Yu Ziyu selectively ignored the purple eyes he just saw.

Just because, at this time, his focus is on himself

"Click, click...

There were crisp sounds one after another, but Yu Ziyu continued to extend his body, impacting this purple eggshell.

However, I don’t know if every life that breaks out of its shell has to go through a lot of hardships. Yu Ziyu actually feels that breaking out of the shell is particularly difficult.

This purple, seemingly thin eggshell is actually terrifyingly hard.

Even his current body was not broken in the first place...

"Still need to adapt to today's new body."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care much about this.

The harder the eggshell is, the more terrifying Yu Ziyu's transformation is.

After all, this purple eggshell is an extension of the power of the purple dragon.

And Now...


There was a sudden roar, but Yu Ziyu began to surge with spiritual power.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The vast sea of ​​spiritual power boiled in an instant, causing Yu Ziyu's entire body to burst out with bright purple light.

And the very next moment,


The earth-shattering dragon roar exploded violently


The dragon's roar is long, powerful, and extremely penetrating.

Visible to the naked eye, large tracts of void are shattered like mirrors.

What's more, what's even more terrifying is that...In this vast void...There was actually a dragon-shaped shadow rising into the sky from the purple dome....

And this is the aura of Yu Ziyu's purple dragon....

The momentum turned into substance and dispersed the purple clouds that condensed in the void.

It also declares to the entire void...

Announce the arrival of a great life

"Break it for me..."

With a loud shout, Yu Ziyu's rising momentum reached an extreme.

And the very next moment,


There was just a crisp sound, and countless purple eggshells burst out.

Each piece turns into a stream of light and shoots out in all directions.

Its terrifying speed even tore apart the vast void.

Looking from a distance, it looks like purple shooting stars, scattered in the sky, with an indescribable beauty.

However, what is even more beautiful is the purple dragon rising into the sky.

It is different from the previous unruly and even evil ones.

Now, the purple dragon soaring into the sky is unexpectedly elegant and noble. Its horns are as beautiful as coral, embodying the most brilliant purple light in the world.

And its figure is even more slender and graceful...

As for its scales, they are purple-red, as if they are extremely dark red....Faintly, you can see the purple meaning passing through...

However, the most suffocating thing was that look.

What kind of eyes are those, so deep?...Invisible. just stare...It's like staring from the abyss... suffocating, yet terrifying.

It even makes people stop breathing. In a daze, the heartbeat stops...

"This is the body now..."

After a chuckle, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but become speechless, and seemed to be even more handsome.

If he were placed in the Dragon Clan, he would definitely be the master who would make countless female dragons become nymphomaniacs...

However, this is not important....

What's important is that extremely powerful power.

Compared to the sixth level, it is ten times, even dozens of times more powerful.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that...His existence seems to go straight to the source...Its spiritual power is actually endless.

Yes, endless.

And this is no exaggeration.

Just because, in his body, a purple vortex condensed in his heart.

And that is the embodiment of the infinite law - the endless vortex... connecting his existence to the void...

The void is immortal, and his spiritual power is endless.

And the only thing that affects it is the boundless whirlpool. The spiritual power that pours into Yu Ziyu's body at the same time is limited....

In other words, if Yu Ziyu bursts out all his spiritual power in one breath, he will not recover all of it immediately, but will only recover part of his spiritual power for a limited time.

Just because it takes a certain amount of time for the power of the void to flow into Yu Ziyu's body.

And if Yu Ziyu masters the balance between these, then he can achieve endless spiritual power...As if it will never be exhausted... but...This is not all that has changed...

As if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also looked at the eggshell fragments scattered in all directions.

This is a real treasure, its quality is no less than an ordinary seventh-level artifact, and more importantly, this eggshell is an extension of his power and even bloodline, equivalent to a part of his body...

And now...

With a grin on her face, Yu Ziyu also suddenly let out a dragon roar.


The thundering dragon roar sounded again, but it seemed like a summons.

And the very next moment,

"Swish, swish, swish...

Countless purple streams of light actually flew back and rushed toward Yu Ziyu's current body.

"The six wings of the void, unfold them for me...."

Amidst the sudden roar, three pairs of purple illusory wings that covered the sky and sun spread out behind Yu Ziyu's dragon body.

And this is exactly what the imperial weapon's sacred sixteen wings were transformed into - the wings of the void.

However, this is the power from the void after all, and is not suitable for Yu Ziyu's body. so...Yu Ziyu also gave it to the Tongtian Purple Dragon. but...Because of the origin of these six wings, it presents an illusory quality.

However, at this moment...

"Ha ha..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's thoughts also moved.

Visible to the naked eye, the countless purple eggshells that flew back turned into the most brilliant purple torrent, and then surged towards the illusory six wings behind Yu Ziyu...

Since it is an illusion, let it become reality and truly become the six wings of the void of the purple dragon....

In this way, the power of the Six Wings of the Void can be maximized.

Moreover, what is more important is that the Tongtian Purple Dragon will also obtain a seventh-level extreme weapon....

No... not just the seventh level...

It is an extremely powerful weapon that is very likely to grow to the eighth level - Wings of the Void....

The bloodline is extended, and the six wings become part of the body. Naturally, they will also receive gifts from the"Supreme Infinite Law"...thus growing...

At that time, the eighth-level imperial weapon - Wings of the Void, will also come to the world....

This is the exclusive imperial weapon of Tongtian Purple Dragon, and it is also his imperial weapon that comes from the void.

Unparalleled, even more unique...

Just because this imperial weapon, the Wings of the Void, actually carries the supreme and infinite law, thus gaining extremely terrifying potential.

In other words, it is an Imperial Weapon with extremely terrifying growth potential...

The Imperial Weapon is inherently terrifying....Then, it can grow infinitely...

What does this mean?

Nobody knows.

However, one thing is for sure...from the deepest void——‘This is how"Forbidden Weapon" was born._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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