In the heavily guarded office, six of the ten people who reigned at the top of the federation rushed over.

The remaining four people need to sit in various places and cannot escape.

However, due to the seriousness of the situation, even the most important general of the country, General Li, entrusted the matter to his deputy and arrived overnight in a stealth fighter plane.

Stealth combat power - also known as spiritual fighter, is designed to target mutated birds.

It can significantly eliminate noise and pursue maximum speed.

It is impossible to fight.

Not bad on the ground, the sea can also resist with the help of high-tech weapons.

But the sky is really beyond the reach of humans.

No matter how flexible the tracking missile is, it is not as flexible as a mutated bird. What the hell.

Generally speaking, as long as mutated birds do not attack cities, humans will not provoke these aerial overlords.

The cost is not proportional to the gain.

In this way, humans can avoid it whenever they can

"You said that the spiritual power monitoring satellite was attacked?"

Before the person arrived, a very low and almost cold voice came from afar.

"general lee..."

"general lee..."

After saying hello, the faces of the five people present were not very good.

The spiritual power monitoring satellite was attacked. This is by no means an ordinary event.

It's no wonder that General Li, who has always been indifferent to joy and anger, is also livid.

"Yes, General Li, until now, the No. 3 spiritual power monitoring satellite has been completely destroyed. All the monitoring and even layout of the Tianfu area have been destroyed...."

Having said this, the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Power Monitoring also had clenched fists on his face.

If something like this happened, he would be damned guilty of it.

You must know that while the spiritual power monitoring satellite monitors China, it is also involved in another top-secret plan of the Federation - to build a human light that transcends nuclear weapons and destroy everything in the name of the end.

Every spiritual power monitoring satellite operating in space is constantly being transformed, or even strengthened.

The greatest hope of the Federation is to use the spiritual monitoring satellite as an eye to accurately lock the target, and then use another item beyond nuclear weapons - the light of humanity, for ultra-long-range sniping.

It can be said that the mission of the spiritual power monitoring satellite is definitely beyond imagination.

It may even affect the federation’s centenary plan.


Taking a deep breath, the silver-haired General Li looked gloomy.

"Show me the results of the investigation so far."

With that said, General Lee, who had already entered the office, sat at the bottom.

For major matters involving the federal government's centenary plan, General Lee has absolute decision-making power, and the other person who has it is the federal head.

However, the federal head More inclined to formulate, while General Lee implements it.

The two of them are inside and outside, which exactly builds the stability of the Federation today.

In other countries, the heads of the Federation and... are even called the 'two heroes'.

The meaning of their fear, It goes without saying.

In particular, General Li is not a good person. He is vigorous and resolute, and his methods are extremely ruthless.

Not long ago, because of some disputes over territory, General Li simply marched his army directly towards the border without saying a word.

Now, no Than in peacetime.

Force is everything.

And General Lee has implemented this point. Although other countries have the intention to stop it, most of them can't protect themselves, and they can't stop it.

Moreover, the only free federation that can compete with the current federation is far away. On the other side of the ocean.

In just three days, the small country was forced to give in due to its power. Not only that, it even took the initiative to say that it"hopes to be protected by the federation."

Of course, no one knows the details.

But, they know that that small country has changed. The five-year-old prince came to power.

In this way, there is also a legend with"deep malice" spread among hundreds of countries,"The former dynasty has returned again, and the day when all nations will come to dynasty is not far away."’........

Without wasting any time, the Director of Spiritual Energy Monitoring sent a report to all five people present.

By the way, a projection was also opened.

A ten-second scene was broadcast in the lifelike projection.

The first thing that appeared in the picture was a vast starry sky.

And in the starry sky, there is a blue planet...

But just for a moment,

""Strike" the void tore, an imperceptible crack suddenly appeared, and then the pupils of the big shots shrank, and colorful lights suddenly flickered in the crack.

For a moment ,...


The silent explosion turned into the tiniest point in the starry sky....bloom quietly

"How is it possible to tear apart space?..."

In the extremely solemn voice, General Li's expression changed drastically.

"General Li, what do you mean by tearing apart space?"

Besides, a person suddenly asked

"Third level, and not just the ordinary third level. Theoretically speaking, only by condensing millions of spiritual powers can it be possible to break through the space...."

A rare explanation, but the whole office fell into deathly silence.


There was a dry voice, and Professor Yan suddenly sat down on the ground.

As the person who has studied spiritual power the most, he naturally understands what the third level means.

Disaster, real disaster - a small country is invincible, and they are like this A big country can only defeat it with all its strength.

It is a terrifying existence in the true sense.

But at this moment, the head of the federation seemed to have thought of something and suddenly asked:

"Leaving aside how the third level appeared, why did he only attack the No. 3 spiritual power monitoring satellite? With his methods, he can easily smash our nine spiritual power monitoring satellites."

"No, it shouldn't be easy. Although I don't know how terrifying the current third level is, this method of tearing space is by no means that easy. If there is no price, do you know what it means?"

Speaking of this, General Li's face turned bitter, and he added:

"As long as our breath is locked by him, he can cross thousands of miles and take our lives"


In the deathly silence, everyone's expressions also changed dramatically.

They would not doubt General Lee's statement.

Because the origin of General Li is more mysterious than others imagine.

Some people say that they met General Li when he was fifteen years old, but they didn’t expect that General Li would still look the same when he saw him at sixty.

Of course, this is just a legend.

But General Lee is indeed a mysterious existence in the Federation.

Sudden rise, strong climb to the top...

Such a legendary figure was so low-key that he didn’t even know his name before. You can imagine how mysterious he is.


After exhaling heavily and suppressing the emotions in his heart, General Li also condensed his eyes slightly, looked around at everyone, and said in a low voice:

"In my opinion, this should be a warning, and if my guess is correct, this terrifying existence is in the inland Tianfu area."

"This should be true."

Nodding, the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Energy Monitoring suddenly stood up again and took out a piece of information:

"Not long ago, someone saw a colorful crown rising from the misty mountain, and the shadow of a towering tree slowly lifted up...."_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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