Looking at the impatience on Qing'er's face, the silver-haired middle-aged man shook his head helplessly.

Very anxious.

He sneered in his heart, but the silver-haired middle-aged man raised his eyes and looked around, seeing ferocious mutated beasts that wanted to tear him into pieces.

"Don't you think that the overall situation has been decided?"

While sneering, the silver-haired middle-aged man put his hand into the blue robe.

At this time, as if he realized something, Qing'er's face suddenly changed.

"not good."

With a loud shout, her whole body turned into a wisp of red smoke and flew over a hundred meters.

However, no matter how fast Qing'er was, how could she catch up with the movements of the silver-haired middle-aged man.

She shook her head slightly, as if sneering..

He already opened his mouth and put into his mouth a pill with a hazy halo that he took out from his blue clothes.

After a moment ,


Accompanied by the terrifying roar, the originally sluggish aura of the silver-haired middle-aged man actually increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, it even exceeded the previous intensity.

"You are really good, really good. I did not hesitate to spend most of the federation to make three second-level rejuvenation pills, but I wasted one here."

Amidst the cold laughter, the silver-haired young man dressed in green clothes was calm and active.

At the same time, a sword intent soaring to the sky suddenly rose.


Looking at this silver-haired middle-aged man with a proud look on his face, a look of disbelief flashed across Qing'er's face.

Rejuvenation pill?

Are you kidding?

How could there be a legendary pill?

Although the pill is similar to The theory of"spiritual power tide" has some echoes. There is speculation that this may be a treasure that existed in the previous era of immortal gods.

However, that is speculation after all.

You must know that although Qing'er believes in the"spiritual power tide theory", it does not mean that In the last age of immortals and gods, what treasures would have been passed down?

Not to mention, after thousands of years, in the Age of Dharma Ending alone, if spiritual power does not exist, those treasures cannot be preserved forever.

In the era of immortals and gods, spiritual power is the key Everything.

Without spiritual power, even those with great supernatural powers will be defeated in the mortal world, let alone the treasures handed down.

At this time, he seemed to notice the surprise on Qing'er's face, and the silver-haired middle-aged face also showed a look of satisfaction.

"It seems like you've always been expressionless, haven't you?"

Speaking like this, the silver-haired middle-aged man looked up at the sky again, as if sighing, and issued a declaration of victory, saying:

"At the end of the era, everything will return to chaos"

"But I am the chosen son and the son of the era."

"It's fitting that in this life, one has achieved great supernatural powers."

After he finished speaking, the silver-haired middle-aged man's sword intention had already risen into the sky, and even the clouds and mist were dispersed by the sword intention. Vaguely, the silver-haired middle-aged man could be seen, and the sword intention was somewhat clear.

Cultivation, sword cultivation.

What you are cultivating is the heart of the sword.

Now that the heart of the sword is clear, the will of the sword should be clear.....

But just when the silver-haired middle-aged man was in high spirits, a cold laughter suddenly sounded in his ears:

"What a Chosen Son, What a Son"

"I wonder if I can gain your luck by killing you."

The face suddenly stiffened, and the silver-haired middle-aged body suddenly stiffened.

"How can it be? This oppression?"

With some disbelief in his heart, the silver-haired middle-aged man slowly raised his eyes.

For a moment, in his stunned eyes, the clouds opened, the fog dispersed, and the sky and the earth became clear.

However, just as clear as a mirror, In the blue sky, a towering willow tree that was transformed into crystal also appeared in front of the silver-haired middle-aged man. A torso a hundred meters high.

It was strong and hugged by dozens of people.

Hundreds, even thousands of willow branches were like A waterfall hangs down.

The beauty is shocking and breathtaking.

But at this moment,


Like gurgling water, the crown of this towering crystal tree is slowly fading away from the crystal.

Little by little

, the original green color was revealed.

At the same time, a very beautiful flower that looked like crystal was slowly blooming in the crown of this towering willow tree.

But, this crystal flower is so beautiful.

Breathtakingly beautiful.

For a while, everyone and even the silver-haired middle-aged people were attracted by it...

It seems that it is the only existence in the world.

And just then

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Continuous sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded in the air.

Don’t wait for the silver-haired middle-aged people to react

"Bang, bang, bang,.."

Seven green wickers in a row completely penetrated this silver-haired figure.

Between the eyebrows, throat, heart, and even limbs.

Looking from a distance, the seven green wickers are all flowing with crystal clear water, but they are filled with a very terrifying spiritual power, tightly blocking everything.


As if he couldn't believe it, the silver-haired middle-aged man's eyes bulged out.

"Sorry, I was scared when I heard you say that you are the son of Tianyuan and the son of the era. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, and for my future sake, I made a heavy move."

In the light explanation, Yu Ziyu's tone was extremely calm.

It was as if he was talking to a dead person.

For a moment, a terrifying spiritual power surged. Visible to the naked eye, countless green spiritual powers turned from virtual to real, and followed the The branches spread towards the silver-haired young man


Accompanied by a loud noise, the seven willow branches expanded and turned into thousands of branches. In the blink of an eye, they had swallowed up the silver-haired young man. In the true sense, not even the dregs were left.


There were voices full of astonishment. Qing'er and even other mutated beasts were stunned when they looked at Yu Ziyu who suddenly burst out with thunderous means.

Is this still the sacred tree they are familiar with?

No, don’t you like being stained with human corpses?

No, do you feel sick?

But at this moment...

However, before Qing'er could say anything else, a very serious voice echoed in the air.

"Qing'er, you are a ghost. Check whether this guy still has a ghost left."


After being slightly startled, Qing'er nodded suddenly.

Then he pointed to the center of his eyebrows.

For a moment, an inexplicable force circulated in the air.

After the regeneration was confirmed, Qing'er also said truthfully:

"Master, no."

After saying that, Qing'er also said with some certainty:

"With the spiritual power you just burst out, even if you have a residual soul, it is enough to shock you to the point where your soul will fly away."

"Is that so?"

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also breathed a sigh of relief.

With his current third-level strength, he took advantage of the moment when his mind was lost to sneak attack, and even used seven branches to lock his vital points and seal his spiritual power.

If this can still make him Did he run away?

Yu Ziyu also admitted defeat.

But again, if you say something bad, you have to say something’,‘"The Chosen Son" and even threatened to"prove his great supernatural powers in this life"?

These sensitive words touched Yu Ziyu's nerves.

This made Yu Ziyu feel a little guilty.

I'm really scared, he has some powerful tricks up his sleeve.

However, no matter how powerful the method is, it is useless if it is not used.

For this reason, Yu Ziyu didn't mind lowering his status and using his third-level body to sneak attack on such a peak first-level guy.. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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