
The bells roared again, the bells sounded mighty, the universe was brilliant, the heaven and earth lost color, the universe was shaken, and the power of the treasure of chaos was undoubtedly revealed.

Even if it is a phantom, it still makes all living beings horrified.

"Why is this guy here?"

Amidst the sudden exclamation, the Tiandao Thunder Pond also changed from its previous calmness.

The Chaos Bell, the Innate Imperial Armament, even his legendary Imperial Armament, cannot compare.

And now, this Imperial Armament has arrived....

Slowly raising his eyes, staring at the huge shadow that covered the sky and the sun, as if enveloping the universe, Tiandao Leichi couldn't help but express his gratitude.

"It is not good news to alarm this one."

In the sudden sigh, Tiandao Leichi also reminded Tiandao Qinglong

"No problem..."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu didn't care about the arrival of the Chaos Clock. Instead, there was an inexplicable smile surging at the corner of his mouth.

"Long time no see, I really miss you."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu looked at the hazy shadow of the clock with twinkling eyes.

Chaos Bell can be regarded as one of his noble people.

To be more precise, he is his protector....

Therefore, Yu Ziyu is also very grateful to this person...

But now, the bells are ringing loudly, and the Golden Crow clan is shrouded in unimaginable power.

Everything falls into deathly silence.

Even the thunder in the sky didn't make any waves.

However, at this moment,

"Lord Chaos Clock...."

With a cry in his voice, a half-step master suddenly knelt down on his knees and screamed at the top of his lungs:

"In this demon court, there is no one who deceives me, the Golden Crow....Not only did he secretly plot to kill the king of our Golden Crow clan, but he also wanted to steal our Golden Crow clan’s..."

"Please make the decision and give justice to our Golden Crow clan...."

The voice was full of sorrow, making people startled.

It really makes the listener sad and the listener shed tears


During a period of silence, the eyes of countless powerful men were focused on the hazy bell shadow above the nine heavens.

They are waiting, waiting, for the answer from this ancient being...

There was a long silence, and the world fell into a deathly silence.

At this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see the Chaos Clock's gaze, always staying in the dark clouds not far away.

But, just at this moment,

"I, Qinglong, pay my respects to Master Chaos Bell..."

In the calm and indifferent voice, a green figure slowly walked out from the deepest part of the dark clouds.

This is a youth.

Incomparable grace.

Breeze on both sleeves.

The whole body is surrounded by the phantom of a green dragon.

And his appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Countless powerful men are still curious about Venerable Qinglong.

Just because, although Lord Qinglong is powerful, he rarely actually appears in the starry sky.

Many people have never even seen him.

But now, at a glance, countless strong men couldn't help but be shocked.

"What a strange man."

A sigh expressed the feelings of many people.

But at this time...

"I heard the call of the Golden Crow tribe..."

There was a great majesty hidden in the very plain voice, as if time and space were shaken.

The Chaos Clock is infinitely mysterious and creative, and can imprison time and suppress space.

To a certain extent, it can be said that they are innate imperial soldiers who are"born in time and space".

But now, time and space are surging, and a vast coercion is shaking the starry sky.

However, at this moment,


Amidst the sudden roar, a wisp of hazy gray mist was actually outlined behind Venerable Qinglong.

And the moment this wisp of gray mist appeared, Chaos Clock smiled.

Really laughed

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The hearty laughter shook the world and made countless powerful people of the Golden Crow clan look puzzled.

Why, Master Chaos Bell suddenly laughed.

However, this is not the end

"OK, OK, OK..."

The word 'good' sounded three times in a row, expressing the Chaos Bell's indescribable joy.

Epochs cycle.

He didn't know how many epochs had passed, but now, he finally saw hope.

Saw the hope of transcendence

"My dear friends, please don’t forget our past agreement."

Amidst the soft instructions, the sound of the Chaos Bell also sounded in Yu Ziyu's heart.

"Naturally, I dare not forget it."

With a response, Yu Ziyu also knew that his great supernatural power, one qi, can transform into three qings, has been exposed.

However, it doesn't matter. Sooner or later

, his great power, one qi, can transform into three qings. It will be exposed sooner or later. Instead of exposing it in the future, it is better to take the initiative to expose the 'power of time and space' now, so that Chaos Bell recognized his identity.

It also made him identify with himself.

But now, the effect seems to be achieved.

With this thought, Yu Ziyu also controlled the body of the blue dragon, and said respectfully:

"The Jinwu clan does not listen to the instructions of their ancestors...Yes..."

Before Yu Ziyu could finish speaking, the vast voice of the Chaos Bell had already sounded in the ears of many Golden Crow clan members:

"I don't interfere in human affairs..."

As the words fell, the bell shadow that was originally illusory turned out to be even more illusory....

Immediately, slowly disappeared between heaven and earth...

"Lord Chaos Clock...you..."

Amidst the sudden exclamation, the second elder of the Golden Crow clan was also confused.



Didn’t Lord Chaos Bell arrive?

But now...

However, I didn’t wait for more exclamations from the second elder of the Golden Crow Tribe.


A sudden thunder fell from the sky.

Like a thunder dragon coming into the world, a thunderbolt as thick as a barrel swallowed up the entire body of the second elder of the Golden Crow tribe in an instant....


Amidst the very shrill screams, the two elders of the Golden Crow tribe were exposed to the white bones by the terrifying power of the thunder, and their whole bodies were beaten back to their original shape....

"Into the divine prison..."

Amid the very plain voice, countless powerful men felt chills in their hearts.

However, at this moment, no one dared to refute.

Just because this is the order of Lord Qinglong.

And who is Lord Qinglong?

But when they faced the Chaos Clock just now, they were all ruthless people with unchanging expressions.

A ruthless person in the true sense of the word.

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