
Slowly exhaling, suppressing the shock in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the depths of time and space. different from before...

Today's time and space, because of the existence of the Heart of Time and Space, seems to have a backbone.

There is an indescribable mystery


When the storm rolled up, countless forces of time and space turned into vast galaxies, gathering towards the heart of time and space like a tornado.

At first glance, it is so eye-catching and extraordinary

"It’s getting more and more gorgeous..."

Looking at this dreamy scene that is not like the human world, Yu Ziyu also admires it from the bottom of his heart.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the heart of time and space, and is not an ordinary thing.

Just existing is mind-blowing.

However, at this time, this doesn't seem to be important. what really matters is...

As soon as his eyes turned, Yu Ziyu also looked at his current body.

Compared to before, his body was several times larger.

What's more, what's even more concerning is that now his body is actually glowing with glittering and translucent colors.

If you look carefully, you will see that they are traces of time and space.

It can be called 'space-time debris'.

The swirling fog and shadows made Yu Ziyu's body look even more mysterious, and it also made Yu Ziyu's body easily blend with time and space.

Nowadays, it is okay to say that Yu Ziyu's body is a 'body of time and space'.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

However, the specifics still need to be carefully considered by him.

And now...

"Go out for a walk..."

While Yu Ziyu was speaking softly, a humanoid figure also walked out of the huge tree.


Step out of the room, silently, only ripples...

And not long after, sitting on the supreme throne of Demon Court, countless figures stood quietly in the main hall.

"I'll wait to meet the Demon King..."

"I'll wait to meet the Demon King..."...

Amidst the chorus of calls, countless strong men chose to prostrate themselves.


While nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also looked at everyone in the Demon Court.

What surprised him was that the Golden Monkey and the Nine Tails had all reached the last step, and were only one step away from the realm of domination.

Later, the five-color spirit flower he took the initiative to awaken also successfully took a half-step to dominate.

"Tsk tsk...It seems that they are all working hard."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

This is the true number one force in the starry sky today.

Strong ones are like clouds, and they are emerging in endlessly.

The older generation has not withered yet, and everyone else has grown up.

But, right here At that moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also looked at Jiuwei not far away and said bluntly:

"Has anything big happened recently?"

"Reporting back to the master, during the decades you spent in seclusion seeking breakthroughs, the void became silent for a time....And the big thing...There are mainly four items."

As he said that, Kyuubi also took a step forward and continued:

"One is that the remnants of the elements are very aware of current affairs and are unwilling to fight with us....One of the elemental generals even asked to meet you."

"The second incident was that the Buddhists discovered the Demon Cave and suffered heavy losses. However, according to the information I received, it seems that it was not just the Demon Cave."

"The third thing is that Dao Sect was born, and there were a lot of strange movements..."...

Narrating one after another, Kyuubi revealed some of the most noteworthy things about the starry sky.

"General of the Elemental Clan, want to see me?"

With a sound of astonishment, Yu Ziyu was also very interested.

This elemental family, forget it if they don't run away, but they still want to see his big enemy.

But, forget it.

If you have a chance, you might as well meet him.

He wants to see this elemental family. General, what do you want to do?

As for the other things Kyuubi said, it has nothing to do with Demon Court and him, so he can't be interested.

At his current level...Theoretically, there should be no need to worry about the starry sky.

The most important thing for him to do now is to abdicate his position and make way for others, and then cultivate with peace of mind.

It's just a pity.

In the current Demon Court, none of his four disciples can stand alone in the starry sky.

And it’s hard to find a successor to take him over.


With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also a little helpless...

After briefly dealing with some matters in Demon Court, Yu Ziyu also stood up.

"Nine tails, the golden monkey stays, and the rest all retreat"

"Yes, Lord Demon Emperor."

Amid the chorus of responses, countless powerful men also exited the hall like a tide, leaving the Nine Tails and the Golden Monkey alone, standing quietly.

These two people are both Yu Ziyu's confidants.

But now, aware of this The two people's increasingly terrifying auras, Yu Ziyu is also satisfied

"Kyuubi, do you have any questions about your cultivation?"

As soon as I asked, Yu Ziyu didn't mind. He preached and accepted the karma to resolve doubts


After a while of silence, Kyuubi had already walked out

"Reporting back to the master, I am currently stuck at the last step of the sealing rule."

"Is that so?..."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu did not hesitate.

With a wave of his backhand, a crystal-clear jade-like fruit appeared in front of Kyuubi.

"This is?"

In sudden surprise, the golden monkey not far away also widened his eyes.


With an explanation, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

He doesn't know much about the sealing laws.

Therefore, at this time, giving the Nine-Tailed Path Fruit is the best choice.

Moreover, although this Dao Fruit does not carry the 'Sealing Dao Intent', it has a certain relationship with the sealing law.

In this way, it will also be of great use to the Kyuubi.

With this thought in mind, Yu Ziyu also looked at the golden monkey not far away.

The Golden Monkey has an ancient heritage, so there shouldn't be many problems in practice.

But until now, he has not set foot on the Dominion, fearing that...We encountered quite a threshold.

At this time, as if aware of Yu Ziyu's thoughts, the golden monkey also took a step forward and said bluntly:

"Reporting back to the master, I am a smart monkey among the seven monkeys. I am good at change, and I have the talent to change stars and fights....Now...I just need to find a magical power that is good at change...Once you understand the 'mystery of change', you will have the possibility to attack the master." ps:------------Ask for customization-------------

The new book is Feilu - the dragon that emerged from the nuclear weapons.

Then, it seems that many people can’t find this book....To be honest, I can't find it myself...A little confused o((⊙﹏⊙))o,,

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