
Amid the sudden roar, the Golden Ant's entire body was shaken.

When he looked around, he saw a black shadow with overwhelming arrogance emerging behind him.

This shadow is so big that it covers the sky and the sun.

Covering the sun and the moon, it is far more terrifying than anyone else.

And this is the King of Titans.

Yes, the King of Titans, the Lord of the Seventh Level Second Heaven.

But this one only has its power, but nothing else.

And all this is because...Yu Ziyu used his heaven-defying power to take away everything he had and gave it to the golden ants.

To some extent, golden ants can be regarded as 'Kings of Titans'.

However, the Golden Ant still has his own will, and even the Golden Ant's body shape will not change.

Just one more 'Titan Power'.

And from this, it is conceivable how shocking Yu Ziyu's methods are.

It is actually able to take everything from one master and give it to another person.

If such a method were to spread, I am afraid that countless masters would be in danger.

It's just a pity...

"not good."

My heart was shocked, and Yu Ziyu rushed towards the depths of the dark cloud whirlpool without looking back.

She didn't even have time to say hello to Golden Ant and others....

"Lord Qinglong..."

During the sudden call, Kun Pengzi's expression also changed. He faintly noticed something.

"Take good care of your golden ants."

With an instruction, Yu Ziyu also used the robbery to escape and returned to the Heavenly Thunder Pond.

Immediately afterwards,


Amid the sudden roar, unimaginable power from heaven suddenly descended.

I don't know where it came from.

Earth-shattering, extremely horrifying,


With a sudden sound, Yu Ziyu spurted out a large mouthful of scarlet blood, making his face pale.

It's not just him who has the body of a blue dragon.

At the same time, his body, the body of the blood sea, and even the body of the sky-reaching purple dragon, were all shocked, and his expression changed slightly.

Backlash, the way of heaven bites back.

His power to seize the master is really too unbelievable.

It actually caused a backlash from heaven.

That is to say, he has four major bodies. These ten major bodies are originally one body, so they can evenly distribute the backlash.

If he only had the body of a blue dragon, he would probably lose his realm.

And this is the power of heaven.

Although it is said to be omnipotent, it cannot do something

"While making the impossible possible, it also meant that I had to endure unimaginable backlash."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu had no regrets.

Just because, with this move, he could plan another imperial weapon for the Demon Court.

Although the Titan clan is the royal family of the Demon Court, they have always been in harmony with each other and have unstable minds.

Now, Yu Ziyu Using the golden ants to seize the Titan God Clan's imperial weapon, the Titan Divine Crown, will not only frighten the Titan God Clan, but also greatly enhance the power of the Demon Court. You must know that the strength of the golden ants is already terrifying.

Now, if With suitable imperial weapons, his combat power will probably be qualitatively improved.

"I hope you won’t live up to my expectations..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to take action during this period of time.

Otherwise, he might be in trouble with his green dragon body.

But, not bad.

With the Thunder Pond of the Heavenly Emperor's Weapons...

"I'm going to take care of myself"


While slightly nodding, the Tiandao Thunder Pond also quietly watched the green dragon flying towards his Thunder Sea. The

Thunder Sea is its origin sea.

It is the purest sea of ​​thunder between heaven and earth.

Although it explodes to the extreme. , but everything must be reversed at the extreme.

The deepest part of his sea of ​​thunder is unimaginably soft. Countless thunders turned into liquid, which is the divine liquid in the true sense.

Yes, divine liquid.

It can make flesh and bones, living dead.

It is very rebellious. God.

It is also of great use to Yu Ziyu's current green dragon body.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the ability he had just plundered.

【Titan's will - upholds the immortal will, is immortal in destruction, is as firm as iron, and can resist most spiritual offensives. 】

Looking quietly, the corners of Yu Ziyu’s mouth were also slightly raised.

This is an ability of the Titan King.

A very terrifying ability.

Named 'Titan Will', it can withstand most of the mental offensive.

Just listening to the introduction, you can imagine how terrifying this ability is.

But now, he belongs to Yu Ziyu

"I've always liked this ability to save lives."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

It's not just this ability.

He also gained a lot of evolution points and law fragments.

The King of Titans, the law he carries on his back, is the 'Law of the Sky', a very Strange laws correspond to the earth...Standing in the boundless sky, you can have endless power.

It can also greatly improve one's own recovery speed and other things.

Very good rule.

Suitable for the Titan family.

Not suitable for Yu Ziyu.

At least until now, Yu Ziyu has not understood this rule and how to use it....

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes


A sudden roar rose from the end of the starry sky.

Accompanied by it, an existence like a crown slowly rose into the sky and continued to grow in size.

It looks like a sun ring.

Covering every star.

However, at this time, this sun ring continued to shrink, shooting towards the head of a very small figure.

That's a golden ant.

The fifth divine beast of Demon Court.

Now, because Yu Ziyu usurped the power of the Titan clan for him, the Golden Ant has finally been recognized by the Imperial Weapon Titan Crown.

"The ultimate strength of the Sky-Shaking Ant, coupled with a very terrifying power-type imperial weapon..."

Smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu also had unspeakable expectations.

Next, is the era of golden ants.

Moreover, there is one more thing...

Wanzu, what will you think now?

The demon court, which had always been gentle, suddenly slaughtered the Titan royal family and even seized the emperor's soldiers....

Such behavior would probably shock many forces.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care much.

He was happy to see this scene.

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