Big news, really big news, the number one person under the starry sky - Demon Emperor Demon Court actually collided with the mysterious master of the Void Clan....

However, even more shocking news came from the Titan clan.

With one palm, the Demon King and the mysterious master of the Void Clan each made a palm, which actually shattered the starry sky and even an asteroid belt.... now...Looking at the asteroid belt, I was shocked to find that the stars were annihilated and only one planet was floating quietly.

And that planet was clearly protected by the Demon King....

As for other planets...It's all wiped out and dissipated in the starry sky


Swallowing saliva...One after another, the strong men couldn’t help but be horrified....

"This is the Demon King...Powerful like a monster."

Deeply shocked, a strong man who came to this asteroid belt to observe the battlefield couldn't help but sigh.

"The Demon King is indeed terrifying, but the Lord of the Void is not bad either."

Taking a breath of cold air, the other strong men couldn't help but remain silent.

I have to say...This battle really shocked them.

Just the aftermath is so terrifying.

From this we can imagine how terrifying their real strength would be....

At this time, not to mention the first confrontation between the Demon King and the Lord of the Void, it has become a relic for many powerful people to observe....

And now...Yu Ziyu returned to Demon Court


After calming down the fluctuations in spiritual power, Yu Ziyu was just like an ordinary person, sitting high on the throne.

However, at this time, if you look carefully at the corners of his mouth, you will definitely find that the curvature of the corners of his mouth is slightly raised.

"Hum hum...Just as I planned..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also calmed down and recalled the details of this fight.

For now, there should be nothing missing.

In other words, the hope of exposure is very slim.

However, just in case, Tzuyu still needs to recall it so that if there are any deviations, he can make up for it.......

Time passed slowly, and the news of the collision between the Demon King and the Lord of the Void spread throughout the starry sky.

There were even several other strong men from the big star field who came to observe the battlefield.

Nowadays, with the continuous contact between all races, a large starry sky portal is also being built everywhere.

Compared with the previous journeys that took several years or decades to travel across the stars, a lot of time has been saved.

In particular, some ultra-long-distance starry sky portals can transform hundreds of star fields within a short distance.

It can be imagined from this that the starry sky now...How connected. certainly...The cost of using such a pass is also quite high.

If you don’t have a certain amount of financial resources, you may not be able to use it....

And it’s worth mentioning here...The portals throughout the Star Territory are controlled by the Demon Court, the Angel Clan, and the Titan Clan, and the Demon Clan enjoys 60% of the benefits....In fact, there are 20%.

And this is also a reflection of the Demon Court's status.

Today, the Western Star Region...Demon Court is the well-deserved number one force.

It is also a terrifying force that can truly compete with the Dragon Clan.....

However, at this moment...

"It's almost time to look for the last few stone tablets..."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu, who was already used to making plans behind his back, also started his next plan....

Now, the Void Clan's invasion has gained experience.

And all the races in the starry sky also have a tendency to join forces.

It's time to step up the pressure on the stars.

And this time...Yu Zi’s choice is the God Clan.

Protoss...One of the most powerful forces in the starry sky.

This race is very scary.

Powered by faith, it is indelible.

No matter what era, they are top-notch existences.

If this race hadn't relied too heavily on the 'power of faith'...I'm afraid its evaluation is a few grades higher.

And now...Yu Zi intended to plunder this race.

The foundation of the God Clan is not generally profound.

If you can plunder one or two...It's also a big improvement for him.

And that's not to mention...Yu Yu has always been very interested in the supreme heritage of the God Clan - the Spear of Destiny.

"Then, let's take action on him."

Smiling, the deepest part of the void, the purple dragon sitting high on the throne, also slowly opened its eyes.


Amidst the surging purple light, a great pressure also emerged.

Immediately afterwards,


Accompanied by the earth-shattering dragon roar, an indescribable purple true dragon soared into the sky and surged towards the vast void.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The terrifying power continued to spread, shattering the void.

At this moment, when he raised his eyes, Yu Ziyu's majestic dragon eyes looked down at the entire void like a god.

"The battle begins..."

Among the low roars, the voice of Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body reached through the sky.

"Yes, the Lord of the Void."

In unison, countless void creatures looked up to the sky and roared.

Now, under the leadership of Original Sin,...

Conquest is a feast of the void.

It’s also a carnival.

Only by fighting can they become stronger.

Only by fighting can they have enough food

"Roar, roar..."

"Yin, Yin..." growl, growl...The carnival coming to the void started again at this time.

And this time...It’s even more the same as before.

Just because, slowly raising his head, what caught the eyes of countless void creatures was a true dragon that penetrated the entire void....

The dragon's body is winding and coiled in the eternal void.

Never seen before...The back is not tail, and its body shape actually covers the entire void....

And the purple-red scales, which were as huge as mountains, glowed with a deep luster, as dazzling as stars.

The Lord of the Void - the Sky-reaching Purple Dragon, a terrifying existence that transcends all.

And now...In the name of the Lord of the Void, he is preparing to launch a war, a truly vast war.

"We, please obey the instructions of the Lord of the Void"

"We, please obey the instructions of the Lord of the Void"...

Amid the chorus of calls, many members of Original Sin knelt down on one knee at the top of the wave of void.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu, who was hanging high in the sky, also lowered his eyes, staring at the human figures one after another.

Humanoid void creature...In the sky, there is an existence that stands at the top.

Under the leadership of Yu Ziyu, also known as Tongtian Purple Dragon...Many void creatures respect humanoid void creatures.

In fact, many void warriors who have not joined Yu Ziyu's command are evolving into humanoid void creatures....

And this is how he makes the rules, the rules of the void. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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