Along with it, a feeling of omnipotence flooded into Yu Ziyu's heart.

Yes, the feeling of omnipotence.

In a trance, he was able to create planets with one hand.

It's as if he can transcend time and space...

What's more, recalling the dead...

One incredible ability after another, he has mastered all at his fingertips...

And this is omnipotent...Omnipotent in the true sense of the word.

Even a terrifying existence as powerful as eternity is a power that cannot be compared.

However...It's such an incredible power...But it doesn't belong to him...

This is the power of heaven, the power of heaven in the vast starry sky...

And Yu Ziyu's current green dragon body has only stolen a little bit of power.

And even this little bit of authority gave him the feeling of being in control of everything.


A sigh...Yu Zi was also sorry.

This feeling of omnipotence is only experienced occasionally. really let him do it...There is nothing he can do.

Because, just as he continues to sublimate

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

The sound like the sliding of a chain suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

Looking around, one silver chain after another has been protruded from the vast whirlpool in the starry sky, and it is binding the body of the cyan dragon bit by bit....

The shackles of heaven...

This is a constraint and a default.

The power of Qinglong was restrained, preventing him from interfering with the balance of all things.

But it also truly acquiesces to his existence.

And for...Yu Ziyu would not resist this chain that bound her body.

If he dares to resist, he is afraid that divine punishment will come in the next second.

There are gains and there are losses...

The green dragon that has stolen the power of Heaven is certainly terrifying, but it also has shackles from Heaven that bind it.

Now, the only way to break this bondage is to collect the nine dragon balls, and then use the power of humanity to temporarily unlock the seal of the blue dragon.... and in exchange...Qing will grant any wish of the wisher...

And this is the meaning of Qinglong’s existence today...

As for, Yu Ziyu wants this body to fight or be used by him...That's impossible...

However, this is what Yu Ziyu expected.

"What I want is that the body of the blue dragon keeps growing..."

Suddenly murmuring, Yu Ziyu is also willing to be bound by the law of heaven.


Amidst the long dragon roar, chains pierced his body....

Power, all power, is a seal.

What's more, Yu Ziyu felt a suction force suddenly coming from the chain.

And this is actually the chain of heaven, trying to take Yu Ziyu away from the starry sky.

Existences like the Dragon of Heaven should not appear in the starry sky.

After all, it is an existence that affects the balance and should leave.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu grinned and said in the form of a blue dragon:

"I am capable of everything and yet I am capable of something..."

"Look for the dragon balls I scattered in the starry sky...In return, I will fulfill all your wishes..."

The moment the faint voice fell, Yu Ziyu's entire blue dragon body actually solidified, and then burst out with extremely bright blue light.


There was just a loud noise, like the sky was falling.

Under the almost blazing gazes of countless powerful men, the entire body of the blue dragon was split into nine parts and shot towards the starry sky in all directions.

But this time, it was even more exaggerated than before.

Because, the nine streams of light actually broke through the Milky Way star field and shot toward other star fields.

And its scope, if the guess is correct, should cover the entire Western Star Territory......

The more powerful the power, the more terrifying the difficulty of collecting it.

Only in this way will the power of humanity involved become more vast.

Otherwise, just summoning the dragon would be impossible.

After all, the current body of the blue dragon possesses too terrifying power.

If the lockdown is truly lifted, I am afraid that I will temporarily transform into an omnipotent existence like the Creator....

And this is the power of Yu Ziyu's third body - the body of the blue dragon...

It's just a pity that this kind of power is not used by Yu Ziyu..


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also felt a little regretful.

However, regrets are regrets, but Yu Ziyu is also satisfied.

Now, he has the main body and the body of a sky-reaching purple dragon. The combat power of two major master levels is enough.

And the body of a blue dragon? a more important role.

One is to steal the power of heaven to prepare for Yu Ziyu's future breakthrough.

The second one is to cooperate with Yu Ziyu to practice the great supernatural power to transform the three pure things with one breath.

And waiting for him to cultivate the true great magical power, one energy can transform the three pure beings. He should be able to use this terrifying great supernatural power to draw out the combat power of the blue dragon's body in the form of projection.

At that time, the sacred green dragon, the sky-reaching purple dragon, and the body of the void elf...Three big bodies flying across the sky...

It also has the ultimate sublimation of its body.

He is afraid that he is truly invincible in the world.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that the great supernatural power can transform the three pure beings with one breath, just to steal great good fortune and great opportunities.

And with the body of a blue dragon, a heavenly medium...I'm afraid that Yu Ziyu is on the road to stealing great fortune and great opportunities, and it will go smoothly beyond imagination....

"Tsk tsk..."

Grinning her lips, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it....

"Even more than that..."

In the sudden murmur, Yu Ziyu was thinking more profoundly...

Today's Qinglong, although he is bound by the law of heaven,...

But in the future, there is no possibility that he will replace him.

And waiting for him to replace it, the so-called seal is a joke. in this way...The power as if it were a creature will also fall under Yu Ziyu's control. certainly...This is just what Yu Yu thought about.

If it really comes to that one day, I'm afraid he will be more than the eighth level eternity....

At least, Yu Ziyu had never heard that there was someone in the era who had the power of a creator.

Even if there is a family of angels, the God who claims to be 'omnipotent' has only created the entire family of angels and followed his words and actions......

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