The world is a place that holds one place.

As the saying goes, where there is water and soil, there are people.

The same world, and the same people.

For example, Yu Ziyu's world of fire must breed fire attribute cultivators.

Fire attribute cultivators will definitely get twice the result with half the effort if they practice here.

What's more, you can also realize the mastery of Taoism.

And now...

In the world of flames, under the sky-reaching flame pillar, a young man could be seen sitting quietly cross-legged.

He has the long, pointed ears of the elves.

Has fiery red eyes.

The whole body is shrouded in flames.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a noble prince stepping out of the flames.

And this is the original spirit bred in the world of flames - Pyroblast.

It's not just him.

At this time, if you look into the depths of the nine worlds, you will be surprised to find that there is a figure in the depths of each world, sitting cross-legged under the spiritual energy pillar, silently accepting the baptism from the world.

And this is the path to advancement in the world, and it is also the path to advancement for these origin elves....

The original spirit lives with the world.

Their existence represents the will of the world.

It is the person who represents the world.

Only when they step into domination can the world advance to a better level.

Of course, you can do without them.

However, in that case, the changes and even evolution of the world cannot be completed overnight.

But with them, everything is different.

They will guide the world to a better evolution.

It will also lead the world to become truly powerful.

The relationship between the origin spirit and the world is symbiotic.

According to human terms, every origin spirit is a son of the world and a son of heaven.

And now, the world is about to undergo a transformation...It was also during this transformation that they ushered in their own great fortune and great grace....

"Close your eyes, sink into your mind, and feel the baptism from the world."

The soft narration sounded in the ears, but it shocked every origin spirit.

This was the voice of the master.

However, at this moment, they wanted to call Yu Ziyu 'Father God'’

"god the father..."

While whispering softly, Yan Bao also cherished every minute and every second, and his mind sank for a while....


The sudden roar and explosion of fire were sensations, and his consciousness extended endlessly.

It seems like it has become a part of the world. he saw...

Saw the whole world of flames.

There are volcanoes everywhere, and lava is spewing thinly.

High in the sky, there is a bright sun, burning brightly.

This is the world of fire.

A holy place unique to fire attribute cultivators.

And he is a child of this world, born with the will of the world

"the world is breathing...Also transforming..."

While speaking softly, Yanbang also felt that the world seemed to be undergoing unknown changes.

Every minute and every second is getting stronger.

And he also started another round of evolution under the guidance of the world.


There was another roar, visible to the naked eye, as the fire element of the entire world poured into him.

Pyroblast, this son of flame, is actually getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He is with the world.

The world is evolving, and he is also undergoing transformation.

As he transforms, he also leads the evolution of the world.

That's why Yu Ziyu lamented in the past: If the nine realms want to truly transform and transform into the big world, the original elves are an indispensable part.

But now it seems that everything is as expected...

"I didn't expect that this guy Yan Biao would be the first to undergo transformation."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu looked at the red elf that looked like it was walking out of flames, and narrowed his eyes slightly. Yanbang has the hottest temper among the nine elves.

He upholds the 'strongness and ferocity of fire'.

However , , his talent is also the most astonishing.

If he calms down, he can be ranked among the top three of the nine origin elves.

At this time, not only Yanbang, but Yu Ziyu also noticed that another origin elf has undergone a transformation.Youlian was born with darkness.

She is an extremely pure dark elf.

She has long black hair and a pair of eyes that shine like black gems.

She closed her eyes tightly, and the endless power of darkness continued to pour into her body.

"Boom, boom..."

There were loud noises one after another, and her aura actually increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the small dark world seemed to sense something, and the changes suddenly accelerated.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

However, this is just the beginning.

Only when all the nine realms transform and turn into the big world can he have enough power to attack the ninth level of Tianmen.

But now, it is only the beginning of the changes in the Nine Realms.

Everything is uncertain.

Maybe, there will be surprises.

For example, one of the nine origin elves failed to break through.

In that case, the world he represents also means that the advancement has failed.


With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu didn't want any accidents to happen.

Among the nine origin elves, failure to advance is not terrible.

The scary thing is that the failure of the nine origin elves to advance also means that Yu Ziyu's transformation into the nine realms will be greatly delayed.

After all, without the creation of domination-level creatures, it would be difficult for the Nine Realms to be called a 'real and complete world'.

But no problem.

He was fully prepared.

Moreover, the breakthroughs of the nine origin elves, to a large extent, do not depend on themselves.

See more, the world...

The world and the original elves complement each other.

The world needs the original elves to push and advance.

The origin elves also need the guidance of the world.

As long as they pay attention to this, Yu Ziyu can rely on protecting the world to ensure that their advancement is completed smoothly.

Of course, this requires Yu Ziyu's full attention.

There can't be a single mistake.

"Don't let me down..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu divided his thoughts into nine, each taking care of the world.

And at the same time,


There was a sudden dragon roar, and a green dragon shadow shuttled back and forth in the sky of the Nine Realms.

This is Qinglong, in charge of the Emperor's Heavenly Dao Thunder Pond.

But now, he sensed that his true body had reached a critical moment, and he came here specifically to control the thunder tribulation and protect him.

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