"This is the demon court’s army...."

With a murmur, from a distance, several very powerful Void Emperors also noticed the sudden arrival of the legion.

I have to say that the Demon Court Legion is truly terrifying.

Compared with ordinary flesh and blood life, they actually relied on steel to create unimaginable combat power.

As for the Void Clan, what is the most terrifying thing?

One is parasitism.

Able to parasitize powerful life forms.

The second one is the void characteristic that ignores defense.

It is these two points that make the Void Clan invincible.

But facing Demon Court's Iron Legion, they were in some trouble.

And all this is because some humans are actually controlling the battleships.

These human bodies are somewhat inferior to those of ordinary races....

Parasitizing them, not to mention increasing the combat power, it is good to be able to reduce the combat power by half.

And ignore the void characteristics of defense...

Staring in a daze, the energy shields rose up one after another at unknown times, and the corners of the eyes of the void beings could not stop twitching.

"This is to deal with you, the Void Clan, and the specially developed energy mask can effectively reduce the power of the Void, and it can even block the approach of your Void beings."

With a proud sound, a fifth-level human also grinned.

Targeted combat seems to be a major hobby of their Demon Court.

Only in this way can casualties be minimized, and brilliant results can be easily achieved.


With a smile in his heart, this human warrior also raised the battle flag in his hand and shouted:

"All-out attack, fire suppression"


Amid the chorus of responses, countless fighter planes also took to the sky.

However, this is not terrifying.

What is truly terrifying is the huge figure that gradually walks out from the depths of one battleship after another.

Each one The figures are all hundreds of feet tall.

They are silver and white, with the unique coldness of metal.

This is a mecha.

It is another extreme technological crystallization of Yaoting's ability to conquer personal power.

Some people say: 'Mecha is a man's romance.'.Compared to the powerful bodies and weird talents of all the races in the starry sky, the bodies of the human race are ultimately too weak.

Therefore, borrowing from foreign objects is inevitable.

And mechas are an excellent foreign object. Carrier.

A brand new weapon - powered mecha, built with Yaoting's latest technology and high-grade metal, was also born.

Each mecha has power above the fourth level.

And among them, several S-class mechas made of Shente-level metal have sixth-level power. But there are not many of this kind of mechas in the entire Demon Court.

Now, on the surface, there are only five.

One, so The immortal mecha built with the core of 'Phoenix Blood Divine Iron' is a fiery red mecha that can only be controlled by humans with the blood of the Phoenix.

"This is our first time to go to the stars."

With a chuckle, a fiery red mecha with a gorgeous appearance and flaming wings on its back suddenly soared into the air.

Behind it, the thrusters spurted blazing flames.

The wings transformed from energy spread out in the starry sky.

Faintly, the cry of the phoenix can be heard.

The S-class mecha - the immortal mecha, is one of the highest masterpieces of Demon Court Iron-eating Beast Laojiu.

And just as this mecha took off the moment,

"Let all races, even the Void Clan, see the true heritage of our Demon Court."

While laughing wildly, a blue mecha shrouded in thunder also turned into a bolt of lightning and shot out. The

S-class mecha - the Thunder God Armor, mixed with the divine iron - Thunder Meteor Iron, even more A legendary mecha made with the core of thunder.

It is a terrifying mecha that can swallow thunder and use it as power....

One after another, it really shocked the Three Eyes Clan and even the Void Clan.

Just because, at the moment these mechas took off into the sky, an indescribable momentum also rose.

Like a storm, vast and terrifying.

At this time, under the astonished gaze of a Void Emperor, this strange humanoid metal device actually raised its right hand.


Accompanied by a roar, a spear and giant sword tens of feet long...Wait, the weapons actually appeared in their hands


While shouting, there was no need to hesitate.

There was no need to hesitate.

In the horrified eyes of all the Void clans, these mechas actually broke out at unimaginable speeds.

Among them, there were even divine armors coming across space. ——The divine armor of space, which carries space crystals and can travel through space, comes from the sky.


Everyone was shocked when they heard a roar, as powerful as the Emperor of the Void.

Just because, at this moment, an unimaginable force poured into the body

"not good."

Amid the exclamation, a sixth-level void worm turned into a flying rainbow and shot into the distance.

However, before he could react, from a distance, the mecha that looked like a phoenix spreading its wings dived again.

"Feng Ming..."

A chuckle came from the mecha's unique ultrasonic wave, which also burst out


He only heard an extreme neighing sound, like the cry of a phoenix, but saw circles of fiery sound waves crashing towards the void worm.

And this is just the beginning.

Because, at this moment, this fiery red mecha raised the spear in its hand again

"knight charge..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of bright red disappeared in the starry sky.

Spanning tens of thousands of miles, under the disbelieving gazes of countless void beings and even the three-eyed clan, void worms as powerful as the sixth level were completely penetrated.

Although, this is not a fatal injury to the sixth-level Void Emperor.

But this scene is still deeply imprinted on everyone's heart.

Simply because this really impacted their worldview. when?

On the technology side, individual combat weapons of this level will be developed.

And when did Demon Court create such a terrifying weapon?

However, what they didn't know at this time was that the mecha was not as simple as they imagined.

Not to mention each of these S-class mechas, the operators are all the elites among the elites in the human race.

Mecha manufacturing alone is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Neuron, another breakthrough in human technology, and then, it must cooperate with the mental power of Sarah, the queen of the Zerg....

It also requires various technologies and precious metals.

Rather than saying that this is a mecha, it is better to say that it is a pile of resources to create the ultimate individual weapon.

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