"Aren’t you afraid that I will steal your Buddhist inheritance?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu, who was sitting high on the throne, also felt a little playful.

"Of course I don't mind..."

In response, the half-Buddha also said bluntly:

"The Buddha saves the destined people. If the Demon Emperor can understand the principles of Buddhism, he will be one of my Buddhas....In this case, it’s too late for us to be happy, so why would we mind?..."


After a while of silence, Yu Ziyu also took a deep look at the old man.

It must be said that Buddhists are all eloquent people.

Just like now, even Yu Ziyu cares a little about what this half-Buddha said.

"Is there a destined person in Fodu?..."

After smiling, Yu Ziyu didn't care too much.

Then, after a simple meeting, Yu Ziyu also ordered Jiuwei and others to entertain the half-Buddha.

As for, of course he was going to deal with what a demon king should do.

As the Demon King, he has many things.

The reason why I can spare the time to meet this half-Buddha master is because he is the master of Buddhism. He has a distinguished status....

However, before leaving, Yu Ziyu also promised:

"If Buddhism needs it, I will take action...Of course this premise..."

Before the words could even be finished, Half Buddha also promised:

"My Buddhist Sutra Pavilion will be opened to the Demon King...."

"Ha ha..."

With a loud laugh and a roll of robe, Yu Ziyu's figure disappeared silently in the eyes of this half-Buddha.

"It’s really unfathomable."

Suppressing the shock in his heart and looking at the gradually disappearing afterimage, the Half-Buddha couldn't help but be shocked.

Because, the figure who just spoke to him turned out to be just the afterimage after the Demon King left.

And This is the contemporary demon emperor...


Taking a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart, this half-Buddha also stepped on the golden lotus and chose to leave the Demon Court.

Now, since the discussion has been completed, the next step is to wait for the evil spirit to appear.

And wait for him to appear...On the day of his death.

Deep in his eyes, a rare flash of cold light flashed, and this half-Buddha also had murderous intentions in his heart.......

At this moment, a meeting room in the Demon Court

"Nine Tails, Emperor Ji...

"The subordinates are here."

In the chorus of responses, Jiuwei and Diji slowly emerged from the discussion.

At this time, seeing these two figures appearing, Tzuyu also calmly ordered:

"Search with all your strength...God knows everything about them."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also added:

"Remember, covert operation, I don't want anyone to know..."

"Yes, Lord Demon Emperor."

Looking at each other, Jiuwei and Di Ji Ling'er also understood....

This should be important.

It is most likely related to the master's grand plan, otherwise he would never have given such an order.

"Well, I believe you..."

Nodding slightly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth also curled up slightly.

These places are where the remaining stone tablets of the Great Divine Power Transformed into the Three Pure Ones.

Fortunately, he had heard of the zombie family.

But the Celestial Clan, and even the extremely dark places in the corners of the starry sky, were unfamiliar to him.

Therefore, it was inevitable to send Kyuubi and the others to investigate.

However, inquiring is inquiring.

But you still have to think twice before taking action against them.

After all, if someone discovers that Demon Court is inquiring about information about these forces, and then the Void Clan takes action against these forces one after another, they may make some strange guesses.

Therefore, in order to put an end to such thoughts, Yu Ziyu will attack more starry forces as the Heavenly Purple Dragon.

Maybe, ten, maybe twenty...

Among these forces, the only ones that Yu Ziyu really wanted to attack were the ones with hidden stone tablets.

To confuse the public, that's what they say

"The forces in the Western Star Region must also look for opportunities to take action....cannot be treated differently...Angel Clan, the guide has performed well recently...Then the Titans..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu included the Titan clan on the list.

In addition to the Titan clan, Yu Ziyu also included the God clan on the list.

The gods are very scary.

However, this force should never, never provoke the Demon Court, and it certainly shouldn't have the godless weapon - the Spear of Destiny.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu needs to test it out as the 'Tongtian Purple Dragon'.

As for, will it be erased by the gun of destiny?

That's not possible.

Now Yu Ziyu's second body - the body of the purple dragon that reaches the sky has undergone a qualitative change, and its combat power is comparable to that of a master, and it is even close to the first or second level of a master who can break through the heavenly gate....

And if he activates the form of the 'Infinite Dragon God', and then uses his great supernatural powers to transform the Three Pure Ones together and extract the power of Yu Ziyu's body and the Dragon of Heaven, his terror will probably increase.

And at that time...Even without the Imperial Soldier's Spear of Destiny, he should be able to protect himself.

And, more importantly, compared to the main body testing the divine clan's supreme treasure, the Spear of Destiny, it is better to use the Sky-Bearing Purple Dragon.

The Purple Dragon, which reaches the sky, can heal its wounds in the depths of the void even if it is severely injured.

But if Yu Ziyu's body is severely damaged, pairs of greedy eyes will peep at her.

And this is not what Yu Ziyu wants to see.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu suddenly said:

"Wings, do you know what race the Celestials are?"

"The Celestial Clan is very mysterious...However, this race should not be underestimated, because they have also experienced the terrifying existence of having insight into all things, transcending life and death, and transcending reincarnation...."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was also startled.

"Beyond life and death, beyond reincarnation..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also understood the meaning of Emperor Bingyi... This should be a supreme power comparable to the 'God of the Angel Clan, the Creator of the Titan Clan' and other existences....

Only such strong people can be called 'beyond life and death, beyond reincarnation'..’

"That being said...A race that really should not be underestimated."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also kept an eye on it.

He put this force at the end of the list.

The persimmons should be picked softly....This should also be the case for things like plundering all races. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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