However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu’s eyes also focused.

"What are you really thinking about?..."

Amid the sudden murmur, Yu Ziyu raised his eyes and looked outside the hall.


A clear chant...Quietly, there was a figure coming gracefully.

She is as beautiful as a god, with fair skin that can be broken by a blow, and even glows like crystal jade.

She has a noble temperament and is unearthly, like a fairy descending to earth...

However, she is more than noble and unearthly.

An indescribable temperament set off her, making people afraid to look directly at her...

And this is Ni Chang, who is known as the"most beautiful woman under the stars", the Lord of the Phoenix Clan, a person who is said to be beautiful and can capture the sixth-level giant...

And now, with a slight smile, this figure is also Nodding and saying:

"I'm Ni Shang. Please don't be surprised if I come to disturb you."


In the sudden response, the closed palace slowly opened.......

And not long after...

In the palace, two figures sat opposite each other, and there were countless delicacies presented to them.

"I don’t know, what’s the point of Ni Shang coming to see me?"

"This time I came here to ask the Demon King what he thought about establishing an alliance..."

Going straight to the topic, Ni Chang did not delay.

She is not good at talking.

Facing such a terrifying existence as the Demon King, even she couldn't help but dodge her eyes.

There was an indescribable panic.

Powerful, yet terrifying.

The unimaginable momentum made her whole body stiff.

It’s hard to imagine that there could be such a life form

"This is the seven turns of the physical body, the transformation of the essence of life...."

Amid growing shock, Ni Chang'er Research Institute couldn't help but remain silent.

It's no wonder that one after another the powerful men who came to look for the Demon Emperor alone kept silent.

Sitting opposite such a terrifying existence.

I'm afraid they can't bear the momentum alone.

This oppression is simply suffocating.

At this time, what Ni Chang didn't know was that she was the first strong foreigner to sit across from Yu Ziyu....

As for the others, they either have insufficient status or insufficient strength....

Don't say that they are not qualified to sit across from Yu Ziyu.

Even if they were asked to sit down, they would not dare...

As for Ni Shang, there is no need to say more.

Regardless of strength or identity, it is enough.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also rarely remained silent in response to Ni Chang's inquiry.......

The air ushered in a rare silence, and

Ni Chang's expression was visible to the naked eye.

What is worth mentioning here is that the veil on Ni Chang's face cannot block Yu Ziyu's eyes.

His divine eyes were slightly focused, no matter how powerful the spiritual weapon was, it was difficult to stop Yu Ziyu's eyes.

"She is indeed the most beautiful woman in the starry sky."

Praising secretly in his heart, Yu Ziyu then opened his mouth and said:

"Alliance, I do intend to form it..."

"But you know, everyone in the world is here for profit. If there is not enough profit, I don’t want to be the sword of all races. The Lord of the Void is certainly terrifying....The human heart is even more terrifying..."

"Who can guarantee that after the Lord of the Void suppresses me, no one will take action against me?..."

Yu Ziyu's face was rarely serious as he recounted one after another.


There was a moment of silence, and Ni Chang couldn't help but remain silent. really.

The Demon King is also a thorn in the hearts of all races.

Awe, awe.

But the Demon King who has attained enlightenment from the sacred tree is also touching.

If the Lord of the Void and the Demon King both lose,...I'm afraid someone will inevitably have their thoughts.

And this should be what the Demon King is most worried about.


After pondering for a long time, Ni Chang could only say:

"I can only guarantee that as long as the alliance lasts, we, the Phoenix Clan, will not take action against the Demon Emperor...."

"Moreover, I can also guarantee that if the Demon Emperor becomes the leader of the alliance... our Phoenix Clan will definitely defend the Demon Emperor's status in the alliance without going against our own interests...."...

There is no need to beat around the bush when talking to a being like the Demon King.

Direct, clear, this is the truth.

Otherwise, the Demon King would have noticed some of his inappropriate thoughts....That's the trouble......

The rare conversation lasted all afternoon.

And not long after, watching Ni Chang leave, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Do you know why the Phoenix Clan intends to form an alliance of all races to fight against the void?"


After a while of silence, the golden ant not far away also said bluntly:

"Subordinates don’t know"

"Because, just now, a void force suddenly attacked the Phoenix Clan...As a result, the Phoenix clan suffered heavy casualties, and even a living planet was destroyed....

Listening quietly, the golden ant was also slightly shocked. just now?

Moreover, there were heavy casualties, and every planet was destroyed....

Such a detailed battle situation is like seeing it with your own eyes.

And more importantly, it was in the Phoenix Clan, how did the master know

"No way..."

Suddenly murmuring, Golden Ant's expression suddenly changed.

Just because, at this time, he had already realized something...That's it, it's probably the master's handiwork...

"Owner...There is a connection with the Void Clan, and it is not an ordinary connection..."

Suppressing the shock in his heart, the golden ant couldn't help but fall silent.

For, the master controls part of the void forces.

Many cronies know it.

After all, Zi Si is not a secret to most of the powerful people in Demon Court.

But the problem is...Judging from the information revealed by the Lord’s current words,...The power of the void controlled by the master is probably quite large.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Phoenix Clan, the losses would never have been so heavy...

Of course, the Golden Ant did not dare to speculate too much about these.

It’s not that I don’t dare.

But can't.

Knowing too much is a very dangerous thing


Taking a deep breath, the golden ant also said bluntly:

"The master values ​​​​the position of the leader of the alliance very much."


Smiling, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"If it weren't for this position as the leader of the alliance, do you think I would still be here?"

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also patted Golden Ant on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Xiaowu...Work hard...Now I am looking forward to your future.."_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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