The corner of the starry sky, the place of extreme darkness...

It is a dangerous place that no one has ever visited, even more so than the original Dark Star Territory.

However, now, in the deepest part of the extremely dark place, a stone tablet stands quietly.

The stone tablet was dark, flashing with a hazy halo.

However, the sixth stone tablet that Yu Ziyu painstakingly searched for recorded the seventh secret method of transforming three pure beings with one breath.

But now, looking at it from a distance, Yu Ziyu suppressed the excitement in her heart and took action immediately.


Covering the sky and the sun with one hand, it will absorb the entire stone monument from thousands of miles away.

At this time, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel grateful to the Tongtian Divine Tree.

Without her, how would we be able to find these stone tablets one after another?

Let alone collect them all.

"To a certain extent, it is impossible to gather the three pure powers in one go."

With a sigh in his heart, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but sigh at his great fortune.

If someone else, even if he has the sacred tree that reaches the sky, could tell the location of the other six stone tablets.

But the stone tablet recording the third level of secret body shaping has long been broken, and its traces, It is deeply imprinted in the bloodline of Seraph.

How is it possible to find this?

Yu Ziyu has a great fortune.

Not only does he have the divine tree that reaches the sky to tell the location of the other stone tablets, but he also has his own destiny. Talent - absolute evolution, transformed into the fifth Seraph, thereby stealing the highest inheritance of the Seraph lineage...

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu could only say:"The great supernatural power transforms the three pure things with one breath and he is destined to do so."...

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu saw a beautiful figure not far away, her eyes narrowed, and she said curiously:

"Lord Demon Emperor, what did you just grab?"

"A stone tablet."

In response, Yu Ziyu did not hide anything.

Then, she said bluntly:

"When I saw this stone tablet from a distance, I felt something in my heart, so I took it in... You also know that beings like us always have feelings about some things in the dark...."


Nodding, Ni Chang also agreed.

It's like she can sense the sacred parasol tree.

Even though she is thousands of miles away, she can immediately detect whether there is a sacred parasol tree.

Fengqi Wutong.

And as the most powerful being in the Phoenix Clan, she has even higher requirements for the sycamore tree.

Only the pure sycamore tree can attract her attention.

And such a sycamore tree is definitely not available in the starry sky.

Otherwise, she will definitely There is a feeling.

And this is an indescribable, unknown and wonderful feeling in the dark...

And now, the Demon King has a feeling about this... It must be related to his enlightenment.

Only The treasure that was enough to give him the possibility of enlightenment was why he traveled thousands of miles to find it.......

However, just when Yu Ziyu and Ni Chang had a rare chat, Ni Chang's expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

Sudden question, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

"I just felt the Phoenix Clan’s call for help."


With a sound of astonishment, Yu Ziyu's expression also changed.

Because, at this moment, he also sensed a signal for help from the Demon Court.

"It seems something happened...I feel it too..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel a little amused.

It’s really strange to feel like you’re deceiving yourself like this.

I've known for a long time that the void invades the starry sky. , but now, he actually wants to pretend not to know.

But, not bad.

Ni Chang is a very innocent girl, but easy to deceive.

For someone with a rich family, Yu Ziyu really wouldn’t be sure to hide it... certainly...At this time, it seems that it is not the time to care about this.

With a cold expression on his face, Yu Ziyu said in an extremely solemn voice:

"It seems that we must rush back"


Nodding slightly, Ni Shang, who was originally playful and cute, returned to her original frosty expression.

If it's in front of the Demon King, that's it. It's justifiable to show off like a little girl.

But now, the clan is asking for help, which involves life and death....

She will also regain her posture as the Lord of the Phoenix Clan.

"Lord Demon Emperor, let’s go..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ni Chang, who was rather cold and charming, was already riding a nine-color divine phoenix and flew across the starry sky.

However, don’t wait for Ni Chang’s reaction


There was a sudden roar, as if time and space were reversed, and Ni Chang felt that his figure had crossed several asteroid belts in an instant.

At this moment, Ni Chang raised her eyes and suddenly discovered that the Demon Emperor, a figure in golden imperial robes, was actually leading her on the way.

"This speed?"

Amidst the disbelieving voice, Ni Chang was also a little shocked.

How is it possible?

Such a terrifying speed, crossing the asteroid belt in almost an instant.

How terrifying this is.

However, at this moment, it seemed that he was aware of When Ni Chang was surprised, Yu Ziyu also rarely explained:

"I am best at escape, and I even created my own air escape, which can continuously fold space and shorten the distance between star fields...."

"Now that the situation is urgent, it is no longer time to hide one's clumsiness...."

Speaking one after another, Yu Ziyu raised his steps again and walked towards the central star field....


Nodding slightly, Ni Shang did not resist.

However, at this time, if you pay attention to Ni Chang's expression, you will definitely find that her expression is indescribably complicated.

I thought the Demon King was terrifying, but there was a limit.

But during this period of time together, she discovered that the demon emperor's terror seemed beyond her imagination.

Along the way, the two of them were together. She was already a guest in the Nine Realms of the Demon Emperor, discussing the Tao with the Demon Emperor in the small world of life.

At that time, she was shocked that the Demon King actually had nine small worlds.

And not long after, she discovered that the Demon King actually had a blood-red divine eye that could see through eternity.

And the veil she was so proud of turned out to be nothing in front of the Demon Emperor....

And this was also the reason why the Demon Emperor was stunned when he saw her take off her veil.

I wasn't surprised by her appearance, but I was surprised that she actually took off her veil....

Because of this incident, Ni Chang blushed again and again.

In her naive way, she had always thought that the Demon Emperor was stunning at her appearance, so she lost her mind.

So much so that she teased the Demon Emperor for a long time about this matter....

"How deep is this person hidden?..."

With more than one sigh in his heart, Ni Chang also wrote down the Demon Emperor's 'empty escape'.

Well, there was another power that shocked her. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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