"Don’t talk about this era...Even if all the prodigies of the past and present eras were put together, there wouldn’t be many people who could compare with me...."

"And when my great supernatural power is fully achieved, the two supreme laws will come to an end...."

"Under eternity, I am invincible..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was extremely sure of herself.

This is not arrogance.

But confidence.

According to Yu Ziyu: 'This is the supreme mind'.

Only with the supreme heart can one embark on the path of invincibility.

I think back then, in the Savage Era, the most important thing was the 'Supreme Heart'.

Compared to the Supreme Heart, so what about the Supreme Bones, and what about being born with double eyes?

If there is no supreme heart, after tens of millions of years, it will be nothing but a handful of loess.

"but...I quite like the phrase"Double pupils are the way to invincibility, so why borrow another person's bones"..."

This is a saying that has been passed down from the barbaric era to this day.

But such a simple sentence contains the most terrifying existence in the Savage Era - the Emperor of Heaven, the Savage Emperor.

According to legend, this person, born with supreme bones, was supposed to be invincible in the world.

But life experience is rough...When he was born, his Supreme Bone was taken away from him.

And the person who took away his supreme bone was still born with double eyes.

As for the 'double pupil', it is a type of celestial eye. It is an advanced celestial eye that can only be opened by ancient sages.

You already have the 'Double Eye'. If you can study and polish it carefully, you can be invincible in the world.

Unfortunately, greed is not enough and the snake swallows the elephant.

As a result, the first emperor of the Savage Era was fulfilled.

Of course, it is also worth mentioning that this emperor's"arbitrary decision for eternity" is still passed down to this day.

As for why he is arbitrary for eternity, it is not to block the 'invasion of foreign lands'.

And then, what is a foreign land?

It can be regarded as the 'Void Clan' today.

However, in that era, foreign lands took the lead in developing, so much so that they had already come to dominate the world. Yuan.

In later generations, even if the First Heavenly Emperor was barbaric and invincible in the world, it would not be enough to overwhelm foreign lands.

However, this has turned into an eternal legend and has been passed down to this day.

One person can rule for eternity.

Just like today, one person has blocked the 'real development' of the Void Clan for tens of thousands of years.

Yes, the Void Clan has truly developed.

To be more precise, it should already be a void civilization.

As a civilization, apart from other things, Eternity should have a few statues.

A few eternity, half a step eternity dozens.

There are countless masters...

The strong are like clouds, overwhelming the world.

And one person can block such a force for eternity. To be honest, even if Yu Ziyu sets foot in eternity, he has no such confidence.

After all, without considering that the Lord of the Void - Tongtian Purple Dragon is his own body, as the Lord of the Void, the Tongtian Purple Dragon can set foot in eternity and be so powerful that even Yu Ziyu dare not imagine.

But in the face of such a towering purple dragon and the thousands of followers behind him,... sorry for disturbance.

Block may be able to block.

But for the will and other things, it is not an ordinary test.

Loneliness, loneliness.

In all eternity, one person is independent in the world...

Everywhere I looked, there was no one except the enemy.

"so lonely..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu felt a little bit of the sadness of the Savage Emperor.

Of course, what is more concerning is his strength.

This emperor of heaven is at least as good as Buddha Sakyamuni, the king of creation of the gods, and he is probably only one step away from transcendence....

"Now, the only ones that I can regard as pursuit targets are these invincible beings."

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also showed anticipation.

When he reaches the peak, it would be good if such an opponent appears.

In fact, he doesn't mind going back to the past and fighting with the strongest ancient and modern.

He wants to see it. , he is so accomplished, who can fight with him?

As for now...

This Taoist genius - Zhuang Xuan, to be honest, it's over again

"I will never regard those who are defeated by me as opponents...Even if I give you time to catch up...All you look at is my back that is getting further and further out of reach...."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also knew that the slight knife mark on Zhuang Xuan's eyebrow was enough to turn into his inner demon forever.

This inner demon is usually invisible.

But at the critical moment, it is extremely fatal.

Just like now, if Zhuang Xuan breaks through, he will definitely receive a fatal blow from 'Yu Ziyu'

"Loser, if you don't slay your inner demons, you will never be able to catch up with me...."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu felt a little sympathetic to Zhuang Xuan.

It was obviously just a test, but it left a knife mark in the fatal place between the eyebrows.

What is even more terrifying is that there is no possibility for him to surpass 'Yu Ziyu' in this life.

In this way, the stronger Yu Ziyu is, the more trouble he will be.

Even occasionally, you will feel a dull pain in the middle of your eyebrow where the wound is not deep.

That's not mental pain.

Instead, inner demons linger and traces remain...

Of course, Zhuang Xuan may not be aware of this yet.

After all, he has not yet reached the level of Yu Ziyu.

After reaching the fifth level of Tianmen, or even stronger, they pay special attention to the so-called 'Tao Heart'.

And Yu Ziyu, following the example of the past and present, took the"invincible road" and forged the"Supreme Heart".

Therefore, every opponent he defeats will be etched in his heart.

This is the 'loser'.

And if the loser faces him again, not only will the pressure double, but he will also be haunted by inner demons.

What is worth mentioning is that in addition to the 'Supreme Heart', there is also the 'Supreme Forgetfulness'...’‘Sincere love and sex’...Wait...

Like the Supreme Mind, it takes the path of invincibility.

The Supreme Being forgets his feelings and acts in a ruthless and ruthless way...

And 'the most passionate thing'...As the word says, practice is for your loved ones and your loved ones...

I think back then, there was a being who, at the moment of stepping into eternity, took the initiative to give up himself and turned into a new world, just to return to his old friend.

For the sake of loved ones, he is willing to sacrifice himself and resurrect them...This is true love and true nature... ps:--------------Ask for customization-----------

Although I am stubborn, I still have to take the path of invincibility.

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