"If we really encounter a Chaos Thunder Tribulation, I guess your help will be needed."

While speaking softly, the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings also looked solemn.

The Chaos Thunder Tribulation wipes out everything.

Although Yu Ziyu is powerful now, he is probably not weak in the face of the Chaos Thunder Tribulation.


"This is natural."

In the sudden response, Emperor Weapon Tiandao Leichi smiled.

"I originally thought that the Qinglong I met was amazing and beautiful, but now...."

With a long roar, the Emperor's Heavenly Dao Thunder Pond surged with divine power.

An unimaginable energy surges into the sky

"As long as I am here, there is no chance of harming my Lord during this thunderstorm...."

Amid the extremely domineering voice, Emperor Weapon Tiandao Leichi also felt that he was going to risk his life.

However, for this current owner.

There's no harm in risking one's life.

He is an imperial soldier, and he is basically a weapon.

It was born to accompany its master.

Now, after waiting for countless epochs, he finally found a master who was suitable for him.

Moreover, his master is still so stunningly talented.

Shock the world.

If he doesn't protect such a genius well, he will be called the 'Legendary Imperial Soldier' ​​in vain....

However, at this moment, more world-shaking thunder catastrophes have arrived, the

'Great Light Tribulation' that belongs only to light attribute cultivators, and the 'Shocking Divine Wood Tribulation' that only belongs to wood attribute cultivators.’...

One after another, what can be called 'catastrophes with the ultimate elemental attributes', are all coming.

If it were a pure domination breakthrough, it would never lead to such a catastrophe.

But this is not just a breakthrough for the master.

There is even more promotion in the world. so....

The thunder and calamity gathered together, and even the world seemed unbearable and was constantly falling apart.

"Click, click..."

One crisp sound after another, the world of flames was actually melting in the terrible fire disaster.......

"Leave it to you, Lei Chi."

Suddenly speaking, the two figures of Yu Ziyu and Lord Qinglong looked at a stone pool not far away at the same time.


In response, the Heavenly Thunder Pond also roared loudly.


Just hearing a shocking roar, unimaginable energy spurted out.

And at this moment, many great catastrophes gathered in the sky above the nine realms were shocked.

"I am the Thunder Pond of Heaven, and I am responsible for all catastrophes."

With a loud shout, divine power surged, and the Emperor's Heavenly Dao Thunder Pool began to directly control the terrifying calamity cloud.


In the sudden roar, the Nine Heavens Divine Fire Tribulation suddenly shook and slowly rushed towards the small world of Jibing.

The 'Jiyouhanjie' in the small world of Jibing also shook violently and rushed towards the world of flames.

When two calamities collide,


Just like the big explosion of the world, the terrifying roar has spread across the starry sky.

The whole chaos was shaken.

Fire and ice, that is, fire and water.

They are inherently mutually exclusive.

The same is true for thunder tribulation.

In this way, the power of the two calamities is constantly weakened during the collision.

Not only them, the Great Dark Sky and the Great Light Tribulation also have attribute hedging.

It can be like this... so,

"Boom, boom..."

The continuous roar shook the nine realms.

Shocking catastrophes continued to collide in the sky above them.

But at this moment, the origin elf, Yan Biao, the origin elf Youlian...

One after another, the elves also took advantage of the situation and flew towards the thunder tribulation....

Overcoming the tribulation...

This is the inevitable outcome of the nine origin elves.

However, Yu Ziyu will not worry about this.

The moment the Emperor's Heavenly Dao Thunder Pond recognized him as its master, he was already the destined master of the Thunder Tribulation.

Even if there is chaos and thunder, it doesn't matter if you come in person.

At most, the origin of the Emperor's Heavenly Dao Thunder Pool would be lost.

And now...

Slowly occupying the sky above the Nine Realms, Yu Ziyu continued to control his body to swallow the endless power of chaos.

However, at this time, what no one noticed was that in the sky above the nine realms, as the nine world-shattering thunder tribulations continued to gather, gray clouds of tribulation slowly poured out.

That was the Catastrophe of Chaos.

The most severe thunder disaster.

The constant collision of elemental catastrophes finally reversed the five elements and turned them into a supreme catastrophe.

However, fortunately, this chaotic thunder disaster was not big.

Otherwise, there will always be trouble......

However, even so...When this chaotic thunder calamity emerges,...Throughout the starry sky, countless rulers were filled with fear.

"What's this?"

My heart was shocked. A master also stood up suddenly, with an incredible look in the depths of his eyes.

Just now, he actually felt the breath of death.

Not only him, but also the other masters one after another.

Chaos Under the thunder tribulation, why are the masters not ants?

Even just a wisp of energy makes these masters extremely horrified.

However, they are not the only ones.

"This is?"

A sudden exclamation sounded from the depths of the chaos.

It was an old man. He seemed to be trapped in a prison, sitting cross-legged for a long time.

However, now, blowing his beard and staring, the calm image of this old man was gone.

Only Because, at this time, he noticed, noticed...Things you shouldn't notice


His gaze spanned time and space, and he actually saw a gray cloud of calamity rising from the depths of chaos.

This calamity cloud is like the worst thunder calamity.

At the moment when it emerged, all the thunder tribulations of the people in the sky were shaken and slowly dissipated.

Then, the power of these thunder tribulations all surged towards the tribulation cloud.

As a result, the Qi of this Thunder Tribulation continued to rise.

But don’t wait for this immortal of the human race to peep at more


A sudden cold snort, a voice looking down at the heavens, echoed in the chaos

"Oh it's you..."

During the sudden narration, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

He finally noticed the peeping person.

The Qi machine was majestic and vast, but it gave him a very familiar feeling.

Isn't this guy the number one immortal of the human race who was tricked by him in the past?...

Interesting, really interesting.

Laughing in her heart, Yu Ziyu also roared loudly:

"long time no see..."

With a voice full of sighs, Yu Ziyu's power continued to rise at an unimaginable speed....

Overcome the tribulations of the nine realms and transform into the great world.

And this kind of power continues to bless his body...

Even though the Nine Realms have not yet completed their transformation, Yu Ziyu's strength is improving explosively at an extremely exaggerated speed....

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