Time passes slowly...

However, Yu Ziyu, who was in another time and space, seemed not to notice the passage of time, and his eyes were still focused on the green light suspended in the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, one treasure after another continues to penetrate this group of green light.

As if there is no end...

Accompanying this was a surge in momentum.

Yes, skyrocketing

"Boom, boom..."

With repeated breakthroughs, this green light aura continued to rise.

It has only been a while now, but it already has the aura of a fourth-level life form.

However, this is not an exaggeration.

What is really exaggerated is that the embryo-like figure in the green light is constantly growing.

In just a few breaths, he was already as big as a teenager.

Eyes closed.

Her complexion was like jade, and she was as handsome as a human being. Her long silver hair poured down like a waterfall.

However, it is a bit regretful that this young man is not alive at all, just like a body....

And this is what Yu Ziyu hopes to see most.

If this body is alive, it will not be beautiful.

After all, this is the third body that carries Yu Ziyu's"void elf body"...its existence itself is a container.

A container that holds Yu Ziyu’s third body...

The refining continued, and the increasingly terrifying aura continued to rise.

Visible to the naked eye, waves of spatial spiritual power are flowing around this body.

However, the most terrifying thing is...


With a loud shout, the space crystal, a rhombus-shaped illusory crystal, turned into a stream of light and shot into the eyebrows of this body.

Looking from afar, the diamond-shaped mark is inlaid.

Like a bit of cinnabar, left between the eyebrows, it actually gave this young man an extra touch of indescribable dignity.

"Ha ha..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

An almost perfect refining, with no flaws at all.

If we are really looking for regrets, it is that Yu Ziyu's refining techniques are still somewhat lacking, which has delayed it for too long.

But that doesn't matter.

After smiling, Yu Ziyu also condensed his eyes.

Accompanying this is,


Just hearing a roar, Yu Ziyu's consciousness, as vast as the power of heaven, was suddenly projected onto this body.

And at the same time,


Suddenly, the diamond-shaped mark between the young man's eyebrows shone brightly.

What's even more shocking is that his eyelids tremble slightly.

This young man actually had an indescribable anger... and, depending on the situation, he seemed to be waking up from a deep sleep.

Yes, wake up from your deep sleep


The inexplicable aura spread in time and space, and Yu Ziyu's body gradually became silent.

But now, there is only that young man, standing quietly in the sky.

A head of bright silver hair slowly fluttered, and as his eyelids trembled slightly, an increasingly terrifying aura also rose.

"What a perfect body..."

The sudden sound echoed in time and space.

But he saw the young man's fingertips trembling slightly.

And the very next moment,


The entire space seemed to be shattered, like cracks appearing on a broken mirror.

However, without waiting for ordinary people’s reaction,

"Click, click...

In the increasingly clear voice, a silver light suddenly appeared.

However, countless broken space fragments turned into sharp blades, spinning around this young man, seeming to be guarding and warning.

【Blade of Space - all space can be turned into a weapon, like a silver blade, capable of tearing apart everything...】

This is the magical power born from this body.

Moreover, it is also an extremely terrifying magical power.

As for why this body has given birth to such terrifying supernatural powers, it is naturally because this body is the body of the supreme Tao.

According to all races, it is the supreme divine body, or the natural holy body... an extremely terrifying body.

Anyone who can possess it is either a king or a saint.

And the owners of these 'supreme Tao bodies'...If it is not deliberately refined, there is mostly only one possibility.

That is...He is a direct descendant of Yongzun, and his bloodline is extremely noble.

In this way...How could he have such a terrifying body.

As for how terrifying this 'Supreme Tao Body' is?

Quietly closing her eyes, Yu Ziyu also savored it carefully


Take a deep breath and the space trembles.

Visible to the naked eye, two silver torrents, like silver dragons, poured in along the young man's nasal cavity....

In just one breath, you can expel vast amounts of spiritual power.

And, more importantly, gently clenching the fist


With the boy at the center, the entire space is as broken as a mirror...

The so-called 'space' was as fragile as paper in front of the boy.

And this is the terror of the Supreme Tao Body.

He was born with fourth-level combat power, or even beyond fourth-level combat power.

And cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking water...

Of course, such a supreme Taoist body is the only one in the starry sky today.

Moreover, it is owned by Yu Ziyu.

You know, it is not easy to refine such a body.

Not only does it require the purest heart of the world, a treasure such as the space crystal, but it also requires the acquisition of great supernatural powers to transform the three pure beings in one breath.

And this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that there is the tree of life, the sacred object of the elves, who is willing to spend 50% of his power to breed a perfect embryo.

This embryo is truly precious.

Even without Yu Ziyu's refinement, he can be said to have the noblest bloodline of the elves, and he has the potential to become the 'Elf King' in the true sense.

But now, supplemented by countless treasures, and the blessing of the great supernatural power, the secret method of transforming the three pure states into one qi...This body also transformed and transformed into the supreme Tao body.

Moreover, it is an extremely rare spatial attribute....

"Although this supreme Taoist body cannot yet be called perfect in an absolute sense, it is still 70% to 80% ready. As time goes by, it will definitely undergo a real qualitative change..."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also sank into his heart.

Now, he needs to make the final fusion.

Separate the body of the void elf that merged into the main body, and then completely merge with this body.

In this way, a 'Supreme Tao Body' with half-step dominance strength will appear....

And that will be Yu Ziyu's third body that truly transforms.

Perhaps when it comes to power, it is not as powerful as the Qinglong or even the Purple Dragon.

But in terms of dignity, there shouldn't be much difference. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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