"what happened?"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Why do mutated sea beasts suddenly launch large-scale attacks?"

With roars one after another, the entire Sakura Island Country's top brass couldn't help but tremble, and their faces were as pale as paper.

One night, for a whole night, 20% of Sakura Island Country's territory was transformed into the territory of mutated sea beasts.

There were seven in total. The city fell.

Not to mention, 40% of the Self-Defense Forces were lost.

If not, Sakura Island Country would have evacuated the people from the coastal cities long ago.

The casualties alone are estimated to be no less than one million.

And what does this mean? Needless to say.

Go to the window and take a look, and you will know that the city is like the end of the world. Countless people have despair on their faces, and the whole city exudes an aura of despair.

"Sir, it's not just us."

A sad voice sounded in the conference room. A middle-aged man stood up, looked at everyone, and explained:

"It is reported that all coastal countries have been attacked, but no one has suffered such heavy losses like us."

"Click, click..."

His fists were clenched tightly, and the leader's face was ashen. really.

According to the information he received, not only their Sakura Island country, but also the Free Federation far away in the ocean, as well as the nearby Chinese Federation, and all coastal cities have also encountered sea beast crazes.

This is a natural disaster, a natural disaster that no human being in the world expected.

You know, there are so many coastal cities in the world, and these cities have all been attacked.

How can it be?

Even now, it's unbelievable.

However, looking at the lost territory, the leader had to compromise.

And at this moment, as if he thought of something, a weak voice suddenly sounded in the office:

"Can I ask?"

As he said that, a young man stood up and asked with some anxiety:

"Since coastal cities all over the world have encountered sea beast tides, why is it that our country has suffered the most heavy losses? You must know that our country has encountered various small beast tides in the past six months, and has already made adequate preparations for this. Cities are empty of buildings and most of the people have been evacuated"


Muttered, the middle-aged man who spoke first, who was also the head of the island country's intelligence agency, explained bitterly:

"At the beginning of the frenzy, the nuclear weapons of the great powers were already lit up, and a blazing light like daylight rose from the shallow sea. And that's not even mentioning that these big countries have militaries dozens of times stronger than ours."

"And, you know what? We are an island country with a coastline of 33.889km. Almost every coastline is full of sea beasts."

"But our military strength is far from filling the gap...."....

The more I talk about it, the more bitter it becomes.

But his words touched the hearts of every high-level executive present, making many people's eyes wet.

Its military strength is inferior to other countries, but it has to face several times or even dozens of times the number of sea monsters.

And, more importantly, even if they detect changes along the coast in advance, they do not have nuclear weapons to suppress them.

"All right."

There was a dry voice, and the young man was already on his butt in despair......

At this moment, the same group of powerful people in the highest office of the Chinese Federation were sitting solemnly around a round conference table.

"This time, we have to thank General Lee. Without his forceful launch of nuclear weapons, we would not have been able to survive the beginning of the Dark Age."

As he said that, the top leader of the federation stood up and gestured to the middle-aged man with silver hair at the end.

General Li, the country's general.

He is also one of the few hawks in the federation and has always been strong.

However, it is worth mentioning that, Before the spiritual energy was revived, this General Li was quite low-key and unknown to outsiders.

But after the spiritual energy was revived, he rose to the top with great force.

One man held great power and sat on the coast, deeply suppressing most of the beast tide.

After the Spiritual Power Research Institute noticed the changes along the coast, he pondered for a while and then used the privilege of launching nuclear weapons without hesitation.

Nuclear weapons are the most terrifying weapons for mankind. They cannot be used easily.

Especially the Federation, They have always advocated peace and even hid their nuclear weapons.

However, because of General Li, their nuclear weapons finally awakened. They rose in the shallow sea, burning like the light of day, lighting up everything.

It was also because of General Li. Their decisiveness saved their federation from an unprecedented disaster.

For example, the Czar of a great country who also possesses nuclear weapons, because of his indecisiveness, until now, two cities have fallen and hundreds of thousands of people have been buried.

This is not all Mention, a small country like Sakurajima that does not have real 'nuclear weapons'.

Moreover, the Federation has received clear news that this is a terrible attack that has swept through major coastal cities in the world.

No coastal city can escape.

Because of this The horror of this disaster, and because of its suddenness and global nature without warning, this night was called"the beginning of the Dark Era" by the Federation.

A truly dark era has arrived.....

The last silver-haired General Li looked at the top leader of the Federation and nodded slightly.

I have to say that this federal head is very good.

At least when he requested the use of nuclear weapons, he did not hesitate, but gave him full support. This kind of courage is not something ordinary people can possess.

However, it is precisely because of this that General Li firmly believes that their federation will surely rise again in the coming great era, and even stand at the top of a hundred nations.

Thinking of this, General Li's face also showed a hint of passion.

However, for a moment, as if he thought of something, General Li also said:

"The Spiritual Power Research Institute seems to have come to a conclusion about this global sea monster craze. Let’s listen to what they have to say."


Nodding, everyone's eyes were also drawn to an old man wearing a white mandarin sitting in the deputy seat.

He held up the frame of the mirror. The old man was not nervous. Instead, he stood up and said seriously:

"Until now, according to our investigation, we have found that there are changes in the depths of the sea, and the concentration of spiritual power has greatly increased."

"Everyone also knows that spiritual energy is like oxygen. Pure oxygen is highly poisonous, and rich spiritual energy is equivalent to highly toxic if a living being cannot bear it. For this reason, countless giant beasts hiding in the deep sea have no choice but to push closer to the shallow sea."

"Facing these deep-sea monsters, the mutated sea beasts in the shallow sea are naturally as fearful as tigers."

"In this way, under their pressure, they continued to rush towards the land."

"As a result, a global sea monster craze will inevitably occur."....

Silence, rare silence.

Listening to what this old man said, everyone's hearts sank slightly.

If there is, there is no need to say it explicitly, everyone already understands it.

For example, the concentration of spiritual power has been greatly improved...

And what does this mean?

Thinking of this, General Li also took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"If I'm not wrong, the real disaster has just begun."


Nodding, the director of the Spiritual Energy Research Institute, with a flash of worry on his face, added:

"Let’s not talk about the reason why the concentration of spiritual energy has been greatly improved. We can hardly ignore the current point alone."

"The sea has always been one step ahead of the mainland"

"Nowadays, the concentration of spiritual power in the sea has greatly improved. I think the mainland is not far away."

"By that time, due to the significant increase in the concentration of spiritual power, the mutant beasts in the deep mountains and wild forests will swarm towards the city like sea beasts."

"What awaits us must be a disaster that is dozens or even hundreds of times more terrible than now. Sea beasts can eventually be suppressed with nuclear weapons, but those mutated beasts that are close to the city..."

"And that's not to mention, because the concentration of spiritual power has been greatly improved, it will evolve into a more terrifying mutated beast.

"You know, rich spiritual energy is extremely poisonous to mutated beasts that cannot bear it, but if they can bear it, their evolution speed will be accelerated hundreds of times."....

Having said this, the old man also glanced at everyone and said the last words:

"So, folks, we don't have much time." ps:-----------------Ask for customization----------------

The real climax has come, a new era..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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