"You are the cause and I am the effect..."

"Cause and effect can be reversed..."...

As she spoke one after another, there was a touch of pride in the voice of the Concubine of the Void Sky.

This was a rare opportunity for her to gain the upper hand.

And, more importantly, as she twisted her body, she turned her defense into an attack, entangling the Lord of the Void....


As it grew bigger, the Dragon of Time also began to strangle Yu Ziyu.

However, at this time, she did not notice that the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth had turned up slightly in an inexplicable arc.

He already knew that the Heavenly Concubine of the Void had developed great magical powers to reverse yin and yang.

Although I don't know what the strength is, I still pay attention to it.

And now...Feeling this power carefully, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but secretly praise it

"It is indeed a great supernatural power...This is really not ordinary scary..."

Speaking softly, there was no trace of panic on Yu Ziyu's face.

There was even a hint of amusement at the corner of his mouth.

"At this time, Zi Lian should have led the army and invaded the inner siege through the void crack, right?..."

"This is combined with the army of Saint Purple....Under the attack from the front and back, it is only a matter of time before the inner circle of the void is occupied...."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also predicted the current battlefield.

As for...His battle with the Concubine of the Void...Yu Ziyu was not worried at all.

After all, what he is using now is only part of the power of Tongtian Purple Dragon.

Although the Heavenly Concubine of the Void is very terrifying and can even reverse yin and yang and reverse cause and effect, this is not enough to kill Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body.

Even, he couldn't even seriously injure Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body........

Moreover, Concubine Void was vaguely aware of...

Sensing the true power behind his body of a sky-reaching purple dragon...

The power that is enough to overturn the starry sky and suppress all enemies in the world


The purple dragon eyes suddenly burst into dazzling light.

Vaguely, you can see two reflections flashing in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Among them, there is a tree that blocks out the sky and the sun, and is surrounded by stars.

And the other reflection is a sea of ​​blood, boundless...

"What's this?"

During the sudden shock, Concubine Void couldn't help but tremble.

She felt it. She felt the breath that really made her heart palpitate.

Although the purple dragon in the sky is scary, it is not enough to be afraid.

However, that flash just now The aura of death made her a little desperate.

It was hard to resist.

It was even more irresistible.

If it really attacked, even if it was as powerful as her, it would be destroyed.......

"Hum hum..."

The sudden chuckle echoed in the depths of the world.

At this time, Yu Ziyu looked at the dragon of time that was tightly entwining him, and couldn't help but ridiculed:

"You're a female dragon, so I'm afraid this is a little inappropriate."

As he spoke, Yu Ziyu's huge dragon body began to twist slowly.


With a sweet shout, Concubine Void's face changed slightly as she vaguely noticed something.

Looking carefully, there was a look of shame and anger on her face.

Yes, shame and anger.

Just because, their current posture is indeed very particular to the Dragon Clan. dragon clan...Although it is the most powerful race.

But it is a 'beast' after all.

Therefore, their 'individual behavior' is very similar to that of snakes and pythons.

Intertwined with each other, they take from each other.

And now... at a glance, Yu Ziyu's body of a purple dragon reaching the sky and the Concubine of the Sky are indeed no different from their individual behaviors.

Even Yu Ziyu controlled the body of the purple dragon and breathed out hot breath.

Dragon nature is inherently sexual, and some of the substances it secretes have aphrodisiac effects.

And these substances, with the breath of Yu Ziyu's sky-reaching purple dragon body, also rushed towards the Void Heavenly Concubine.


Another scream came out, but Concubine Void suddenly pulled away and flew back.


In the long dragon roar, you can see that her huge figure is shrinking....

Until it turned into a graceful figure.

This figure was shrouded in white robes, and even its face was hidden.

However, a tall figure is vaguely visible.

What is even more concerning is the pair of golden dragon horns on the top of the head, and the golden dragon tail that slowly extends from the back.

This is the Concubine of the Void, the most mysterious figure in the Void, no one has ever seen her face.

And now...She stands quietly in the deepest part of the world...He stared intently at Yu Ziyu, who had also transformed into a human form.

"There is a big secret behind you..." speaking softly...But it's not the lips moving, but the resonance of the space, the resonant sound.

She cannot speak.

She was born as the Dragon of Time, possessing unpredictable power.

Just like the words are followed by the law, every word is blessed by great power.

And this is also the key to her mastering the great magical power to reverse yin and yang. so...

She cannot speak words lightly, and can only rely on the resonance of the medium to make sounds.

As for before, when Ying Long's true form was revealed, he had no scruples

"Big secret..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering as she looked at Concubine Void Sky.

This kind of person is really troublesome...

Maybe, this guy is aware of the great supernatural power that can transform the three pure things with one breath....

But forget it.

If you notice it, just notice it.

After all, he is the Dragon of Time, the legendary Dragon of Creation.

If you don't have this bit of power, it's totally unreasonable.


The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also spoke human words, saying:

"Knowing too much is not good..."

After saying that, Yu Ziyu also changed the topic and said bluntly:

"But never mind, whatever you notice, it doesn't matter..."


After asking, Concubine Void also looked puzzled.

"This body of mine will turn into a cage and seal you forever...I sleep for a while, and you stay with me for a while. I sleep for a lifetime, and you stay with me for a lifetime...."

While murmuring softly, one can see the surroundings of Concubine Void Sky...There were actually three vague figures slowly emerging. ps:------------------Ask for customization---------------

The Dragon of Time should be regarded as the most perfect individual life in countless epochs. Even if it appears again in the future, it is impossible for anyone to far surpass her....

Therefore, we need to give her a chance to express herself....

Moreover, the supreme and infinite laws of the sky-reaching purple dragon's body require the accumulation of time. Thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, he may not be able to defeat anyone.

But after tens of millions of years, or even several calamities, no one in the world will be able to suppress the Purple Dragon. This is the true meaning of the infinite law....

Compared with this, Yu Ziyu's current body and blood sea body are even better at fighting.

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