And just when Yu Ziyu returned to the Demon Court with the imperial weapon Tiandao Leichi.

Many forces were also shocked.

The legendary emperor's weapon Tiandao Leichi has revived, and he recognizes the Master Qinglong as the main one....

Such a thing, even the abyss cannot sit still

"This Demon Court is truly blessed by heaven and earth..."

With a sigh, the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss also had a complex expression.

"well...The Demon Court was originally our biggest obstacle, but now it has the legendary imperial weapon Tiandao Thunder Pond....this..."

Saying this, the other abyss master couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"Now, it’s really bright.....First, the descendant of the Great Divine Power Blood God was born, and then the great Divine Power One Qi Transformed into Three Pure Ones was born. Now, even the most domineering Imperial Soldier Tiandao Leichi has appeared...."

In a rare sigh, the Abyss Spider Queen also shook her head helplessly.

This is really not a good thing for them.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, an abyss master asked curiously:

"Is the Imperial Weapon Heavenly Dao Thunder Pond scary?"

He has seen a lot of imperial soldiers.

But with his strength, it is enough to defeat the imperial soldiers, but it is not as scary as imagined.

"You don’t think that this Tiandao Leichi is the same as the other imperial soldiers you encountered, right?"

In the sudden response, the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss also sneered:

"Imperial soldiers can be divided into three, six or nine levels. Now, most of the imperial soldiers are incomplete and have very little power. In this way, the imperial soldiers can also protect a clan...."

"And this Tiandao Leichi is known as the 'most domineering imperial weapon'. He is already terrifying. Now he has swallowed up the entire Leiling clan and restored 70% to 80% of the power in his heyday...."

"I can say without politeness that if this imperial weapon is fully revived, it will probably be able to unleash a sea of ​​thunder and destroy an entire star field...."

Listening quietly, the expressions of one abyss master after another couldn't help but change drastically.

Destroy a star field?

Are you kidding me?

Is this really the power that practitioners can possess?

However, now, looking at the solemn expression of the Ancient Abyss Demon King from one abyss after another, I can't help but feel guilty.

For some reason, an unquestionable feeling emerged in their hearts

"Demon Court, don’t provoke me for the time being...."

Having said this, the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss also looked at the Queen of the Abyss and many other powerful masters not far away, and continued:

"I propose to awaken the foundation of civilization - the gate of the abyss...Only the Gate of the Abyss can compete with the Emperor's Heavenly Dao Thunder Pond"


In the chorus of responses, many masters did not refute.

Now, in the abyss, the ancient demon clan is powerful.

The entire race has four masters.

Among them, the Ancient Demon King is in the fourth level of Tianmen and attacks the taboo existence.

Such a powerful person is enough to guide the entire abyss.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

What is really important is that the pattern and abilities of the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss are far superior to other masters.

He is a qualified guide.

It will also lead the entire abyss to true strength....

And at the same time, the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, one after another, could not help but be shocked.

"What the Demon Court has always lacked most is the foundation, the imperial soldiers....And now..."

Amidst the sudden sigh, the Black Evil Dragon King of the Dragon Clan also had a complicated expression.

"It's okay, we have good relations with Demon Court. Now that Demon Court is strong, it is also good for us."

In response, the Golden Dragon Lord on the side also expressed his opinion.


With a sigh, the Black Evil Dragon King also said bluntly:

"Personal feelings cannot override racial interests after all....Believe me, if the Demon Court becomes powerful, it will inevitably take action against us."

Speaking of this, the Black Evil Dragon King also reminded:

"Don’t forget, the Angel Clan and the Titan Clan are the most distinct examples."

Listening quietly, many Dragon Kings couldn't help but remain silent.

The Angel Clan and the Titan Clan were originally first-class races and one of the top ten powerful clans in the starry sky.

Now, they have become the royal family of the Demon Court, also because of them. , Demon Court will reach the top of the starry sky...Alongside their dragon clan. so...As the old saying goes, Demon Court has been able to reach this point because it is by no means as kind as it appears, and its ruthlessness is definitely far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

However, Demon Court has always been invincible and has good relations with all major forces.

This makes it difficult for people to discover its essence

"I wish I thought more..."

Sighing again, the Black Evil Dragon King also looked at the figure sitting high on the throne.

Wearing a robe, majestic and eye-catching.

This is fantasy.

The oldest emperor of the Dragon Clan is also known as the 'Red Dragon Emperor'.

However, what is troubling is that this Dragon King actually has a good personal relationship with Yaoting.

He even once recognized the founder of the Demon Court, the first-generation Demon Emperor, as his eldest brother.

Therefore, this makes it very difficult for the Dragon Clan to deal with the Demon Court.

Just because they need to consider the feelings of this Dragon King from time to time.

However, at this moment, he seemed to have noticed something. Not far away, the Dragon King Mengmeng also raised his eyes slightly and said in a concentrated voice:

"Don't look at what I mean, racial interests are above all else..."

Speaking of this, Dragon King Mengmeng also raised his voice:

"Wait, even if I want to take action against Demon Court, I will not say 'no'."

As he finished speaking, the Dragon King's dreamy figure turned into a red celestial dragon and left the hall....

At the same time, not only the Dragon Clan had a complicated attitude towards Demon Court.

Even the Feng Clan's attitude towards Demon Court is extremely complicated.

Just because the Phoenix Clan, a very terrifying master, was the former commander of the Sky Army of Demon Court.

The extremely dark demon phoenix is ​​now one of the five masters of the Phoenix clan.

It is also the most mysterious master.

Moreover, not only the Dark Demon Phoenix, but also Ni Chang, the leader of the Phoenix Clan, had a good personal relationship with the first Demon Emperor of the Demon Court.

The existence of these two has greatly affected the Feng clan's attitude towards Demon Court.

Can be an enemy.

But please believe that there is a high chance that Extreme Dark Demon Phoenix and Ni Chang will not take action. so...


During a period of silence, the entire Phoenix Clan Hall held its breath.

Not many people dared to say anything.

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