But at this moment, Yu Ziyu, who was still in seclusion deep in the Nine Realms, was shocked.

"This is?"

Amid the sudden murmur, there was also a flash of red light in Yu Ziyu's tree body.

It was the blood-colored Heavenly Eye - the supreme Heavenly Eye that carries the nine realms.

And now, as the Heavenly Eye flashed, a vast picture also appeared. It caught Yu Ziyu's eyes.

The calamity clouds gathered and the starry sky trembled.

Faintly, there was a vast ocean descending from the starry sky.

And just below the ocean, there was a figure, standing quietly.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, holding a folding fan, when He was really graceful.

But at this moment, he seemed to have noticed something. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he also cupped his hands and saluted in the direction of Yu Ziyu.

"I see."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also understood.

Who is he, causing such a terrifying movement?

It turns out to be the Lord of Reincarnation.

The Lord of Reincarnation, but he has always been a very important existence.

Carrying the eternal inheritance, he is suspected of carrying

Now it seems that his guess is good. This person is indeed burdened with the Avenue of Reincarnation.

Taking a deep look, it is vast and infinite, as if it carries the ocean of endless souls. The curvature of the corner of Yu Ziyu’s mouth More and more subtle

"Have you grown up too?..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu was full of expectations.

Today's starry sky is too lonely.

It gave him a feeling of being cold at a high place.

Now, the Lord of Reincarnation has stepped into the Dominion, which makes his eyes light up.

Of course, this is not enough.

Regardless of the Lord of Reincarnation, the supreme road of reincarnation he carries is still far behind Yu Ziyu.

Just because, Yu Ziyu is burdened with two principles based on the supreme law alone.

No, not carrying two.

Instead, they carried one thing and merged it with the other.

The body carries the supreme law of space and time, which is infinitely mysterious and mysterious.

The body of the purple dragon reaches the sky, integrating the supreme law of infinity. The scale of life extends in infinity and grows, breaking the shackles of taboos....never ending...

In this way, you can imagine how terrifying Yu Ziyu is.

And this is not to mention, Yu Ziyu has cultivated many great supernatural powers, as well as the seven turns of the physical body....

Each of these is not inferior to carrying the Supreme Law of Reincarnation, not to mention that Yu Ziyu wears many hats.


The difference between the Lord of Samsara and Yu Ziyu is not just the slightest bit.

Maybe in the future, he will be able to compare with Yu Ziyu today if he follows the rumored path of nine reincarnations.

Yes, nowadays.

Rather than later.

Just because it is hard for Yu Ziyu to imagine how terrifying he will be in the future.

The supreme law, great supernatural powers, and even the seven turns of the physical body are all the foundation.

And with this kind of background, the more powerful he is, the more terrifying the power he displays.

At the same level, he was already invincible.

The rest are just chickens and dogs, and they will break if touched....

And this Lord of Reincarnation?...

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Yu Ziyu became more and more expectant.

Looking forward to his growth.

Looking forward to his strength...

Only because of this, Yu Ziyu's increasingly boring life can be a little more fun.

And, more importantly, the Great Way of Reincarnation is not an ordinary way.

If it can be harvested perfectly...

Licking the corner of her mouth, Yu Ziyu revealed a gleam of heat in the depths of her eyes....

"In countless epochs, there are still not many people who can harvest the supreme law, right?"

Smiling, Yu Ziyu's face showed a hint of eagerness to try....

What others cannot do.

He wanted to try it more and more.

And the reason for this is simply because he has such confidence.

Not to mention that his body is a sacred tree, and he is on the path of turning all things into nutrients.

Just because he holds two supreme laws, he has a lot of knowledge about the supreme laws, so he dares to peek into the supreme laws.

There's no rush, though.

Now, the most important thing is to let this Lord of Reincarnation grow up with peace of mind

"When you understand the mystery of reincarnation and walk on the path of nine lives taken by your predecessors, I don’t mind being your protector...."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu didn't mind cultivating this master of reincarnation.

It’s just that cultivation is cultivation.

Yu Ziyu will not miss any backup that should be left behind...

Not long after this, Yu Ziyu also withdrew his gaze.

Now is not the time to peek at this Lord of Reincarnation.

He is currently undergoing a tribulation.

If Yu Ziyu peeked for too long, he might get worried.

Therefore, for the Lord of Reincarnation, the most important thing Yu Ziyu should do now is to look away.

However, this is normal.

For a powerful being like Yu Ziyu, no matter who is being stared at, he will not feel at ease.

"The Lord of Reincarnation has grown up, so it’s time for my body of sea of ​​blood to move."

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also had something to worry about.

The body of the sea of ​​blood is the endless bloody Wang Yang. Now he has broken through the Tianmen, and his cultivation is catching up with the third level of the Tianmen.

However, his spiritual power is still Didn't keep up.

When the spiritual power catches up, he will be the real master of the third level of Tianmen.

And the body of the sea of ​​blood, after breaking through the Tianmen, will directly chase the third level of Tianmen. Is this strange?

In the eyes of ordinary people, it may be shocking.

But in Yu Ziyu It seems that this is it.

Just because the body of the sea of ​​blood is an innate physical body with seven turns, the background is astonishing. He has also cultivated the great power of the blood god to become immortal.

The ordinary master breaks through the heavenly gate and becomes the first-level heavenly master.

And the body of the sea of ​​blood, with two major foundations, breaks open the heavenly gate and pursues the third heaven master of the heavenly gate. Is it strange?

Of course it is not strange.

Not only the body of the sea of ​​blood, but also the body of the purple dragon reaching the sky.

The supreme law is infinite, it is It is its foundation, body, spiritual power, and even soul that are constantly growing....

He was baptized again and again with the will of the void.

When he broke open the Tianmen, he was also the real Lord of the third level of the Tianmen.

Therefore, foundation, this thing is particularly important.

The stronger the foundation, the smoother your later cultivation will be.

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