"Seed of vitality..."

After murmuring, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

I have to say that this is a very terrifying ability.

Moreover, this ability is still a natural talent.

In other words, it will accompany Yu Ziyu's strength and power.

In this way, we can foresee how great potential this ability has.

Today, a small forest can be created in just a few breaths.

Tomorrow, Yu Ziyu will be able to use it to give birth to the ancient forest in a single thought.

However, this is not the point.

The point is, these trees were born from Yu Ziyu’s spiritual power.

In other words, Yu Ziyu has some hope of being able to control them.

Perhaps after a long time, the ability to control will be lost.

But when the trees were just born and the spiritual power had not dissipated, they should be equivalent to Yu Ziyu's extended arms.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also wanted to test it.

Read it.

Yu Ziyu's consciousness has been brought back to the ground.

As for this red plant whose realm is knocked down, and the human girl Qianqin, they are a bit insignificant compared to this newly acquired ability.....

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a very empty canyon.

Under Yu Ziyu's rare anger just now, the fog dissipated, leaving a piece of clarity.

But now, it meets Yu Ziyu's testing needs.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu immediately mobilized his spiritual power.

"Seed of vitality."

The violent shouting was like thunder, shaking the night sky.

At the same time, Yu Ziyu also felt that his spiritual power was pouring out like a flood.

In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of spiritual power had disappeared.

However, the scene this brought , but it made Yu Ziyu's pupils shrink.

He could only see a lawn not far away from it.

"Click, click, click..."

With violent shaking, the earth cracked.

Visible to the naked eye, one seedling after another stretches out the soil, stretching towards the sky.

In just a moment, dozens of trees rising from the ground came into Yu Ziyu's sight.

At this time, with the continuous delivery of Yu Ziyu's spiritual power.

These branches of trees rising from the ground actually split the cliffs, penetrated the rocks, and covered the entire ground.

At a glance, a lush forest covered half of the canyon.

It's just that compared to ordinary woods, the branches of these trees are like monsters with teeth and claws, and they look a bit ghostly.

"Tsk tsk..."

Yu Ziyu couldn't help but admire him.

This kind of power is the real great power.

Don't stick to the commonplace, and it's impossible for ordinary people to do it in a single thought.

It's like a magical power.

And, more importantly, the ability of this 'vital seed' made Yu Ziyu think of a very terrifying wood-type ultimate move - the advent of the tree world.

Just like the seeds of life, creating a forest.

It's just that Yu Ziyu is a little immature now, and only gave birth to a dozen trees. The advent of the tree world can turn dozens of kilometers into a forest, and each tree can turn into a giant python, strangulating the forest. all enemies

"If nothing else happens, this ability of mine will be even more terrifying in the future than the arrival of the tree world."

Estimating his own spiritual power, Yu Ziyu also made an assessment in his mind.

Now, almost a thousand spiritual powers gave birth to a tree. More than

50,000 spiritual powers were consumed to give birth to more than fifty trees.

After Yu Ziyu became proficient, he gave birth to a tree. The spiritual power consumption of a tree should be greatly reduced, and this vitality seed is still incomplete, not even L1 level.

Yu Ziyu's requirements are not high.

He only needs to wait for the future to perfect this ability, and in one thought, Tens of thousands of trees rising from the ground, stretching out the sky, is enough.

However, if it really does this,

Yu Ziyu should be enough to be called a 'real monster' by the world......

After playing with this ability again, Yu Ziyu also gained more understanding.

For about five minutes after the vitality seeds spawned trees, Yu Ziyu could control them to a certain extent.

Just like now, Yu Ziyu's heart moved

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The tree trunks seemed to have turned into giant pythons, strangling everything wantonly.

And this level of strangulation power depends on Yu Ziyu's spiritual power output.

However, these trees are not very hard and cannot withstand too much spiritual power.

According to Yu Ziyu's estimation, a tree can at most exert the strength of a mid-level mutated beast.

Of course, Yu Ziyu believes that this will gradually change after the ability is upgraded.

If nothing else happens, this ability should become his most terrifying killing move.

Moreover, there is another point worth mentioning here. If the time exceeds five minutes and Yu Ziyu does not control it, after the spiritual power is exhausted, these trees will be no different from ordinary trees.

"Even if it is not used for attacking, but used to nurture the forest, it is still good."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu was also somewhat satisfied.

It was a surprise to suddenly obtain such an ability.

Yu Ziyu would not ask for too much.

As for why he could obtain it, Yu Ziyu also had some guesses.

They are both mutant plants, so they should be There is such a thing as the essence of plants and trees, that is to say, there is such a thing as the origin.

It is precisely because of this 'origin' that they can continue to evolve.

And Yu Ziyu just robbed part of the origin of the bloody plant.

However, there is one thing here. It’s worth pondering.

Is this a special ability unique to Yu Ziyu? Or is it that each mutant plant can plunder the origins of other mutant plants?

If it is a special ability unique to Yu Ziyu, it should be mentioned in the attribute panel.

But it is not mentioned now. So, the greater possibility should be the second one.

However, if every plant has such an ability, it means that mutant plants cannot coexist, and cannibalism is inevitable. If you think about it carefully, there is some truth.

Plants Among them, the hierarchical divisions are extremely clear.

What kind of plants and what heights are all very particular.

After all, it is the instinct of plants to compete for sunlight.

Moreover, not only sunlight, but also land and even water, plants are in Fighting.

In other words, the survival of plants seems to be more cruel than that of animals and even humans.

Now, most of the mutated plants like Yu Ziyu are just born, and their consciousness is still hazy.

They are no better than Yu Ziyu, able to produce instincts , it’s pretty good.

As for thinking, sorry, that can’t be done in a year and a half.

From this aspect, mutated plants rely more on instinct.

This is not difficult to explain, this bloody plant Why did hostility arise as soon as Yu Ziyu was discovered.

Mutated plants cannot coexist.

At least, they cannot coexist in one area.

With Yu Ziyu taking root, it is difficult for other mutant plants to get everything they need.

Think of this , Yu Ziyu was also a little dumbfounded.

Finally, after encountering a mutated plant, this was the result.

"However, I like it."

Grinning, a look of amusement appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

If it is as he had guessed, mutant plants will become his new hunting target.

Moreover, compared with the demand for spiritual stone mines and even evolution points, it is even more important. Even more.

A bloody plant can bring him an innate ability.

You can imagine, what does this mean?

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