"Boom, boom, boom..."

Increasingly terrifying vibrations resounded in the void.

Accompanying it is the aura rising into the sky one after another.

That is the strong man inside the void.

Now, they all came because of the vibration of the Immortal Wall.

And this is understandable.

After all, the immortal wall is made of the will of the void.

Not to mention who has the power to shake it.

His existence alone is a sacred object of the void.

Not to be insulted lightly, so...

As the Immortal Wall shook, all the powerful men within the void were filled with anger....

In just a few breaths, not far from the invisible wall, thousands of void creatures gathered.

And these are not comparable to the void creatures on the periphery of the void.

As far as the eye can see, giant beasts are rampant.

There are many ancient beasts, and there are countless ancient relics, roaring to the sky.

However, the most terrifying thing is the real dragon that stands on the nine heavens, carries two wings on its back, and is ten thousand feet long. It looks noble but is very scary.

That is Yinglong, the ancestor of the dragon clan.

Now, her wings are hanging high, supporting her figure.

And those pair of dragon eyes were staring at the invisible wall.

The invisible wall cannot be seen clearly, and at a glance, it looks like it is shrouded in fog.

However, Concubine Void felt it and felt an extremely terrifying aura behind the wall.

That breath was indescribably terrifying.

Even though, she was still palpitating

"This is the existence that has always frightened me..."

Feeling bitter in her heart, Concubine Void Sky did not hide the look of fear on her face.

Ever since she set foot on the Dominion, she felt that there was a great terror in the dark.


It's even more unimaginable.

However, it was this great terror that was toying with the entire void, causing the creatures within the void to huddle here like trapped animals.

And now, this big terror has arrived.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, a strong man from within the void also took the initiative to step out and said with a smile.;

"Please don’t worry. The wall of immortality is a gift from heaven. There is no one in the world who can break through this wall...."


With a murmur, Concubine Void's eyes couldn't stop flashing.

Is it really impossible to break it?...

At this time, outside the Immortal Wall, Yu Ziyu's right hand was still stroking the wall.

And his dragon eyes were flashing with an inexplicable light, as if he was discerning something.

"This wall is extraordinary..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also understood all the secrets of this wall.

It is as high as the sky is.

Moreover, it can absorb all elemental attacks, thus denying itself, making itself even stronger.

However, this is not terrible. What is truly terrible is that it is immortal.


Even if you break it open, it will heal at a terrifying speed...

In other words, the damage caused to it by ordinary attacks may not be able to keep up with his healing speed. so...This is indeed a nice treasure.

In the future, if Yu Ziyu is sitting in the inner circle of the void, it would be a good idea to leave him here.

With this thought in mind, Yu Ziyu was unwilling to truly destroy this wall.

"Keep it, it will be useful in the future."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu raised her right hand toward the sky.


Along with the terrifying roar, all the lights in the void seemed to converge in Yu Ziyu's right hand.

"light of destruction..."

There was a murmur, and the purple light was bright, but it kept intertwining in Yu Ziyu's right hand.

Until, a long sword that was extremely bright and exuded endless purple brilliance appeared in Yu Ziyu's right hand.

That's a sword.

A long sword condensed by the light of destruction.

Although invisible, the moment this long sword appeared, the sky and the earth seemed to feel it, and there were actually countless lightnings falling down.

"Click, click..."

One sound after another made this long sword even more dazzling and breathtaking.

"The light of destruction is the divine light that destroys everything. It is no less terrifying than the five-color divine light of great supernatural powers...."

"It’s just that the five-color divine light is the main brush, brushing everything, and my light of destruction is the main attack, killing everything."


As he murmured one after another, Yu Ziyu also raised the long sword in his hand.


As the world trembled, a shocking purple light fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, in the astonished gazes of countless strong men within the void, the greatest holy object in their hearts - the Eternal Wall, slowly emerged with a purple mark.

"don't worry...The eternal wall, impossible to break"

"I am an earth void beast and the guardian of this wall. Don’t I understand it?"...

Patting his chest, the Earth Void Beast, who had previously assured everyone that"this immortal wall will not be broken," was still speaking out lofty words.

Even at this time, he changed the topic and said confidently:

"In the whole world, the only one who can break through this wall is..."

But don't wait for him to finish....


A crisp sound echoed between heaven and earth.

Then, point by point, he turned his head stiffly, and what struck the Earth Void Beast's eyes was that a crack slowly appeared on the invisible wall.

And from this crack, there is endless purple light spurting out.


With a look of disbelief on his face, the Earth Void Beast's face was completely frozen....

"what did you just say?"

Suddenly, a playful voice echoed in the mind of the Earth Void Beast, causing his whole body to tremble again and again. It was as if his body could not bear the voice.

However, it was also a mere sixth-order giant. , in front of Yu Ziyu, it is not enough.

Even though this sixth-level giant is somewhat special, in Yu Ziyu's view, it is just ordinary.

But now...The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also responded to what the Earth Void Beast had said before.

"Before, I didn’t know what was the only one who could break through the wall. But now, there are more people who can break through this wall."

"This name is a sword from heaven and earth..."

"It means that even the heaven and the earth can be cut apart with one sword."

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