
A depressing and melodious horn came from the magnificent Void Gate.

Along with it, the void army continued to pour out like a tide.

It seems to be squeezing this starry sky, it is like a torrent

"what is that?"

"Oh my god..."...

One after another, countless strong men from the Three-Eyed Clan saw this scene.

The towering portal rises in the starry sky.

The purple torrent surged out in an instant.

There was no time to react, as countless void creatures were already rushing in all directions.

In just a few breaths, the starry sky turned purple at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Countless void air spurted out, even the starry sky could not conceal its color.

And this is the invasion of the Void Clan.

A rare large-scale invasion

"no no..."

A shrill roar sounded from a corner of the starry sky, but it was a girl from the three-eyed clan who exploded to death in an instant.

At this time, when Xun Sheng went out, he could surprisingly see a purple snake shadow slowly emerging from the depths of her body.

"What a fragile body."

With a sigh, this fifth-level Void Spirit Snake also raised his eyes and began to look for other three-eyed tribes.

On the other side, a Void Worm the size of a mountain was already rampaging towards a planet. hit


Just hearing a roar, this sixth-order void worm actually smashed a planet into pieces.

Along with this, the center of the earth was annihilated.

The planet explodes,

‘With a loud bang, countless creatures evaporated.

Sad and terrifying.

But it’s like the real end of the world...

It's just that it's not scary yet.

What is really scary is the sound of footsteps coming from the depths of the Void Gate

"Step, step, step..."

There were loud noises one after another, and the starry sky was suppressed by them.

At this time, if you pay attention to the depths of the Void Gate, you can suddenly see the outline of a Qingtian emerging.

That's a giant.

It was indescribably huge, as if the whole world couldn't accommodate it.

And this is indeed the case.

Just because, when he crossed the Void Gate, he had to grab both sides of the Void Gate with both hands and tore it apart fiercely.

However, this does not affect.

After all, most of his figure is exposed

"quack quack..."

The ferocious and terrifying laughter suddenly echoed in the starry sky, attracting the attention of countless creatures.

But at this moment, what caught their eyes was a giant purple tree.

The roots were entangled and turned into legs.

Countless branches twisted and turned into arms.

However, what really concerned him was the shining fireball on his shoulder.

It was a fireball that would never go out.

Even the power of the void cannot destroy it.

And that was a star from the sky.

However, under the magnificent power of the World Tree, it turned into a fireball and hung on the shoulders of the World Tree.

But now, he slowly raised his arm, and in the eyes of countless creatures who couldn't believe it, the fireball slowly rose.

Apparently from a distance, the fireball was only the size of a millstone.

But as it rose, an indescribable power suffocated the starry sky.


"What a joke"

"What is this monster going to do?"

"no no...."

They exclaimed one after another, and the expressions of countless strong men from the Three-Eyed Clan changed drastically.

Especially some strong men seemed to have anticipated something, and even rushed towards here like crazy.

"You know nothing about power."

Amidst the extremely depressing and low voice, World Tree, which had fallen into the void, looked at the rushing figures and sneered.

Then, 'Fireball Raised High', and the entire starry sky seemed to become hot at this moment.

Even the breaths of countless creatures smelled of burning, and their blood veins were hot and swollen.

Click, click, click... one after another, the space seemed to be overwhelmed, and it was constantly shattering under the power of the 'fireball'

"quack quack……"

The shrill shattering sound of the World Tree seemed to be made of countless pieces of glass rubbing against each other, from low to high, echoing throughout the starry sky.

And in the midst of this barbaric, arrogant, domineering, and arrogant laughter


Just hearing a loud noise, the fireball fell from the sky, piercing the starry sky and swooping towards the core area of ​​the Three-Eyed Clan.

A harsh sound broke through the air, and at this moment, the entire starry sky was covered with a layer of uneasy flames.

Even the King of Knights and Saburo not far away could not help but change their expressions when they saw this.

"not good."

While exclaiming, Saburo saw that in the distance, one planet after another was annihilated in an instant.

The extreme heat and explosion deeply burned everything.

In the starry sky, there were all the stars left. There is a trace of burning.

I believe that after tens of millions of years, this trace will not disappear.

However, this is just the beginning.

The magnificent power of a dominator has just been revealed.

There is no scruple.

There is no need. Scruples.

The World Tree can pour out his power in the starry sky.

So... a scene that shocked the starry sky and even all races happened.

Countless fireballs scattered in the starry sky, and then, countless mushroom-like fire clouds rose into the sky.

The most powerful and violent flame heat wave among them actually caused the entire asteroid to vibrate with"rumbling". The flames soared into the sky and the sky and the earth were changed. Even though they were thousands of miles away Thousands of miles away, I can still clearly see the waves of fire coming towards my face....And I saw the crater ripples spreading on one planet after another, pushing in from a distance at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Swallowing his saliva, the pupils of a sixth-level giant with three eyes shrank to the tip of a needle, and his heart was vibrating at a high frequency.

"What kind of monster is this."

Looking at the giant standing in the starry sky from a distance, countless figures were silent.

One blow, just one blow.

It shattered the entire asteroid belt.

It also shattered the confidence of countless three-eyed people.

And that, It is a master-level combat power.

No, maybe, it is more terrifying than the average master.

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