"Swish, swish, swish..."

One after another, purple meteors tore through the void.

And this is actually the six-winged dragon regiment of Yu Ziyu's personal bodyguards.

However, compared to the spectacular scenery here, under the starry sky, the crack in the void that the Buddha suppressed before is even more vast.

"Roar, roar..."

"Yin, Yin..."

The roar shook the sky and the humming continued, and the entire starry sky was shrouded in great terror.

The reason why I say this is simply because countless void creatures have gathered here, one after another, seemingly endless, but they have submerged half of the starry sky.

However, at this time, countless armies from all races continued to arrive.

Slowly raising his eyes, he was able to discover that the legions headed by the three masters of the starry sky, including the Lord of Reincarnation, the Dragon of Dreams, and Kun Pengzi, were the first to attack.

The void and the starry sky are mortal enemies after all.

Nowadays, the void invades on a large scale and even occupies the place where Buddhism is suppressed.

This is a huge challenge to the starry sky

"Wait, do you really dare?"

With a loud shout, the young scholar who had recently set foot on the Lord of Reincarnation fiercely waved the folding fan in his hand.


Just listening to the soft sound of the folding fan, a millstone that covered the sky and the sun appeared.

That is the Emperor's Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

Now, stepping into the Dominion, the Lord of Reincarnation has an even more terrifying control over the Six Paths Reincarnation Disk of the Imperial Soldier.

With a single wave of his hand, the sky and the sun were covered, and everything seemed to fall into 'reincarnation'.

However, it is a pity that Void is not a creature in the starry sky after all, and is not born in the six realms of reincarnation.

Therefore, the six-path reincarnation disk is the most terrifying reincarnation and death, and it is difficult to affect many void creatures.

And now, looking at the shocking blow from the Lord of Reincarnation


There was a sudden roar, and the starry sky ushered in a bright light.

That light was like a light from the universe.

It actually illuminated half of the starry sky.

Even the souls of countless strong men are shocked

"This is?"

In shock, the Lord of Samsara also noticed the noble figure with the head of a human and the body of a snake standing on top of many void creatures.

"This is the Void Sky Punisher Void Candle Dragon..."

After explaining, Dragon King Huanmeng also continued:

"The strength of this person is very terrifying, and he is really invincible to ordinary masters."


With a slight nod, the Lord of Samsara also noticed how scary the candle dragon is.

But, it doesn't matter.

They now have three masters in the sky.

And the Void Clan, who are full of people, only have two masters now.


"Dream, you contain the Void Candle Dragon, Kunpeng, you come with me to conquer the World Tree...."


In response, Kun Pengzi, the master from Demon Court, also spread his wings fiercely.


The two golden wings, which were hundreds of thousands of meters long, were like invincible swords, tearing apart the starry sky.

These are the wings blessed by the great supernatural power Kunpengfa.

Even someone as powerful as World Tree would not dare to take it hard.

However, now he has to guard the void rift and cannot leave. so...

"Hard connection is inevitable..."

Amidst some helpless voices, World Tree, which had fallen into the void, also discovered that the Lord of Reincarnation in the other direction had actually summoned the projection of the Imperial Soldier's Six Paths Reincarnation Disk.

As the six paths of samsara rotate, birth and death flow.

Even the spirit of the World Tree is affected.

"It's really scary."

With a sigh, World Tree also surged with spiritual power and began to defend with all its strength.

"Kill me..."

The violent shouting rose, and the starry sky shook violently.

Looking around, a shock wave spread across most of the starry sky.

That was Kun Pengzi's shocking attack.

And with just such a slash, half of the branches of the World Tree were completely chopped off.

You know, this is the World Tree, as big as the world.

Such a branch alone is hundreds of thousands of feet long. From a distance, it looks like a vast mountain range.

And such branches are indestructible under the surge of spiritual power of the World Tree.

But now...

If Kunpengzi comes here a few more times,...I'm afraid...

However, before World Tree could worry more, the Lord of Reincarnation's offensive also arrived from afar.

But at this moment,


The sudden break in the sky was silent, but it made the Lord of Samsara's face change drastically.


With a sound of shock, the Lord of Samsara retreated violently, unable to maintain his usual indifference.

Just at this moment, a purple brilliance suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was so fast that it was unimaginable. So fast.

Even if he retreated violently, this purple brilliance still followed closely behind him.

"Who are you?"

With his pupils shrinking, the Lord of Samsara also waved the folding fan in his hand.

His folding fan is not an ordinary thing.

This is a real seventh-level artifact, the Mountain and River Fan.

Under one fan, the mountains and rivers are displayed.

And now, under As the Lord of Samsara swung his folding fan, a great power surged.


There was a sudden collision, and the folding fan in the Lord of Samsara's hand shook violently.

However, at the next moment, the Lord of Reincarnation saw a sudden change in the purple brilliance.

"Technique Kamame..."

In the very cold voice, the purple brilliance accelerated, but turned into a storm, covering the Lord of Reincarnation in an instant.

Fast, unimaginably fast.

It's like thousands of purple horses intertwining continuously, as powerful as the Lord of Reincarnation whose face changes again and again. until...


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the Lord of Reincarnation turned into a meteor, streaking across hundreds of thousands of miles of starry sky, and smashed out fiercely.

Countless starry sky experts were left alone, looking at each other in confusion.

It was at this moment that many starry sky experts noticed that a cold figure was standing quietly above the starry sky.

Like a mantis, but much scarier than a mantis.

Carrying wings as thin as cicada wings.

Both claws are wrapped with purple flowers.

The whole person looks like the most terrifying warrior.

Even if it stands quietly, it makes the starry sky suffocate.

It seems that his existence is death and despair.

And this is Zi Si.

A lord.

Moreover, he is also an assassin master who is extremely good at attacking and born for fighting.

But in the face of such an existence, what can the Lord of Samsara do even if he is carrying the imperial army on his back?

The moment you get close, everything is doomed.

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