And just when Yu Ziyu noticed the strange movement in the void, in a corner of the void, there was a mist shrouded in it, like a world outside the world, but there was another world.

In the mountains and ravines, ferocious beasts are rampant, and from time to time, alien species from ancient times appear.

However, what is unbelievable is that in such a world, there are purple figures flashing away one after another.

It was as huge as a hill, walked upright, and was covered in purple dragon scales.

It looked like an extremely majestic figure.

His eyes were like dragon eyes, and when they opened and closed, there were purple lightnings, piercing the sky and the earth, full of intimidation.

The energy and blood all over his body is like a real dragon, but it is dozens of times more terrifying than an ordinary real dragon.

This is a void creature, a dragon-scale giant.

The original fourteenth king of the void...Nowadays, there are the top hunters in this world.

Wherever it passes, not a blade of grass grows.

And now, look away.

I saw him open his mouth wide and let out a dragon roar, but a tornado burst out....Swallowing thousands of ferocious beasts into his mouth.

And apart from him, far away...


There was an extremely ferocious scream, but a giant bird that looked like a phoenix but had purple meaning could be seen cutting through the sky.

The phoenix-like feathers behind him swayed, the world was shattered, and a storm of void rolled up.

Terrible and horrifying, it makes one’s liver and gallbladder split apart....

One after another, even Yu Ziyu was a creature of the void that he had never thought of. They roamed the world and became the top hunters in the world.

And this is the hunting ground in the void that Yu Ziyu doesn't even know about.

A secret place from the void.

It is also the biggest support for the Void Clan to grow.

Just because, in this world, all the ancient relics have been revived, but they have become the largest breeding ground for the Void Clan.

For example, the dragon-scale giant not far away exudes the aura of gods and demons, and his strength alone is probably no less than that of ordinary masters....

That is the most powerful life form born from the parasitism of a pure-blooded true dragon by the 14th King of the Void Clan.

Another example is the giant purple bird whose cry shakes the sky like a phoenix.

If nothing unexpected happens, it is a void creature that parasitizes a pure-blooded phoenix.

In this way, one can imagine what a treasure this world is to the Void Clan.

Parasitize, parasitize again, and plunder the most powerful and terrifying ancient relics among all races, thus possessing unimaginable bodies....

This is the secret of the Void Clan.

Even Yu Ziyu didn't know.

No, it's not that Yu Ziyu doesn't want to know.

But there is a mysterious force that isolates this world...

This mysterious force, like an invisible hand, prevented Yu Ziyu from noticing this world.

Just because this is the root of emptiness.

If Yu Ziyu can detect it and even control it... then the lifeblood of the Void Clan will also fall into Yu Ziyu's hands.

At that time, the real Void Clan will reappear in the hands of Yu Ziyu.

In other words, Yu Ziyu has only been controlling the periphery of the Void Clan.

Although, there are elites like the third king, Zi Lian.

But compared to the void creatures in this world, it is insignificant.

Just because this is the inner circle of the Void Clan, the real core....

Gathered are the vast majority of talented void creatures.

And, more importantly, they have this vast hunting ground in the void, and there are countless of them. Among all races, they are extremely precious ancient relics, and they have become their prey.

Under such conditions, their growth is terrifying and horrifying.

This is because Yu Ziyu's sky-reaching purple dragon body is too powerful, which has led to the peripheral development of the Void Clan to this day....

Otherwise, relying solely on the periphery of the Void Clan to compete with today's Ten Thousand Clan is nothing more than a fool's errand....

But it's a pity...Such a world has not yet been penetrated by Yu Ziyu's Purple Dragon.

And at this time, if you look at the edge of this piece of heaven and earth, you can suddenly see that countless void powers have gathered together and turned into an invisible but extremely terrifying wall, covering the entire void. For two.

Here is a hunting ground in the void.

Outside, is the vast void territory that Yu Ziyu now rules....

This can be said to be the formation of heaven and earth, or it can be said to be a secret realm.

However, no matter what you say, it is not enough to cover up the fact.

That is, if it were not for the guidance of the great Yu who towered over the void, then Yu Ziyu's body of a sky-reaching purple dragon would have discovered this world long ago.

What's more, control them...


During the sudden roar, a purple eye could be vaguely seen, flashing between heaven and earth.

It seems to be examining, but also it seems to be investigating......

Yu Ziyu is afraid of the great consciousness of void, and how can the great consciousness of void not be afraid of his extraordinary life that was born in the void?

However, now, they need to cooperate to fight against all races...

Therefore, even if he notices something different about Yu Ziyu's Tongtian Purple Dragon, his void consciousness will not do anything.

On the contrary, he will regard the Tongtian Purple Dragon as the chosen one, guiding him in the dark.

This is the so-called son of luck...

Of course, Yu Ziyu's body of a purple dragon reaching the sky was not the son of destiny of the Void Clan in the first place.

The true son of fate of the Void clan is still developing in the Void hunting ground.

As for Yu Ziyu's body of a purple dragon, it can only be said that a bird occupies a dove's nest.

Stealing the fate of this clan...So much so that his current development in the Void Clan has gone smoothly.

Even the great void consciousness recognizes his status.

However, this is all false.

At least for Yu Ziyu, it was empty.

If he waits until he discovers this top-secret world in the void, then the wait must be the anger of him, the greatest being from the depths of the void.

After all, right now, he doesn't know that there is such a treasure hidden in the void.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary treasure land.

You must know that what is hidden in this world is the relics of ancient times, the terrifying mythical beasts, magical beasts, and even ferocious beasts that have left illustrious lives in various eras.

From pure-blood dragons and phoenixes to ferocious beasts like Qiongqi...meal...Wait, even if it is not a pure blood, it is not comparable to the vast majority of hybrids among the races in the starry sky.

And such a treasure land cannot be used by him? ? ?

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