The legendary imperial weapon Tiandao Thunder Pond is recognized as its master, the Azure Dragon Master.

And the Demon Court, a force with no foundation, truly has their own imperial weapons.

This shocked countless forces in the starry sky.

Among them, there are many forces who can't sit still.

However, this is a good thing.

After all, Demon Court has always been benevolent and righteous, and among all the races in the starry sky, it is rare that it has the strength to make countless forces feel at ease.

"The Demon Court, under the leadership of the first Demon Emperor, protected all living beings, and now it has the Imperial Soldiers, which is also a good thing for us and other races in the starry sky."

"This is true, the power of Demon Court will only make the starry sky safer"...

The statements one after another represent the views of most forces in the starry sky.

They believe that Demon Court.

And this is also the reputation Yu Ziyu accumulated over hundreds or even thousands of years before becoming the Demon Emperor.

However, few people know that all of this changed overnight......

Titan Realm...The territory of the Demon Court Royal Family and the Titan God Clan.

However, tonight seems differentday.

Just because, just now, countless core members of the Titan Protoss were summoned...Even the patriarchs of the Titan clan are rushing towards the deepest part

"I'm waiting to meet the Titan King..."

Amid the chorus of calls, one tall figure after another looked at the Titan King sitting high on top.

This is the Titan King of this generation.

Called 'Nos'.

However, unlike other Titan Kings, this Titan King is somewhat cruel and even terrifying.

Because he was greedy for beauty, many beauties in the clan became his harem.

And, that's not all.

The most terrifying thing about him is that he doesn't even let his daughter go.

Among his descendants, there are extremely outstanding female Titans.

I was bullied by him.

However, even with such a Titan King, no one dares to resist his rule.

A large part of the reason for this is because he set foot on the Lord and was born in the sky. His power is boundless and beyond imagination....

However, at this time, what moved countless Titans was that the face of the Titan King sitting high on the throne was extremely ugly.

There are even traces of sweat overflowing on the forehead

"Titan King, what's wrong with you?"

During the sudden inquiry, a strong man from the Titan God Clan also stood up.

However, at the next moment, the eyes of this strong man from the Titan God Clan solidified.


There was only a crisp sound, and immeasurable golden light spurted out.

Along with this, the head of this Titan King was slowly separated from the body.


"Oh My God...what happened?"


Either screaming or exclaiming, the entire hall made a huge noise.

However, at this moment,

"Boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roars, a huge storm was set off throughout the hall.

Looking for the sound, there were actually two very petite figures, slowly walking out from behind the giant body of the Titan King.

Those were two golden figures.

A man with golden wings on his back, his whole body filled with peerless sharpness that tears everything apart.

One has his hands folded across his chest, looking down at the world.

"This is?"

In the sudden exclamation, many powerful men of the Titan clan recognized these two figures. The

Demon Master of the Demon Court, and the legendary fifth divine beast, the Golden Ant. Why did they come here?

Moreover ,...

Looking at the figure who had already lifted the head of the Titan God King, their pupils shrank even more.

"The Titan God King secretly planned to betray the Demon Court, and he should be punished for his crime...."

In a very cold voice, Kun Pengzi also slowly took off the crown on the head of the Titan God King.

This crown is flashing with eternal brilliance.

The body surface has extremely complicated lines.

This is Titan Crown.

The Imperial Soldiers of the Titan Protoss can increase their own strength several times, even dozens of times.

However, now, this Titan God King was beheaded before he could even mobilize the imperial soldiers.

This reason is that his strength is comparable to the second level of Tianmen.

Compared with Kunpengzi and Golden Ant, they are much weaker.

The second reason is that he never thought that Demon Court would dare to take action against him.

How can this be?

How could Demon Court attack him so decisively?

Countless puzzles filled his heart, and the Titan God King's expression changed again and again.

"Why? Why did you attack me?"

"How dare you? Aren't you afraid that the world will be disappointed?"

Amidst the continuous roars, this head is constantly struggling.

For a dominant-level existence, beheading is not a big problem.

But the real key is that a peerless edge prevents the healing of the Titan God King, and also hinders the healing of the Titan God King. Interrupted the flow of the Titan King's divine power

"Chilling? Hum hum..."

With a sneer, Kun Pengzi also shouted:

"Anyone who dares to betray our demon court will be killed without mercy, not just you....Even those subordinates who follow you will be killed...."

In the very cold voice, the faces of countless powerful Titans in the entire hall changed drastically.

But the next moment,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Hearing one after another, countless golden feathers shot out.

Like a meteor shower, streaking across the sky


"Demon Court, how dare you?"


Amidst the continuous screams, one after another the strong men of the Titan Protoss were bleeding.

Only a few people can stand quietly.

Can...Look at the blood flowing around you.

Looking at the countless dismembered tribesmen, these strong men were also stupid.

"how come?"

With their eyes widened, they also looked at the figure next to the throne with horrified expressions.

Is this still the Demon Court they knew?

However, at this moment,...


During the sudden violent drink, the Titan Crown in Kun Pengzi's hand was also trembling.

Vaguely, a shadow can be seen emerging.

That is the weapon spirit of the Imperial Weapon Titan Crown.

But now, his body is trembling, and his eyes are fixedly looking at these two golden figures.

"You'd better not wake up."

In the sudden reminder, Golden Ant also said coldly:

"Lord Lei Chi has taken over this star field. If you dare to forcefully revive, you will definitely be waiting for his execution...."

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