At this time, what no one knew was that there was a young man standing quietly on the human race, the Great Zhou Empire, a remote star field, and a very remote planet.

This young man has a tall and straight figure.

Black hair and black eyes.

However, the only thing worth noting is that behind him, there is a very thick tail, swaying slowly.

This is the tail of the great ape.

And he is clearly black gold.

A new human being secretly cultivated by the Demon Court.

He is the ancestor of the human race.

Now, he is a seventh-level master.

No, he who has not survived the thunder tribulation can only be regarded as half a master.

It has the fighting power of a master, but it is a realm without a master.

And now...

He slowly raised his eyes and looked at this very remote planet, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

This planet is a human planet with a country called 'Dayan Kingdom', which is a subsidiary country of the Great Zhou Empire.

And the humans in this country...Pay attention to bloodline.

Many humans have the blood of alien beasts and can transform into the postures of alien beasts.

And this coincides with black gold.

However, in Dayan Kingdom, humans turned into strange beasts.

And he evolved from an alien beast to a human being.

The starting point and end point are interchanged, but the process is the same.

Therefore, Black Gold also plans to start from here.

First, he became the first genius of Dayan Kingdom, and then he entered the starry sky and aspired to be the supreme king of the human race.

"A hundred years later, the void invaded, and the country of Dayan was devastated, with heavy casualties...."

"However, at this moment, a genius came out of Dayan Kingdom....He is stunningly talented, he looks down upon the world..."

"He single-handedly defeated an army of millions of voids...Famous starry sky..."

In the soft murmur, Kurogane already knew the 'script'.

This is the script written by Demon Court Golden Monkey for him. very perfect.

There is no flaw at all.

In the future, if anyone suspects Heijin's birth, they can go to Dayan Kingdom to verify it.

As for the place where Heijin was born, or more detailed information...

Sorry, when the void falls...The entire Dayan Kingdom is in disarray.

And his family members all died tragically. leaving him alone...

With a smile in his heart, Heijin's thin lips also pursed a subtle arc....

Time flies, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed.

During this period, the abyss invaded all races...The entire starry sky was involved in the war.

However, at this time of life and death, Demon Court stood up.

One master after another, he took the lead and dared to be the first.

Lead the legion and support from all tribes.

It inspires all nations

"Demon Court, this is Demon Court..."

"The number one force in the starry sky, Demon Court has paid too much for the common people in the world...."

"I want to join the Demon Court, I want to join the Demon Court..."

One after another, all the tribes admired Yaoting.

At this time, Demon Court also took advantage of the situation and announced:

"Establish an army of all races...Just to face the abyss..."

The legion of all races is to fight against the abyss.

All races are called upon to contribute their share of the effort.

As soon as these words came out, countless forces showed a hint of emotion.

The abyss is terrifying.

Only under the protection of the Demon Court can we survive.

At this time, in order to fight against the abyss, Demon Court took the lead in establishing the Ten Thousand Races Legion...


After a period of silence, many people with lofty ideals silently chose to join.

It is said that in just one year, as many as a thousand sixth-order giants joined the Ten Thousand Races Legion.

Among them, there are several half-step masters joining.

It has to be said that Demon Court is particularly good at winning people's hearts.

However, at this time, some top forces also noticed a special situation

"Have you noticed that support from Demon Court always comes too late?..."

"And, more importantly, as soon as Demon Court’s support arrived, Abyss immediately retreated..."

Listening quietly to this strong man's analysis, many strong men's eyes flickered.

However, before this strong man could say more, someone stood up and stopped him;

"This cannot be said."

During the soft instructions, the others were also silent.

Demon Court, now you dare to be the first.

If these words spread, they will probably become the public enemy of all races.

Others don't know, don't they know?

Even their subordinates Some of the powerful people are willing to join the Demon Court.

This can...Not ordinary horror...

And just when these small forces had their suspicions, the elves, a clan that had listened to the high priest's words, had long been keeping a distance from the Demon Court.

Wherever the Demon Court passes, the elves will inevitably retreat.

However, if you pay attention, you will definitely find that countless eyes and ears of the elves have fallen on Demon Ting.

Seems to be looking for something

"Lord Wind Chaser..."

During the sudden visit, a figure also knelt on one knee and kowtowed to a beautiful figure with long green hair not far away.

This is the Wind Chaser, the master of the elves. , very mysterious.

But now, she raised her eyes slightly, looked at this subordinate, and said softly:

"Did you find anything?"

"Reporting back to Mr. Wind Chaser, during my investigation, I discovered some very bad things."


After asking, Wind Chaser also frowned.

"As of today, there have been hundreds of invasions of various sizes from the Abyss, of which more than sixty have been supported by the Demon Court....And among these more than sixty cases, almost most of the Demon Court came late...."

"Next, Demon Court seemed to have been prepared and began to receive the remaining forces."

"Moreover, what is more important is that in the past hundred years, the major armies of Demon Court have been expanding crazily....Its scale and quantity are completely different from those in the past...."...

Listening quietly, Wind Chaser also fell silent.

These messages are very important.

The problem is, there is no substantial evidence.

Moreover, no one dares to think about that guess, let alone guess

"The high priest once said that the Demon Court is more terrifying than the Abyss. Why?"

Amidst the somewhat suspicious voice, Wind Chaser also raised his eyes and looked at the starry sky, his eyes unable to stop twinkling.

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