"Dragon Eyes..."

Suddenly murmuring, Yu Ziyu noticed the first pair of first-class eyes.

This is the dragon eye.

However, it is not a dragon's eye.

It's the legendary divine eye - it can see through people's hearts, see the past and future, and even understand the thoughts of objects. However, after using it, it will become bloodthirsty, and even after using it many times, there will be divine punishment.

Very scary eyes.

At least, in Yu Ziyu’s view, it’s not that scary

"It's okay to see through people's minds and even see the past and future, but the idea of ​​understanding objects is really outrageous...."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was also amazed by the power of the divine eyes.

However, in this way, Yu Ziyu is looking forward to the power of other divine eyes.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also looked into other eyes.

And at the next moment, what caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was..

【Holy Eye - the legendary divine eye: capable of controlling divine power and possessing infinite energy...】

"Another pair of scary eyes..."

While sighing, Yu Ziyu's eyes also glanced at the other divine eyes one after another.

I have to say, it is indeed a first-class divine eye.

This power is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

For example, the pair of divine eyes that impressed Yu Ziyu the most was the Eye of Absolute.

Able to control everything seen with the naked eye, and even give orders to it.

If the willpower is not firm...Then he will inevitably become a slave and be controlled by him.

In this way, you can also imagine how terrifying this pair of divine eyes is.

And this is the foundation of the three-eyed clan.

Every kind of divine eye has indescribable power.

If the divine eyes of many eras appeared together, the entire starry sky would be shocked.

It's just a pity that in today's era, the three-eyed clan is still growing.

Only a pair of first-class divine eyes appear in this world.

As for these divine eyes, they are just passed down from our ancestors....

"The three-eyed clan is still too rigid."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also a little lucky.

If the Three-Eyed Clan were more ruthless, they would hand over all these divine eyes to the younger generation.

Not to mention, the divine eyes will reappear in the starry sky, but it is also possible to use the four-to-five power of the divine eyes in life. Yes.

At that time, the three-eyed clan could at least have seven or eight more half-step domination level combat power.

Yes, that's right.

Half-step domination level combat power.

Even the most ordinary sixth-level giant, Holding a pair of first-class divine eyes can also unleash the combat power of a half-step master.

Not to mention, some of the first-class divine eyes are so weird that even those in the realm of domination dare not ignore them.

For example, for the sake of destruction, The first-class divine eye of life - the Eye of Destruction, can erupt with enough light to penetrate the realm of domination, destroying everything in its path.

"In the end, it actually gave me an advantage...."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied with taking these eyes as her own collection.

Eight pairs, no more, no less.

If used well, it is enough to cultivate the combat power of eight half-step masters.

And, more than that.

If he meets a suitable being, like White Tiger, who can completely integrate with the Divine Eyes, it will help him step into dominion.

In this way, you can also imagine the preciousness of these divine eyes.

However, before that,


There was a sudden roar, but there was a touch of blood blooming between the eyebrows of Yu Ziyu's sky-reaching purple dragon body.

This touch of blood is so scarlet.

It's so enchanting that it makes everything pale.

And this is Yu Ziyu's bloody eye.

As the nine colors flowed, a bloody ripple continued to spread, as if there was no end.

If you look carefully, you can see that it is a bloody starry sky

"It seems like there is a world hidden inside."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also understood the horror of his blood-colored heavenly eye.

One glance hides nine realms, and within the nine realms, everything is pregnant.

This is the real supreme eye.

And now...In order to satisfy the desire of the Supreme Eye, Yu Ziyu does not mind using a pair of first-class divine eyes to nourish her

"Just absorb the power of these divine eyes...."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu also looked at a pair of first-class divine eyes not far away.

This is the most bizarre divine eye among the eight divine eyes.

It's called 'The Magic Eye'.

This pair of divine eyes has engraved some of the most terrifying spells and spells in the world, each of which is unique.

Ordinary people can call it"dominion in the world" if they get one of them.

And it actually has several types engraved on it.

In this way, we can also know how terrifying this pair of divine eyes is.

As for the technique, it can be understood as a 'formation', but it may be weirder than the ordinary formation.

【The spell with no lower limit - the power of stopping is an infinite series that converges on oneself. The effect is that the speed of all objects approaching oneself will become slower and slower, and they will never touch oneself. It can also control the quality and quality of foreign objects. Speed ​​and shape automatically identify the degree of danger, and release and even reverse almost without interruption with minimal power consumption....】

This is a very complicated technique, but it is the strongest natal technique of this pair of divine eyes.

If you master this technique completely, you can even turn it into a passive ability of your own.

Then, it also means, 'invincible'.

Yes, invincible.

Unless it is an attack powerful enough to break through an infinite series, it will not even be able to hurt the host.

And this is the power of the magical eyes.

In this way, you can also imagine why Yu Ziyu’s eyes are so hot.

"I have also heard of this pair of divine eyes."

It was Emperor Bingyi who suddenly spoke, with a rare look of response on his face.

"Forehead? Did you hear that too?"


Nodding, Emperor Bingyi also said bluntly:

"In the past, in a certain era, a being called the 'Lord of Spells' rose from the bottom of society and had countless spells engraved on his body. One of them was this unlimited spell...."

"Mysterious and terrifying... He is the master of the seventh heaven of Tianmen and dominates the era. Even some masters of the eighth heaven of Tianmen are extremely afraid of him."

"And that is the Lord of Spells"

"It's a pity that he died prematurely. Otherwise, when he takes a half-step into eternity, he may become a giant again."

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