
Whispering softly, Yu Ziyu also rarely fell silent.

Although he was prepared and deliberately controlled the main body to come, when he really confirmed it, he was still a little dazed.

Are you going to get married before you know it?

But, yes.

He has been walking for hundreds of years.

If you include the time spent in the depths of time and space, he might have had it for thousands of years.

For such a long time, mortals don't know how many springs and autumns they have spent.

And based on this, it's not surprising that he got married.

After all, no matter how powerful a being is, he will reproduce offspring....

It's just that he has always been obsessed with cultivation and has never cared about such things....

And now...

With a helpless smile, Yu Ziyu did not expect that his first marriage would be a so-called 'marriage of benefit'.

Yes, benefit marriage.

Just, fortunately....He is not someone who cares too much about personal feelings.

Care more about profit.

However, if he gets married, he can conquer the entire vampire clan without spending a single soldier.

Then, he will just say yes.

What's more, Zhu Ran, the true ancestor of the blood clan, is indeed good.


"Just as they said..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu changed the subject and said:

"However, now, in a period of chaos, there is the Demon Court, and there is the Void Clan who is watching covetously...."

"I suggest that nowadays, it is better to have a simple engagement..."

"As for the actual ceremony, it is better to wait until the dust settles and the chaos subsides...."...

Listening quietly, the leader of the Shura clan also nodded in agreement.

Today's starry sky is not as simple as it seems.

Especially the Void clan is extremely terrifying.

Even they are afraid.

Thinking of this, the leader of the Shura clan also responded:

"Lord Ancestor, I will convey this to the vampires"


Smiling, Yu Ziyu didn't care much about these details.

The details are not important.

Important results.

Now, if the result is in line with the wishes of the Shura Clan and the Blood Clan, then everything is fine

"Next, it’s time to arrange the thorns..."

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also dismissed many strong men from the Shura clan, leaving the main hall empty....

"Come out, thorns..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand.


Along with a terrifying roar, an ice coffin made of thousands of years of ice slowly emerged in the hall.

Then, with a wave of his hand

"Click, click..."

Just hearing one crack after another, the entire ice coffin continued to crack, revealing a beautiful figure hidden inside.

He has bloody hair and a blood dragon coiled on his shoulders.

The face is charming without losing charm.

At first glance, there is something indescribably amazing.

And now...

With sleepy eyes, the daughter of thorns slowly opened her eyes.

But the next moment, her pretty face changed, and the girl of thorns suddenly stood up.

"Where is this?"

Full of astonishment, the daughter of thorns also noticed the difference here.

Unimaginable bloody energy filled the world.

Along with it, the surrounding area had a liquid feeling.

It felt like being in the sea, but it was more comfortable than the sea. More than a hundred times.

Just because, here, the daughter of thorns is feeling, and the hundreds of thousands of acupoints in her body seem to be open.

Every moment, she begins to swallow up vast energy.

"This is an endless sea of ​​blood..." sudden response...But it made the daughter of thorns' expression change.

Only then did she notice a figure wearing a blood-colored robe, sitting high on a throne far away.

And this place is even more like a palace.

It is not inferior to the Demon Palace in Demon Court.

However, this is not important.

What is really important is the figure sitting on the throne above.

Like a god or a demon, there is something indescribably terrifying.

Just looking at it made the daughter of thorns feel extremely heartbroken.

But now, staring at this figure, the daughter of thorns has endless doubts.

Why, why is she here.

Where has the master gone?

It's not like I agreed to take her to a mysterious place.

Wait, this is the mysterious place, right?

While her mind was spinning, the daughter of thorns also suppressed all the doubts in her heart, and then looked directly at...The figure above said:

"Sir, could it be...The master of the endless sea of ​​blood, the master of the sea of ​​blood, right?"


After snapping her fingers, Yu Ziyu also praised:

"Yes, I am the Lord of the Blood Sea."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu looked at the daughter of thorns who was full of doubts, but she didn't want to tease her any more, and immediately said bluntly.;

"When the Demon King fought with me, even though I had great supernatural powers, I was ultimately weak and slightly defeated...."

"So...I also owed the Demon King once..."...

Listening quietly, the daughter of thorns was also slightly startled.

"Owe the master once..."

"Yes, I owe you that master once..."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"And soon, your master is looking for me...Let me accept you as my disciple...Good teaching...Although I find it troublesome, I can't refuse..."

"So...Do you understand?"...

Narrating one after another, Yu Ziyu also simply weaved a good lie.

At the price of the favor owed to the Demon King by the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, he accepted Thorns as his disciple.

A very good lie.

At least, the Daughter of Thorns not far away believed most of it.

After all, she was following her master before.

Without the tacit permission of her master, she would not have been able to come here.

Moreover, now she also somewhat understands why the master was so sneaky when he brought her here....

Let the Lord of the Blood Sea teach her, but she will never see the light of day.

If word spreads, I'm afraid it will damage the reputation of the Demon King. in this way...The owner could only put her in an ice coffin and send her secretly. ps:------------Ask for customization----------

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