With unimaginable horror, Dragon King Mengmeng noticed the daylight approaching not far away.

It is like an aurora, illuminating all the heavens, but it is truly brilliant to the extreme.

"This is?"

Amidst the exclamations, countless powerful dragon clansmen, even the distant Dragon of End, were stunned.

Just because, at this moment, at the end of the day, two rounds of blazing sun were already blooming.

However, if you look carefully , those two blazing suns turned out to be just eyes.

Yes, eyes.

Those were actually the eyes of a living creature.

"open eyes...That's daytime...."

In a voice full of disbelief, a Dragon Clan elder seemed to realize something?

Such a vision, such a coercion...

Could this be...The legendary ancestor of dragons—Lord Zhulong, right?

No way.

Subconscious denial in mind...But the next moment...


Accompanied by the extremely majestic sound of the dragon's roar, a thousand-foot-tall humanoid figure has caught the eyes of all races.

Human head and snake body...It seems to be the miraculous workmanship of the Creator....

A pair of eyes, like the real sun and moon...

And on those shoulders, there are two real dragons, slowly raising their heads, looking up to the sky and roaring...

This...It is exactly the posture of Zhulong, the ancestor of dragons.

However, what is shocking is that the real dragon on the shoulders of the candle dragon, looking up to the sky and roaring, is actually swallowing the power of the void....

Swallowing clouds and fog...The void seems to be boiling...

The endless power of the void is gathered together

"How can this be?"

The pretty face turned white, and the Dragon King Meng Meng was confused.

No, it was not just her.

The entire Dragon Clan, and even all the clans were confused.

How could the Dragon Clan, the most powerful ancestor of the true dragon branch, possibly Appearing here?

Joining the void?

How is this possible?

"Lord Dragon King, is this not a joke?"

Suppressing the twitching of the corners of his eyes, the Lord of Samsara, who had always been calm, lost his composure.

"I...I have no idea."

With a confused look on his face, the Dragon King's voice was a little hesitant... but...In the next moment, without waiting for the reaction of all races...That bright white light suddenly changed


There was only a loud roar, like the first loud noise of the creation of the world, and the white light actually had an indescribable purple color.

Along with this, the entire daylight changed and turned into purple light.

In an instant...

The starry sky changes color.

Countless wails also came out


"this light..."

"save me, save me..."...

Exclaimed one after another, the expressions of countless powerful men from all races changed greatly, and many of them even let out the most desperate wails.

Just because at this moment, countless creatures melted like ice and snow when they encountered this purple light.

Even the soul is dissolved.

If we talk about it before, the venom of the Poison Dragon King was already terrifying.

So now, when the candle dragon puppet opens its eyes, the purple light bursting out into the sky is truly terrifying.

Moreover, compared to the venom of the Poison Dragon King, it covers a small area.

The candle dragon puppet illuminates an asteroid belt.

Wherever the purple light passes, everything disappears.

Even the planet is one point, one point...Eroded by the void and turned purple...

Candle Dragon Puppet...Known as the 'Watcher of the Void'’...

It is also known as 'Heaven's Punishment', which is not a lie.

This is a real horror.

It is the void, the real taboo.

Of course, to a certain extent, the body of Zhulong is also equivalent to Yu Ziyu's action.

After all, all that surges in this puppet is the spiritual power of the sky-reaching purple dragon.

So... everything is imaginable

"Ding, you have killed a fifth-level life form, and you will be rewarded with evolution points...."

"Ding, you have killed a sixth-level life form, and you will be rewarded with evolution points...."

"Ding, you have killed a fourth-level life form, and you will be rewarded with evolution points...."...

The system prompts one after another suddenly sounded deep in Yu Ziyu's soul, which also shocked Yu Ziyu.

"It finally started..."

With a faint murmur, Yu Ziyu, who was settling in the sea of ​​blood, also sighed.

After hundreds of years of planning, today is finally the time to harvest.

And now...

Regardless of the process, regardless of the result...

Just watch the show quietly...

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu, who was in seclusion, also separated a ray of his mind and looked at the vast battlefield.......

At this time, on the vast battlefield, he was facing Zhulong, the ancestor of dragons, who suddenly walked out....

Although all races were stunned, looking at the purple light shining all over the world and listening to the countless wails, the Dragon King, the Lord of Reincarnation and other strong men did not dare to hesitate.

However, compared to them.

The first person to take action was an existence that no one had expected.

And this is exactly...


The sudden roar resounded through the starry sky.

Accompanied by this, a colorful brilliance suddenly rose from all the races in the starry sky.

And at the moment when the five-colored brilliance rose, the invincible purple light was stunned.

Yes, a meal.

Just because this is the five-color divine light of great supernatural power.

The legendary ultimate light is divided into five colors: green, yellow, red, black, and white. Within the five elements, nothing cannot be brushed and nothing cannot be destroyed.

Even when faced with the purple light and the five-color divine light that bloomed from the body of the candle dragon, he showed no sign of weakness.

Although, compared to the purple light that covers the sky and the sun, the colorful light is just a small ray and looks insignificant.

However, what is shocking is that this multicolored light is like a sharp sword, rising into the sky and splitting the purple light into two....

This is the Ming King of the Peacock clan, whose strength has not yet reached the point of domination.

If so, when he steps into the Dominion, the moment the five-color divine light bursts out, I am afraid that all the purple light will be crushed....

The prestige of the five-color divine light is no joke.

In addition to the legendary magical power Yin Yang Yuan Magnetic Divine Light, and a magical power created by Yu Ziyu - the Divine Light of Destruction...There really aren't many magical powers that can resist the light....

"Is this the five-color divine light with great supernatural powers?"

The eyes were slightly narrowed, carrying Yu Ziyu's distracted candle dragon body, and the eyes were also slightly narrowed. Yes

, really good.

Sure enough, he is worthy of the legendary magical power.

This power is really not that Just saying. ps:--------------Ask for customization------------

As mentioned in the previous picture, the way of war has not set foot in eternity. It is recorded on the surface. In the Shura Era, all races were wiped out and it is not recorded in the records.

Moreover, in the Shura Era, the annihilation of all races truly achieved the art of war....With one's own strength, he can defeat all races and be invincible....Therefore, the first eternity of the way of war was created.

Later, we will also mention the eternal power of this way of war....Looking at the realm of eternity, he is also the strongest.

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