Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye.

And on this day...Yu Ziyu, who is rooted in the depths of the Nine Realms, finally has a clear understanding

"This is the sixth level of Tianmen...."

Suddenly, a huge tree rooted in the depths of the Nine Realms glowed fiercely.


Just hearing a roar shook the nine realms.

Along with it, vast spiritual energy gathered like a storm

"Boom, boom, boom..."

One roar after another, the phoenix curling into the remaining clouds, and the vast spiritual energy kept pouring towards Yu Ziyu's body. absorb...

After absorbing it again,

Yu Ziyu's body swallowed up all the spiritual energy like a meal.

And at the same time,


A slender figure with long silver-gray hair also walked out of a sacred tree that covered the sky and the sun.

This is the human form that Yu Ziyu cultivated.

Existing like a true spirit.

And now, with consciousness carrying it, Yu Ziyu also looked at his right hand


Just hearing a roar, an illusory bell slowly emerged between the sky and the earth.

However, what makes people's faces change drastically is that at the moment when the bell shadow appears, the surrounding time seems to be affected, with light and shadow constantly interlacing.

This is the clock of time, the embodiment of the law of time...

If Yu Ziyu needs it...

It can also melt and turn into a golden revolver, mainly used for attacking.

Every bullet carries the power of time’...

Very weird.

However, this is just the beginning.

Turning his eyes, Yu Ziyu looked in another direction.

And at the next moment, what struck Yu Ziyu's eyes was, surprisingly, a rhombus-shaped azure crystal....

This is the Sky Crystal...The embodiment of the laws of space carries the power of authority of 'space'. time, space.

The combination is space-time.

Therefore, the sixth level of Tianmen is the embodiment of the supreme law of time and space....

With this thought, Yu Ziyu also snapped his fingers.


Just listen to a crisp and clear finger snap, visible to the naked eye, the crystal of space carries the"power of space authority", and the clock of time carries the"power of time authority"...They are all approaching slowly...

Until, not long after...


With a loud noise, they actually started to merge....

"The Clock of Time and the Fusion of the Sky Crystal..."

"Let’s call it the Heart of Time and Space."

In the soft murmur, it seems that the words are followed, but you can see that a 'heart-shaped' shadow appears in the world.

And at the moment when this shadow appears,


The roar intensified, countless lights and shadows intertwined, and the space changed layer upon layer.

Time and space, the two superior laws, are actually in rare harmony and unity, and even resonate.

And this is the heart of time and space, the embodiment of a new law that Yu Ziyu has mastered by stepping into the sixth level of Tiantian Gate Master - the heart of time and space.

Yu Ziyu doesn't know its capabilities yet.

This requires exploration.

However, one thing is certain, that is, it is extremely terrifying.

It was so terrifying that it even exceeded Yu Ziyu's imagination.

The reason why I say this is simply because, with Yu Ziyu's current strength, it is actually difficult to condense the entity of the Heart of Time and Space.

Just when the heart of time and space was about to turn into reality, an indescribable surge of power actually blocked Yu Ziyu.

"Is it because this is the embodiment of the supreme law?..."

While muttering softly, Yu Ziyu was also a little stunned.

He does not know the sixth level of Tianmen of others.

However, his Tianmen Sixth Heaven seems to be a little strange. It is actually difficult to even realize the law of life.

However, even so, looking at the heart-shaped object with an illusory texture not far away, Yu Ziyu was able to detect the great horror contained in it.

"It may hide a real time and space."

While narrating softly, Yu Ziyu also had a thought in his mind.

And at the next moment, Yu Ziyu saw that the shadow of the heart of time and space accelerated violently, heading towards the huge portal that rose up behind him at some unknown time. Crash away.

That is the Heavenly Gate.

The ninth level of the Heavenly Gate is the way to break through the Heavenly Gate.

When the Heavenly Gate opens, it will be the time to step into eternity.

And now, the heart of time and space, in a moment of acceleration, is also pulled to the front of the Heavenly Gate.

No The roar of imagination.

It was not as earth-shattering as imagination.

There was just a violent shock in the heart of time and space.

In an instant, everything seemed to be distorted and turned into an invisible vortex.

Along with it, visible to the naked eye , that huge sky door seemed to be slowly pushed open by a pair of invisible hands....

Yes, push away... instead of breaking

"There are rumors that Tianmen is a shackles given by God....does not exist in itself"

"But now, the heart of time and space seems to have reversed time and space, removing all the shackles that did not exist...."

"Therefore, instead of breaking it open, he went from closing the door to slowly opening it now...."...

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu had a new understanding of Tianmen.

It’s just that cognition is cognition...

But at the moment when Tianmen slowly opened,


An earth-shaking aura suddenly erupted.

A steady stream of power surges out of the body.

It seems like there is no end.

Visible to the naked eye, the high heavenly gate...From the cracks, the purest power continued to flow towards Yu Ziyu.

To break open the gate of heaven is to open the shackles.

But now, the shackles have been released again, and Yu Ziyu's strength has also increased exponentially.

He couldn't explain it, but

Yu Ziyu felt that his body was getting stronger.

"Click, click..."

Amid the horrifying sound of muscles and bones roaring together, a vast picture slowly unfolded behind Yu Ziyu.

In the tenth realm, something was sensed, and it actually emerged on its own initiative, attracting the power of the gate to open....

"This is the sixth level of Tianmen...."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at his body.

The branches continue to extend, as if there is no end, spreading deeper into time and space.

The tree roots are also like real dragons, neighing in unison, resounding throughout the nine realms...

His body seemed to have received great nourishment and began to grow again.

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