realms'. To put it simply, it is above the sky of the Nine Realms, where you can see the Nine Realms more intuitively.

However, if you look carefully, you can clearly see that in every nebula, there is a sacred tree that reaches straight to the nine heavens.

This sacred tree is tall and tall reaching into the clouds.

It seems to hold up the whole world.

And this is the second generation Jianmu... even though he is the second generation.

But now, they already have four to five points of the firepower of the Tongtian Sacred Tree in the past.

Just because they all stepped into the Dominion.

The physical body ushered in transformation and turned into a real sacred tree.

Each supports a boundary.

And this is also the terrifying thing about the Nine Realms of the Great God.

Full of calculations, eighteen masters were born.

Even if these masters have not broken through the heavenly gate, they are not generally terrifying.

But now...

However, Yu Ziyu focused on the heart of these nine second-generation trees.

The heart of the tree, the heart of the sacred tree.

The heart of each sacred tree has different magical functions.

Like Yu Ziyu's tree heart, it can make him reverse life and death and relive the world.

And there is something magical about the heart of these second-generation trees.

However, one thing is certain, that is, the heart of the tree is the most important thing about the sacred tree.

Can be lost.

But it's not necessary.

Just because this is likely to be related to the enlightenment of the sacred tree.

However, now, with his eyes slightly focused, Yu Ziyu also said softly:

"These nine second-generation trees are about to take over the throne."

"When the time comes, use their tree hearts to reshape Jianmu's bloodline and body for you, okay?"

Listening quietly, Tongtian Shenmu also fell silent.

"If you cultivate on your own, it will be difficult for you to cultivate your true body even if it takes ten thousand years....Moreover, the real body you cultivate may not be as good as the one I created for you."

Yu Ziyu's voice was particularly soft during the advice again.

"Why bother?"

Suddenly sighing, the Tongtian Shenmu was also a little puzzled.

At a glance, she could see that these second generation trees supported the sky and the nine realms.

They were the foundation of the world.

If based on their tree heart , shaping her own body.

For her, it is certainly a great fortune and a great opportunity. What can be affected is the potential and even growth of the nine realms.

Between gains and losses, she is all 'gain', while Yu Ziyu is all 'gain' Lost'.

Therefore, Tongtian Shenmu was also a little puzzled.

Why did this person treat her so well?

"I owe no one."

During the sudden narration, Yu Ziyu's eyes were also calm.

He owes nothing to anyone.

The Tongtian Divine Tree has been very kind to him.

But now, he only wants to repay the kindness.

Of course, there is more than just this reason.

There is another reason, Tongtian Divine Tree. Tianshenmu must not leave him.

This one knows everything and yet knows nothing.

To put it simply, he knows too much.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu must find a way to keep her by his side.

To this end, he will use all means.

Even, he does not hesitate to seduce with beauty.

Of course, I have to admit that the small hands of Tongtian Shenmu are quite comfortable to hold. It is very delicate, especially when looking at the figure who looks like an empress inadvertently, the eyelashes seem to be nervous. With the same trembling, Yu Ziyu felt even more proud.

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