"Hoo, ho, ho..."

With the roars one after another, the foggy mountains could not stop shaking.

The fog is surging and the wind and waves are rolling up.

One after another, the humans in the inner circle looked at the ferocious beasts that occasionally appeared in the depths of the fog, all with despair in their eyes.

"Are you kidding me? How could such a monster exist?"

Amid the roar of disbelief, a young man looked at a giant mist bull not far away carrying a mountain on its back, his facial features distorted.

Fear, despair...

Very complex emotions are intertwined on his face.

However, for a moment, as if he had thought of it, the man showed a look of surprise, and shouted at his companion not far away:

"Fake, it must be fake"

"You look at it, can this foggy mountain confuse people's perception?"

"This must be an illusion, the eyes deceive us."

Speaking like this, as if to prove what he said, the young man rushed towards the giant bull not far away, stepping on the mist.

"This is all fake...definitely is..."

The words haven’t been spoken yet.

Suddenly, a very huge cow's hoof, like a cloud blocking the sun, appeared in the sky above his head.

For a moment, under the horrified gazes of countless people

"With a loud bang, the forest seemed to have been shaken by an earthquake, shaking uncontrollably.

What was even more shocking was that one crack after another went in all directions.

It was terrifying, but also terrifying.

But it also broke everyone. hope

"no no..."

"I want to go home, I want to go home"...

Amidst the hoarse screams, countless humans were already running away in panic.

What's worse, his legs were so frightened that he fell to the ground. There was a strange smell between his buttocks.

And this is the first time that the terror of fog beasts has truly appeared in front of people on a large scale.’....

Of course, it is worth mentioning that the current Yu Ziyu does not need to control the fog beast very accurately.

The fog beast is the condensation of his fog.

And within the body of the fog beast, there is even a trace of his spiritual power.

Now, for a being like him, he only needs to give the fog beast one order - to guard the foggy mountains and kill all the humans who step into the foggy mountains.

The fog beast will be like a machine, coldly executing his orders.

And this is also a terrifying aspect of third-level existence.

The huge mental power has almost turned into substance, which is enough to rival some extraordinary first-level people with spiritual talents. 】

With a little practice, you can do things that only spiritual talents can do.

For example, one thought has multiple uses.

A ray of spirit was separated to control the fog beast to execute the orders he gave.

But his body is doing more important things......

At this moment, Yu Ziyu was seriously experiencing the power of the third level.

The roots are still spreading, and are spreading farther and deeper into the earth at a speed that is far greater than ever.

Now, if you look into the depths of the earth, you will see countless roots that are like spider webs, weaving through the depths of the earth, like a python disaster, which is both ferocious and terrifying.

Occasionally, I encounter some underground life.

It was also swallowed up in an instant.

From time to time, Yu Ziyu heard very clear system prompts.

"It feels so good."

With a deep sigh, Yu Ziyu already felt that half of the foggy mountain was under his control.

Yu Ziyu believed that in the near future, the depths of the entire misty mountain would be filled with the roots of his trees.

These trees The roots will spread all over the earth like a spider web, and then support the entire misty mountain.

And on these spider web-like tree roots, Yu Ziyu will also start his next step, building a city.

With his current body, it is enough to support An underground city was built.

At that time, it was not a small city.

It was a truly majestic city comparable to a human international metropolis.

However, the third level is not just that simple.

Now Yu Ziyu can feel the vast spiritual power in his body, They are like blood flowing throughout Yu Ziyu's body.

But they have created the millions of spiritual powers that Yu Ziyu now possesses.

And the accumulation of all these millions of spiritual powers has also generated a new ability.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu My heart moved

""Boom" was accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, with Yu Ziyu as the center, a terrifying pressure suddenly spread.

"Click, click, click..."

In the void, one arc after another visible to the naked eye was pulled out.

At this scene, not to mention that everyone in Beiyu Canyon was already a crawling mutated beast, even Yu Ziyu was frightened.

Sure enough, it is indeed a third level unique ability, it is really terrifying.

【The spiritual field - the gathering of millions of spiritual powers, is enough to distort the magnetic field, which then affects reality and refracts it in reality. 】

This kind of ability has little impact on people of the same level.

But it is fatal to low-level people.

Especially human technological weapons, if they cannot tear apart the spiritual fields of third-level life forms, their power will be greatly weakened.

What's even more exaggerated is that if human electronic equipment appears within the range of Yu Ziyu's spiritual field, it will fail even if Yu Ziyu does nothing.

And what does this mean?

With a grin on her lips, a glimmer of light flashed deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

No wonder, when the extraordinary rises, most technologies will decline.

And from this, it is not difficult to imagine why technology did not develop in the age of immortals and gods.

It’s not that we don’t want to develop, it’s that it’s difficult to develop.

Of course, this is just a guess by Yu Ziyu.

Now he is not sure yet....

"I wonder if my current property panel has changed?"

Whispering in his heart, Yu Ziyu also turned his attention to the attribute panel for the first time since he advanced.

【Race: Mutated Willow

Level: Extraordinary Level 3 (Disaster)

Evolution Points: 12983 (Acquisition method, one receives the sunlight, ingests unknown energy for refining, and the second plunders other animals and even plants, and then extracts it.)

Native Talent:

Super Strong regeneration (Lv2 - can be promoted) - a terrible talent unique to plants, which can greatly enhance the regeneration speed. Even if relatively fragile parts such as branches are damaged, they can still regenerate in an instant with the help of the power surging in the body. come out. (The regeneration ability has been strengthened - even if most of the body and even the roots are destroyed, it can still be slowly reborn through the residue)

Seed of Vitality (Part) - Use your own spiritual power as the source of life to spawn seeds and grow rapidly from the ground. If you add more trees, the trees will be uprooted, and in a few breaths, you can create a small forest.

Ability: Mutated Branches (Level 3) - The terrifying branches can secrete a toxin that is enough to paralyze the body of the prey and even cause it to coma while being manipulated at will. It can also split to achieve quantitative and qualitative changes, turning one into ten. , convert ten into one hundred...

Mutated Tree Roots (Lv3) - Each terrifying tree root like a dragon can absorb animals and plants as nutrients to a certain extent. What is even more terrifying is that the moment the roots touch animals and plants, they can also extract spiritual power. , to provide itself with even more powerful strangulation.

Spiritual Field (Level 1v3) - The gathering of millions of spiritual powers is enough to distort the magnetic field, which then affects reality and refracts it in reality.

Mastery of Mist (Level 1v3)——...

Hallucination (Lv2)——....

Controlling the Earth Element (Lv2)——...

Mastery of Mist (Level 1v3)——...

Willow Leaf Sword (Lv2)——...

Wooden Dragon (Lv1)——....

Minor magical power:

Crystallization (entry) - Supplemented by the power of the earth, it can crystallize part or even all of the body. This kind of crystal-like body can greatly improve the defense. If it can be cultivated to perfection, it can be truly Meaning - indestructible, difficult to destroy without great supernatural powers

Selectively ignoring some abilities, Yu Ziyu focused more on the third-level abilities and the two additional abilities.

"When I advanced, my tree roots had already completed a new transformation, and had they gained a strange power to extract spiritual power?"

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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